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Making Friends by Making them: What can we learn from our creations | Dan Chen | TEDxBologna

I don’t do a lot of public speaking so
before this talk I had to Google public
speaking techniques and you get results
like this it tells you to care about
your topic use gestures support your
main points tell a story use
presentation tool wisely practice your
speech work with a coach and pace
yourself don’t worry about mistakes the
unlike computer programming computer
coughs I can run for yourself to make
yourself that better speaker in design
research recovers insights we do this
through observation and data collection
the way we do observation is we
sometimes to go to people’s houses we
interview them asking them questions
while they use while their habits are
and sometimes we collect data such as
social media habits things like that and
then we synthesize them we put it on
post-it note and then we create insights
from that and then we create archetypes
and user journeys to put that in context
I use similar method for making my
robots I would take a social convention
or social interaction that I found
interesting to Alice worth examining so
I would find a social interaction social
convention that’s worth examining and I
will program that into my robots this is
the lessening robot is one of my first
robot the idea came from how I observe
how people talking to each other like
how people listen to each other
sometimes I have their cup their hand
around their ear and they have
face-to-face conversation it’s it right
across each other so this robot that’s
just that he skins around the room and
finds the speaker and pulling that year
at that person and they will knock once
awhile to acknowledge that they
understand so you get the sense of
acknowledgement through the robots this
next robot is called cremate by
cremation robotic roommates you
the idea came from my fascination with
people have this like interests of
wanting to sort of creamy themself and
then take their their ash and spray or
scatter around their favorite spot like
their favorite oceans or favorite
mountains or whatever so I created this
robot that that’s just that so you can
do that you can scatter your with ash
while you’re still alive so what this
device does is it has a receptor on the
top you can take your hair your
fingernails your dead skin cell and put
it on top and it will has an alcohol
base incinerator in that on the inside
and we’ll burn it and then put it in the
urn and then we’ll tell you how many
percent of you is in there slowly you
will reach like a hundred percent of you
in there technical you can have a copies
of you in that urn in your lifetime so
you can spread your own ash or Scalia
lash or your favorite spot while you’re
still alive so you can be in multiple
places at once and sort of questioning
what do you consider to be you is the
this next robot is how okay therapist
the okay therapist idea came from how I
observe people comforting each other
that was right next to each each other
they would either Pat them on the
shoulder saying everything’s going to be
okay or they’ll hug them you know you
want to be sort of comforting to them at
the same time – I’ll make it awkward so
I create this robots call okay
therapists oh it does is it says
everything’s going to be okay over and
right now so I have a little mini
version right here I just like
everything is going to be okay while I
was doing the talk so this next robot is
called the teen spirit generator it
with a little bit of googling you kind
of kind of sensed like what Kingsbury is
like the idea for me came from looking
at big corporation so the first day you
walk you have orientation you sit around
the giant table you have nametag you
introduce each other they have games
like what’s your favorite vacation
what’s what you have a breakfast very
like standard questions very boring
sometimes it will go as far as having
this like retreat computing exercises
have sports sometimes they even have
people analytics that Google uses they
would match people to be in a team that
will work most efficiently so for
physical intimacy sort of like that team
spirit I was like why not make that into
a robot as well so I made the team
spirit generator you get this physical
so all the robots that you see here are
operating under very fine line of
comfort versus discomfort sincerity
versus insincerity and real versus
virtual it’s creating that complicated
pleasure for you to experience and sort
of helping you ask the question what am
I doing with this thing sort of asking
that relationship with robot human
interaction so slowly as you can see the
robots are going to be more and more
human-like they’re going to have more
data on us they are going to acquire
more knowledge on us and they’re gonna
be what user-friendly on the other hand
humans are going to be more robotic like
we are living in a tighter and tighter
loop for ourselves for instance we have
programs that tells us who we should
date like tinder or what social media we
should follow who whose life side we
should follow on Instagram and we have
YouTube telling us what to watch who to
subscribe subscribe me
Amazon tells you like what to buy
LinkedIn’s like where you should work
and tells you all that and on Facebook
is just telling you that when you choose
to subscribe to and what you should be
friends with and you have app apps like
y’all off tell you we should eat for
dinner workday or asana test manager or
slack tell you how you should be working
so it’s sort of like very programmed
loop that we are living in
so you right now you might be thinking
free well is illusion everything is
being sort of coded and scripted but I
would say it’s a great time for
reflection and liberation so to help
with that I came out with a few
questions try to sort of explore this
posthuman era one would be like so the
first thing I wanna explore is was it
like to replace human intimacy when we
need the most was it like to place human
connection when we desperately needed
so the idea came to me when I was
observing how the industry is
transforming from a lot of human based
labor to automation
we have factory worker replaced by the
robotic arms we have retail replaced by
self checkout machines and we have cars
replaced by this sort of self-driving
car like Tesla and then I thought why
not replace nursing or people who can’t
be with their loved ones when they pass
away so I create this robot it’s called
last moment robot it sort of takes care
of you and guide you through your last
moment just in case your families and
hello my friends I am the end-of-life
care robot I have detected that you are
near at the end of your life but please
don’t worry we will ensure that you have
the best possible experience I am here
to help you and guide you through the
last moment on earth I am sorry that
your family and friends are not able to
be here with you but don’t worry I will
do my best to comfort you you are not
alone you have me by your side we hope
you will have a pleasant afterlife time
of death 11:45 goodbye my friend
all right so the next question I want to
ask and explore is what is a tension
between virtual and physical connection
or virtual and physical intimacy so
there are two types of connections
Broly the first one is physical which is
touching hugging and the second one is
virtual which is through screen videos
or telephone calls and things like that
and that build this machine is called
intimacy machine try to answer that
it has virtual and physical or come by
together asking the question is one
better than the other it’s better wings
together or it doesn’t matter so when
you hug a person generally you don’t see
the other person’s face because they are
their faces right there so as well as
you wear this device the screen lowers
in front of you and reveals the other
person’s face as you are hugging them as
you will see in a moment so you get this
dual intimacy if through hugging and
also to the screen as well maybe
enhances the intimacy maybe it doesn’t
the next question I want to explore is
what is friendship like when we can
program them have it do exactly what we
wanted to do have it say what we want to
hear have it touch us exactly how we all
want to be touched so I came out with
this series of work it’s called making
friends by making them it’s an
open-source project where you can
download the 3d file and then print them
and then have a program however you want
to be touched and track whatever facial
expression in one that track and then
will give you whatever feedback they
it has eye tracking and touching and
also like hand holding different
gestures sort of module izing what
friendship is like and at the same time
so questioning our desire like by
programming this device what does that
tell about us in terms of our desire so
the things that we create tells a lot
about ourselves it could tell us what we
are lacking as a person or what we lack
is a society but most importantly it
tells our to nature this is my not sort
of this knowledge might not affect our
behavior right away but it will help us
navigate in this posthuman era thank you very much
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