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Participation ciudadana y democracia | Juan Francisco Trujillo | TEDxQuito

is that an electoral process is approaching
we face a reality a bit
comical a little sad at the same time we have
to choose between the most handsome the least
bad the one we know of all of life or
the outsider an authentic Russian roulette and
these days are only possible thanks
the snacks you find yourself in
outside the precincts by
nothing the head
I am part of a generation that
he grew up in the middle of a crisis to everything
social institutional policy level
between the late 1990s and early
the 2000s we saw seven
presidents parade through carondelet in
ten years and then one in the entire decade
we have already changed almost 40 years
of a convulsed democracy
where the participation processes have
been reduced or already flat
this generation really has
diverse interests and what happens is that
we have been living one of the
most important and drastic revolutions
of the history of mankind the
digital revolution
and this revolution has made us
blame some political apathy not us
Interested in what is happening with our
country or who governs it but I think
that is not so much
it seems to me that the Aristotelian maxim of
that we are political animals is more
In effect, what never happens is that
formats have changed between the and the
Politics of course is not alien to
that change
today I come to talk about what we can
do as citizens to have a
better democracy and for that I bring the
example of an initiative of which I am
it’s called ecuador decides and was born in
December 2016 with a character
eminently plural citizen and
independent of political forces or of
political parties in general
thanks to the support center
research that is 14 years old
experience and believed in the potential of
this project
the main objective closing this gap
information that had existed between
citizenship and politics where very spheres
accustomed to looking at each other from afar as
if they were strangers
and as in any project that is born
We had many questions in our heads
for example how to make a policy
public where it comes from where comes a
campaign offer and how we can
ensure that that offer does indeed
is fulfilled
good had to gather some elements
key on the one hand innovate to generate
incidence and taking into account that
in this process there are many actors
involved for example candidates
also civil society but
fundamentally citizenship people
like me people like you who need
access timely information and
understand the electoral processes of a
more broadly the technology by
course it gives us a chance
interesting because it means changing
formats and convert them into
and accessible spaces for people
can access information in
different areas
let’s now put a key question
who could say that he participated
actively in the last process
few not good what happens is that
we are very used to thinking about
the electoral processes as only
the day we are going to vote but
the truth is that we have a cycle here
a kind of circle that is missing
go rands where the day of the
voting by the way is one of the
most important points but there are also
things happening before and after we’re not going to
put the case of pepe a citizen
average that goes to the polls
but actually going to vote is the tip
of the iceberg and what the pp does not know is
that many things happening down there the
work of this project has passed
just to visualize all this
let’s pretend that it’s a
ladder with missing rungs
our work has passed precisely because
go placing those steps in an order
where we are pointing to a
partition a little more participation
Effectiveness of the main actors
then what are they and how have we gone?
placing we are going to do a review very
the first very important point would be
listen to the candidates who we
have to say the proposals that we
brings and for that the debate is undoubtedly
one of the most effective tools
the debate understood as the exchange
of ideas and not as much as a ring of
boxing that is how we sometimes think
it’s not a bad word either because the
we have banished a bit of the language
citizen but actually the debates
are important processes that are going to
allow to know those proposals that
then they will land in reality
in ecuador decides we think in space
dialogues and debates with candidates and
candidates to the national assembly in the
2017 elections in five provinces
of the country participated then 44
candidates in total of 16 organizations
we had 100,000 people following in
I live and live the incidences of
these spaces via social networks because
of course one can fill a theater and there
people who come in person to see it
like today but there is much more than
different factors can not be
we also think of them
then it’s time to inform you and this
it’s re wash a little more staff more
individual’s citizenship is knowing those
government plans such proposals
they are somewhere
and we have to know how to interpret them
good it turns out that in Ecuador the plans
of government do not have a format
defined there is one that you can find
of five pages and another of more than 100
then that poses a major challenge
because on the one hand
we do not have the possibility of joining the
same issues and on the other these issues
are disparate what we raised here was
the platform called informal vote
a space in which the candidates and
candidates for the presidency in this case
in 2017 they could raise the
citizenship their main proposals in
the same format and pointing to themes
keys that all of us are interested in
education institutional reforms fight
against corruption thinking about that
worker in that student who does not
have time to search the
newspapers or enter the page of the
electoral council to look at the plans
but rather needs something fast
that can be seen on the bus or in the car
while at a stoplight think
just in those different formats
dynamic and multiple gather everything
on a single platform
then you have to mention something
important we had the network as an ally
largest social organization in the world and this
allowed the opportunity to put in
practice a tool with the
citizen as a primary focus a
special button that appeared on the
news section of users who
had as their place of residence the
Ecuador and that they were older than 16
What is the age to vote?
we repeat this process already in the
referendum and popular consultation of 2018
now with social organizations and
policies that were in favor of the sig and
in favor of not taking into account
course the seven questions that were
raised with infographics with videos
apart from the proposals
the third step in this cycle would be the
training that is very important
because one needs to know the
tools that you will then be able to use
those that suddenly have at hand but
not known here our experience step
for giving people a course of
participation mechanisms that make you
precisely knowing that cycle from which
I started talking at the beginning
here we had
60 participants from 9 provinces of the
country that were in four modules
they learned practical tools and
they also had online courses for
facilitate the interaction given that
they were in different parts of the country and
they were people who worked so much in
local governments political parties
but also citizens in general
to find out and participate but not
are on an active political platform
then it comes
the opportunity to make proposals as
you already know these mechanisms you have to
Also available the opportunity to
generate your own proposals from the
needs that you have as a person
common and current but that suddenly
look at the problems that happen to your
this can be your neighborhood your city or your
country here the experience is called
citizenizing politics and this
component step by making proposals for
public policy already from the citizenship
here we had issues like violence of
gender education baccalaureate for
young people who have not been able to finish the
school and school year but also
for example sustainable mobility a subject
that affects a lot the big cities
here in the country and around the world
four of these proposals achieved
impact directly and enter the
government agenda were presented
in 2017 and after a process now
is it so
steps away from being also already political
public that have a rectory and that
They will effectively become
city ​​in solutions for citizenship
the fifth point after passing this
process would be to verify and
evaluate and how you can do this as
we have the experience of a platform
what we call from the saying to the fact and this
it’s a bit of going from the proposals to
practice you in the government plan
candidate x proposed us this as such
thing and let’s see how it has advanced by
that with the arrival to power of the new
president we inaugurated this process that
He went on to build a platform that
allow us to effectively check the
Government advances in six themes
main six strategic areas and
taking into account three periods at
meet the first 100 days then to
6 months and in the first year
It is a key period because it is where
is building the project
government that will have a total of 4
years but the first year where they happen
things both there were budgets like
suddenly what are you raising how
you will take it to practice from the
planning but it was not just there
because we understand that it is very important
give these tools pass also
to have an effective use by the
people then even though we provide
a qualification that by the way is not
based only on subjective opinions but
that has indicators that are going to go
allowing to know the advance beyond
of the personal opinion that you have
also citizens can give their
own voting give them their own
qualification you can access to vote
You can see a video where it tells you which
were the main milestones that met
or not the government and of course also
you can leave your comments
It is part of a very important process
that has to do with empowerment
cash is to say happens can we can
be at a critical point but also
know effectively what have been
the progress or not of a management in
then in this way we are closing
the cycle that once it reaches its
last point will also go back to
start and this happens to know the
proposals of the candidates to give
follow up and also go knowing little
little by little his results
is to move from complaint to criticism
what is it to move from complaint and criticism to
the action is part of a process of
very important empowerment in which
we have to think about us as the axis
central the citizen as the actor
principal of this story that for a
side has been away for many years
but you have the opportunity to be
present in the electoral processes
beyond to vote each
two three or four years according to our
systems are being imposed on us and more
Beyond having a paper or a certificate
that allows us to do another kind of
procedures here the most important example
that leaves me ecuador decides is the
possibility that we have to collaborate
from different sectors from the
academy from the civil society of
own government in a process that has
what to do with co-responsibility because
for a proposal to pass
effectively to the
there has to be a whole process in the
that we as citizens have the
opportunity to follow him closely
I want to tell you also that one of the
most important things that I can leave
as a message is that for me
it does not matter so much where the
proposals because today I brought the case
of Ecuador but we are talking about the
same problems in democracies
around the world mexico israel usa
canada africa towards all facing the
same challenges and the same problems
suddenly democracies that need
consolidate who are thinking about the
institutionality but that also
they have threats from by means of regimes
authoritarians and personalists who
hover around the world and we
we have the opportunity to respond to
these challenges and we have the opportunity to
be remembered as the generation that
He did something to solve
those problems or just stayed
sitting I know that a click suddenly does not
is can be interpreted as simple
sofa activism
but it can also be the start for a
fundamental change a change of
and think about and rethink democracy the
type of system and the type of democracy
what we want and there is an element without
that all this really would be impossible
we need to break the indifference
the dream that we have the passion that
we have come to share today with
you because they are because it is for
you for whom we work with more
hard every day and every time
we need that in every process that
comes in your participation be much more
there and much more active and bigger and
thank you very much
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