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My Life as a Beauty Influencer | Marcella Febrianne Hadikusumo | TEDxYouth@SWA

okay so first of all I really want to

thank Ted for giving me this opportunity

to talk about my journey and it’s an

absolute honor for me it’s an absolute

honor for me to be standing here in

front of you guys and with all of the

amazing speakers and thank you for all

of you that has giving given me your

time to sit and listen to me okay

I hope my talk will serve as an

inspiration for all of you yeah yeah

okay so today I will be talking about my

life as a beauty influencer not only

that but also about makeup itself how it

impacts my life how it changed how I

look how I look at myself too

you know and the most important thing I

want to talk about is about self esteem

and confidence you might be wondering

why I have my friend here Michelle she

is my she’s gonna be my model today and

the reason why reason why I’m doing this

demo is because I want to show you guys

how I gain my self-esteem every day is

by doing makeup okay I’m gonna start and

I’m gonna talk to yourself okay okay so

I’m gonna talk about my journey first so

three years ago I started

oh no not started I made my very first

makeup tutorial video and it is an easy

smokey eye tutorial and I never thought

that peoples good people gonna like my

video but then they liked it and then I

continued making tutorials still now so

all of my life I’ve always been

searching for a way to address my

self-esteem because I have had a lot of

issues I’ve had a lot of experiences

dealing with my low self-esteem and I

finally found a way to like help me by

doing makeup okay yeah I got really

close honey okay

so I’ve always had problems with being

comfortable with myself especially with

my physical physical appearance and I’ve

had a lot of experiences dealing with my

low self-esteem I said that already

I’m sorry I’m shaking girl

I may look super confident but it’s it’s

like a weight for me to cover up the

feelings of my insecurities yes and then

yeah and about makeup it’s not only

about like covering your face with all


it’s about presenting the best the best

you in the most possible way it’s about

presenting yourself in the best way

possible for yourself and for other

people so makeup I like how makeup looks

on my face and it makes me happy it

makes me feel good so that’s why I did

it and that’s how I gained my confidence


how I gain my self-esteem like that you

I think everyone’s level of self-esteem

are different they all have different

perception about it but for me what

works for me is through makeup and you

also can find so many solutions for your

problems too right but here’s the point

you have to you have to find something

that makes you feel good makes you feel

happy that makes you feel the most you

you know the something that makes you

feel most comfortable and feel most

proud of yourself and again as for me

it’s makeup okay so you gotta find

things that inspire you and that reach

your heart

enjoy some so many people like nowadays

especially people often compare

themselves to each other they and they

want to be like them like they they end

up wanting to be like them I got a lot

of messages like daily from people who

told me that they want to be me or they

want to be someone that they adore like

I mean why would you want to be someone

else if you can be the best version of



oh okay and how you do that is about its

Chipotle and how you do that is by

exploring you have all the time in the

world to find what you’re passionate

about how the things that make you feel

comfortable with yourself so don’t rush

yourself I heard a quote by Lao true

actually my sister gave this to me like

last night so so it says it says nature

never hurry nature never hurry nature

doesn’t hurry nature doesn’t hurry but

it gets everything done so so if you

haven’t found anything that makes you

feel good that makes you feel happy just

try to find something else you know be

it like yoga yogi or cards or whatever

you know right and it cannot it can

honestly be anything for example my dad

my dad feels he’s most comfortable and

proud of me proud of himself whenever he

and like don’t think about how people

say that you’re covering your face with

makeup because you’re not very grateful

with what has given you or because you

have how flaky dry skin like me you know

because if you like makeup and feel good

well well doing it just do it

so basically what I’m trying to say is

you can find what you what you feel most

comfortable and proud within yourself by

doing anything you want so don’t listen

to people they’re gonna judge of course

they’re they’re gonna judge whether you

do good or bad they’re always gonna

judge but if it makes you happy just do

it you know yeah so I’m gonna explain

you about what I’m doing with Michelle’s

face right now because I don’t have

anything to see you left and so here I

am doing this is how I gain my

self-esteem every day is by doing this

makeup and this is one of my favorite

look which is halo eyes yeah and this is

Michelle everybody that’s all for me thank you so much

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