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Narrow Vehicles: A New Understanding of Personal Mobility | Ian Bruce | TEDxStuttgart

so the automobile at any point in its
131 year history the automobile
represents the highest expression of the
art and engineering talents of mankind
it leverages every invention up the
ladder of innovation since the beginning
of time from fire to the wheel to
computers to space technologies
satellite navigation systems and even
now artificial intelligence and as smart
as our vehicles have become we’re still
in charge
so we’re responsible for the problems
that’s created and the ones yet to come
there are at this time about 1 billion
vehicles on the planet and that number
is expected to increase to 2 billion by
2050 in California alone where I’m from
we put about 2 million new vehicles on
the road every year
that’s 170,000 new vehicles per month
and as a population of vehicles has
increased so too is their size what
hasn’t changed is their purpose
and that that’s from getting from point
A to point B mobility is all about
getting from point A to point B in the
most efficient way in the simplest way
possible how do we drive well
77% of all driving is single passenger
that’s one person in the vehicle
90% of commuting is single passion sir
but what is the fastest-growing
automobile segment in the world right
now is SUVs the idea that you have to
have six or seven seats in the vehicle
to transport one or two people from
point A to point B needs to be
re-examined and right now as much as 33
percent of the land in major cities is
being used for parking cars
and that’s not an accident that’s by
design regulations in the United States
and around the world mandate that there
is a certain amount of parking space for
homes for factories for businesses for
transportation networks airports train
stations and it’s estimated that about
30 percent of the traffic in cities is
used or occurs just because people are
searching for a parking spot on average
in New York City people spend about 20
minutes looking for a parking spot some
people spend as much as 40 minutes
looking for a parking spot this is a
drone photo from Golden Week in China in
2015 and as bad as the traffic problems
are in the United States and in the
developed world it’s only worse in
developing worlds I mean I know China I
in fact I’m probably the only person who
actually has a Chinese driver’s license
in this world what’s needed is a new
understanding of personal mobility
there’s a category of vehicles has been
forgotten in a rush to get to where we
are and that is basically something that
combines the energy efficiency of
motorcycles the ease of parking the
operating cost of maneuverability with
the safety comfort all-weather operation
and driving these driving ease of cars
this idea began in the 1970s Frank
Winchell working for General Motors
developed the lean machine it’s a narrow
vehicle with a small engine that gets up
to 150 miles per gallon it was a
prototype it was not a successful
vehicle simply because we didn’t have
the technological means to make it a
reality it has an awkward driving
control system it’s too small by today’s
standards however now we do have the
technology to make this a reality the
advantages of a 1 meter class vehicle
or the superior part weight ratio the
lower coefficient of drag a reduced use
of materials the smaller energy impacted
the smaller traffic impact and the
smaller parking impact this is probably
the easiest thing to visualize
aerodynamically cars spent about 40
percent of their energy simply pushing
air out of the way narrow vehicles are
much more aerodynamic much more
fuel-efficient and still provide the
same per person seating area that a car
so the standard is one read or water
less one to two passengers drive-by-wire
steering electric or hybrid euro-6
highway capable speeds and meets end cap
safety standards and this is what that
vehicle might look like the amount and
the size of vehicles has a big impact on
travel time at a few more vehicles to
the mix and the amount of time that it
takes you to get to your destination
increases exponentially
having narrow vehicles allows us to
create these small vehicle commuter
lanes which effectively takes four lanes
of traffic and makes them into six lanes
of traffic and once you arrive at your
destination narrow vehicles only take up
about half of the parking space of their
compact cousins the next big thing I was
just going to touch on this for a little
while but I think it’s important
on-demand aviation recent technological
advances in batteries in motors have
allowed this new class a vertical
takeoff and landing aircraft several
companies including two in Germany are
working on this technology and they’re
calling these air taxis this would use
small vertebrates using existing
infrastructure the tops of buildings
parking lots highway interchanges to
create these vertibirds these landing
zones for these vertical takeoff and
landing vehicles our own solution is
creating an autonomous dockable platform
creating a true door-to-door situation
true door-to-door solution for these
he’s gonna be also used for emergency
vehicles police and ambulances and again
I’m sorry I’ve completely forgotten my
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