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My Life In A Playlist | Van Partible | TEDxLoyolaMarymountUniversity

since today’s thing is creating
conversation I want to share with you my
most favorite way to enrich and deep in
conversation in the community create a
playlist or make a mixtape for those of
you who are old school but create a
but not just any playlist I want to
challenge you to take it a step further
see I teach a turkey design class here
at Loyola Marymount does that foundation
and every year I tell my students
imagine that Hollywood has created a
movie of your life and that movie needs
a soundtrack now what care go through
your whole music files and I want you to
find 20 songs that describe your life
your whole entire life and now I can put
them into a playlist and then I want you
to do this this is the most important
part how much great true to three
sentences as to why each song is
important I did this with my class
because I want to make sure that they
can look into their past and find out
what makes them unique so they can in
turn create characters that are unique
for my talk today I want to give you the
opportunity to put your life in
perspective you see the songs that you
listen to and the playlists that we make
they say a lot about ourselves and music
has this unique unique quality that is
able to capture experiences and emotions
that go way beyond the music and lyrics
so I’m not a magic 8-ball so I can’t
tell you your destiny but what I can
offer you is the opportunity to explore
the foundation of your truth so that you
can see if you are where you’re supposed
to be I do that I want to share with you
a few songs from my playlist
I call it my life in a playlist when
it’s time to change
you’ve got to rearrange I’m sure you
remember season 5 episode 1 that is the
episode where Greg Brady he he gets
discovered by a talent agent and then he
quits the brady singing group and he
changes his name to Johnny Bravo the
99.9% of you who have never googled my
name what the piña gets it right by
saying that my full name is Ephraim
Giovanni Bravo party Blair inspired my
name is a from Giovanni Bravo party so
your body is Italian for John my mom
loved Italian names and Bravo is my
mom’s that’s my purse snap shot the
first snippet anyways if I were to walk
you through my life I have what’s called
a Hollywood story so I was born in the
Philippines in this little barrio
outside of Manila called bottom of Hana
my parents immigrated here along with my
two brothers and we ended up living in
Salinas California the lettuce capital
of the
so there I grew up as a latchkey kid so
I watched a lot of TV read a lot of
comic books basically became an
entertainment junkie which served me
well when I got to LMU they accepted me
with all those credentials but here I
was a studio arts major with an
animation emphasis we had no animation
maker here at that time so it was an
animation emphasis and for my senior
thesis I had to create a film and what I
did is I took that film and I was able
to sell it to hanna-barbera on the
Cartoon Network that fell became not a
problem so it was basic at least I sold
my seniority system TV show shown all
over the world it’s fun spin-offs and
video games it was just this amazing
ride I’ve been told that my story has
been shared with similar students who
want to come to you and create their own
Hollywood story but the thing is it’s a
Hollywood story Hollywood really good at
selling itself so let me ask you this
when I tell you this time this for when
you hear these Hollywood stories do you
find them inspirational or depressing
does it make you think oh I could do
the old admin in this week airline this
when I was when I graduated telling you
I was kind of lost I was pretty lost
when I told you a second ago with my
Hollywood story and like most halogen
stories it has to leave it seems because
we all have different narratives it’s
like I’m telling the story no Hollywood
yay good idea happiness for example and
like deleted scenes when I graduated
here I was sleeping on my friend’s couch
for the first few months one job that I
was hoping for never panned out even
when I got Johnny Bravo I was fired
after the first season due to my lack of
experience so the next three seasons
were done about me
they bouncing back on four years later
but only after a year of unemployment
going from job interview the job
that’s why I’m here I’m here today to
tell you that when you’re living out a
dream see Chris Miller and fellow that
the guys who created the movie where the
song came from film often talks about
failure he has this quote that says I
want to feel by being conservative I
want to fail by doing something that no
one else has done so I kind of took that
after I finished Johnny Bravo I thought
I want to do a show about an alpha
female because I get an alpha male you
know something for my daughter I just
had a daughter at that point in time
what I learned when I was doing this
this his development picture this was
show for a girl was that studios didn’t
want shows for girls they basically and
there was a king Hospital Powerpuff
Girls but they were those are the kind
of things that they could explain away
but research has shown that boys watch
boys shows girls watch boys shows but
boys didn’t watch girls chills so it was
a hard sell that was the story that I
was told on the flip side before I start
making you all sad and stuff the neat
thing is the stories changed because
right now currently the student
population across the u.s. in terms of
animation students has gone up for women
so it’s like 66 percent women in the
animation programs so there’s this
change going on right now which is right
now I’m working on a show with a girl at
one of the network’s and developing a
girl like try to do it before that was
2003 things have changed super super
super cool so think about my story is
that a lot of stories but many of us
have stories and excuses it’s like I’m
sure you all use the excuse of I’m
trying to get your own time but there’s
traffic or you know the server went down
so I couldn’t get that paper done
the problem with starts in this case is
that a lot of us live in our stories and
excuses like their jobs it’s like I
can’t get that job it’s like really high
every internally or I can’t get that job
like I don’t have the right skill set or
how am I supposed to get a job I
now have you ever wished that you can
rewrite your story before you do that I
would suggest that you actually read
your story let me unpack that have you
ever read a book watched a movie and
thought write it like that whatever
happen if the storyteller had been doing
their job correctly they would have laid
the foundation for the unbelievable to
be believable y’all know what Easter
eggs are right these traits
not the ones from the Easter Bunny but
Easter eggs like those little hidden
items put in like T’s movies or
different media that kind of foretell
things to come like in that movie The
Sixth Sense that you see The Sixth Sense
there’s at the moment where booth
schoolís realizes the secret and then
the movie flashbacks all these different
things that happen and the audience is
left going yes yes that’s correct that’s
that’s so crazy things you saw my
question to you did I say that before
that’s where the question my next
question to you is can you really access
the Easter eggs in your life this is why
there’s a road I’m not gonna sing this
song no simple highway I know what
you’re thinking you’re thinking do you
I picked this song for two reasons the
first reason is because it’s they use it
in my favorite TV show of all time
freaks and geeks Biggie’s in song and in
the very last episode and the entire
series second reason I chose a song it’s
my my brother Saul so when you do that
these playlists I was going to say if
you knew this place but I said when
because I know that you’re going to
after you listen to just talk when you
do these playlists you’re always looking
for songs and you think of like I need a
song that took me to that next level
everyone has those inspirational songs
that they listen to that takes them to
that next level this is my song that
inspires me to make a change to do
something different so if what you’re
doing now isn’t working for you there’s
a decently different they could change
this failure because the faster you fail
the faster you can read correctly coop
and redirect so every action is an act
of creation within minimal Miranda I
my daughter you guys need to the music
of Hamilton and it was just as it’s
really cool I’m crying on a spit out of
solo music speaks to us differently
which is super cool like one song can
mean one thing to understand can mean
something completely different to the
other person so while she was growing up
is is trying to curate the music that
they would listen to you’re like in the
car and in the and at home but I
realized that the music that speaks to
me it doesn’t really speak to them and
they need to create their own playlists
so I just I just need to breathe in the
idea that every at every stage you
something happens in your life and I
want you to make sure that you’re
keeping your eyes open and looking for
these songs that are happening in your
life like for instance I just flash the
song it’s not lost on me that this song
could have been something that you’re
like I have no idea what the song is or
it could scar something in you that that
doesn’t mean anything if this part
something in you that has nothing to
stop or has nothing to do with me and
the fun thing is then looking at that
song it could become an easter egg in
your life and then you listen to I not
thrown away my shot and that’s that’s
just one of the cool things that if you
keep your eyes open and your ears open
things are happening around you and if
you can write those things down which is
what I said before that
important part of this playlist’ thing
is to write these things down my pastor
friend always tells me the weakest ink
is better than the strongest memory
so I’ll encourage you in between your
work get it girl playlist your guilty
pleasures playlist that you do my life
and the playlist and then encourage
others to do the same and then share
them what I like to do is I like to be
like together with small groups people
together and everyone brings in their
twenty playlist twenty song playlist and
then we take them all we put them into
one one playlist and let me sit down
when we have lunch or I like to do a
chocolate fondue with strawberries but
you sit and just listen to the songs on
shuffle and then we try and guess whose
song is playing and then open person
house themselves they start sharing and
we start getting to know each other
better and that’s creating conversation
theme today so I want to encourage you
to do this if you don’t get to the group
to do this with yourself you know I hope
that you discover some Easter eggs that
you didn’t know you had and I hope that
you discover that where you are isn’t where you’re supposed to be
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