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Confident Hijabi | Razan Mahmoud | TEDxYouth@BedayiaSchool

May 2015 when a friend of mine decided
to wear the hijab the month when she
wanted to try a new thing but she was
never expecting that people would be
judging her just because she has a piece
of cloth on her head the piece of cloth
that has never and will never change
anybody’s personality or cover people’s
brains she was overwhelmed by the
stereotypical mindset of people and how
they thought negatively of the hijab at
this point I had to interfere and get
the point of what she’s going to so I
looked at her and asked her do you
believe you are beautiful
she stayed silent for a moment and then
she said yes
in a shaking voice so I told her why are
you shaking isn’t this what you really
believe in a more calm and a voice she
said yes but my last and final question
was wasn’t it your choice to wear the
hijab this time very confidently she
said yes we kept on talking until she
finally believed that she’s beautiful
confident and she shouldn’t care about
what others think she’s the one who will
make everyone look at her in a different
way I’ve been told too many times then
I’m still young and I shouldn’t be
committed to such thing but the truth is
and has always been my choice it has
never stopped me from doing anything of
my daily routines or activities actually
at some point it was the reason behind
my confidence it empowered me and it
gave me the courage to continue even
though I knew I was being either
reckoned judge or evaluated but I
assisted to keep on shining so the hijab
is not just a piece of cloth on your
head if you ask me what does the hijab
mean to me I would say that it’s not
just something I wear on my head it’s
something I chose to wear to cover me
and to protect me from the judgments of
my body from others and is exactly why I
chose to wear it and I’ve never feared
anyone so it’s not just covering your
hair it’s covered for your body there
was a study conducted in Britain which
surveyed about 600 Muslim women
it showed that 200 of them
ever wear the hijab but the other 400
they were sometimes the difference
between the two groups was slight across
all factors the woman who wore the hijab
at least most of the times had more
positive views on their bodies they
appreciated their bodies more they felt
healthier in their bodies and they just
loved their bodies and appreciated more
so it’s not just about coverage for your
hair it’s also for your body another
study by a researcher by someone who
studies gender state that the hijab
seems to have a buffer or body image if
someone is objectifying a woman the
hijab might offer a sort of protection
it also may help reduce sexual ization
of the body so it also protects you and
your body I know there is a lot you may
face critical people they may be
displeased about your decision or by
your morals but actually these people
hope you become stronger and people
usually tend to judge the person in
front of them no matter what they’re
doing so if you think you’re doing the
right thing then you should and you
should just stick up for it and you
should be confident how one always
surround yourself with people who make
you feel loved and comfortable because
that’s what they’re there for
do love yourself because no one will do
that better than you 2 3 be enthusiastic
focus on your own energy try not to
listen about what the negative people
say and focus on your own positivity
instead 4 be sure that you’re the one
who’s in control of your life you’re the
one who decides whether to be negative
and listen to the judge or hit or be
optimistic and not listen to it 5 and
this is the last point you should be
proud of your morals if you ever feel
displeased by who you are then talk to a
family member there are the ones who are
going to help you and this blissful
journey or try reading some positive
quotes online they may help to all you
should ever care about is how you see
yourself if you believe you’re ugly
people will start judging and
criticizing you but if you believe
you’re beautiful people will all look at
you in a different way and never forget
self confidence is the best outfit
rocket and own it and to me that self
confidence outfit always has a head javis up thank you
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