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L’UBO Open Factory, la rencontre des disciplines. | Mathieu Cariou & Pierre-Yves Jaouen | TEDxUBO

Good evening
then I’m Pierre-Yves I am fable
manager to the grotesque and open factory
good evening everyone I Mathieu I
Also fablab manager at ubs and
to open factory then the grotesque and open
factory is a fab lab a workshop
prototyping and so tonight we wanted
talk talk to you about the fact
a processing space of
Prototyping to an educational tool
flexible training
then comes already say many
Under the word was used
fab lab prototyping workshop
prototyping lab manager fab what
will do is we will return
progressively on all these terms and
clarify all this for you here
then from what prototyping
that it is by definition it is
create a single object in order to
testing and finally do that it
is a bit like what we all had
the opportunity to do in life is to
so I say DIY offers
back a little on yourself then
DIY term
in fact it corresponds to DIY
that everything you do outside
If your professional and
is to create and edit
improve or maintain an object while
a small catapult was set because
it amused us when we have a little
sought that was that the
we realized that the tinkers
tinkers was the word used to
qualify the catapult in the middle ages and
the revival
while the catapult became obsolete
the word has changed and changed direction
it became back door and
clever and sweet today DIY
then a small example of DIY
we all do with us we all had
the opportunity to tinker to miss the
successful stuff things
good one to me for example I find it
happened to cobble barrier in
my garden I recovered boards
I bought other I have
I am not meeting this carpenter
doesnt really but it works a
I am just glad that I
come away satisfied here I created a
single object that I test and therefore with
Mathieu it was asked
when one tinkers past due
tinker what they play for
yourselfer what’s left him
Beyond its purpose and there are three
aspects they are in fact emerged
will tinker those opportunities to make
learning and learning by doing
it is an opportunity to demonstrate
creativity or express
creativity and when we tinker has
for error
can go wrong and start its
object and is tinkering does that happen
alone but it can also be
several neighbors with friends
in associations
So that’s just to continue
the story of my home to my portal
ben there is for example the other day
I was so
to Neighbors Day at meals
neighbors and then in the middle of the meal
midnight he said finally ben
ali it is a little specialist
engines of motor and there is
said he would like perhaps he can
help me improve my portal
So finally bah a portal
was manual that walks in Q1 and slightly
well we installed a motor on it and
Ben finally he had other
skills I had not he
learned things I taught him a little
fewer things but in any case we could
do something that was a little
more advanced that had a little more
here is a little more aspects and then bah
otherwise there on the image you can see
something that is quite
representative so that’s beavers I
know if you know beavers
it is the people who are being
after the second world war
rebuild the buildings they are set
several had several
skills and therefore each brought a
his little stone to the building the building
in this case and so it is here in
Instead of waiting for the authorities
will rethink the city and it’s late
they rebuilt their homes
and therefore it is an association that exists
so it’s always people who
put in groups with
skills and that all tinkers
in the same way with Mathieu
we know then ask a question
What they play for
DIY group what he
their remains beyond the time of their
then as we have seen just just before
bah they were able to learn by doing and
make learning they could no longer
to implement forgiveness evidence
creativity they had the right to
the error above all and he can play
social interaction and to celebrate
the opportunity to share knowledge
skills and is also
the opportunity to create more projects
big more ambitious then DIY
sees almost everything we know
in fact more or less we all
use a screwdriver a hammer
drill but in recent years
that there is a movement of a train
take place where we see people who
begin to have access to tools
computer controlled
I think including 3D printers
a laser cutter
offer two numerically controlled and these
tools where they can be found from the
years in the industry but one hand
thanks to open source and secondly
by standardizing these tools
becoming more accessible
for more and
group yourselfers movement has
So with these tools and it
created a movement that is calling you
the movement of the top so it’s a
English word that comes straight
united states which designates that
is a community of people
tinker group for prototype and
objects so it’s DIY
where traditional tinkering objects
craft here we just use so
Computer-aided machines
So as the said Pierre-Yves
3d printers etc.
other people are going to put in
group and now rather prototype
Technology object that plays with
of playing with electronic
IT and therefore can bah
create like this whole other style
objects a garden fence is
So an example that quite
representative of this movement but
heart so in the 70s so it
are a Steve Jobs and his
fellows who have in their garage
hacked a semblance of computers
Actually there dies he tries
look at how do we could
make computing accessible to all
the world and so they hacked
the apple 2 on the principle of
the personal computer then the same
so it was asked the same
issue with Mathieu then puts beyond
motion makers
when they created such apple
what does that what that was played
for them while they were still a
both learn by doing
learner shows creativity
they have the right to make mistakes they
cheated they started
all in a framework of interaction
social or could not share
skills and knowledge
mostly they were able to create projects
largest and most ambitious
technology through access to
prototyping equipment
digital then this movement makers
they began to gather in
places where they started
put together its equipment they
had acquired and these places are so
prototyping workshops that
now called the fab lab then
fob which lab for manufacturing
laboratory still a word that we
see who comes straight from
united states so it is a movement that
was born in the early 2000s there
low making standardization of
All workshops maker is actually
which defines a workshop we will find
DIY equipment
traditionally used to prototype
things therefore hammers
screwdriver etc. but suddenly these
CNC machines the
After the motion so we meeker
found a material resource but
longer just a resource
material resource
so we are in his best
these manufacturing facilities the fab lab
which suddenly share
knowledge make available
resources and on top of that we
so other people of
facilitators called fab lab
Manager so are our craft
Open factory lit so what is the
role of these people in a fab lab
so it is both to coordinate
Space coordinate projects
to help users on points
Technical on points
methodological propose
training on new tools and
it really is essential that role there
because ultimately it’s not because
we open a place with a
number of devices we know
necessarily therefore use here
also the gain thus stalled fab
lab a little history so neither sgar
young son who comes straight from
united states aa defined what the
fab lab concept so it has to climb to
needs a short he dared
So the mighty mighty massachusetts
Institute of Technology in Boston for
a course they had a course
called how to create almost
anything they needed a
prototyping workshop there could
there could tinker tinker with
CNC tools like
3d printers and suddenly he
said it would be good to standardize
this a bit so he had the idea of
define what it was a fab lab in
terms of resource tools etc.
the principle is that when they make
an object in a fab lab somewhere
the world can potentially
produce the same object in another
country precisely because the machines
our resources are so sensitive without
ment ble hands
then suddenly we see for fifteen
year broadcast fab lab through
the world
So in early 2000 the
first fablab in boston as just
tell Mathieu and then in 2009
Here we see an increase in 2012
2015-2017 until reaching therefore
today at 511 fablab referenced
such as near the hem to Haiti to
Boston then after it’s a fab lab
very very good tool to prototype
group but there are several
there are fab lab that serve
associative purposes for eg
popular education
there are fab lab used for
companies to precisely stimulate
creativity of employees of a
business there are fables that are
implemented in schools there are
fab lab who are based in the
Universities and suddenly there on some
Photos illustrating some fables
So exist there in the screen was
fab lab of Toulouse who is an architect
the first fablab in France
So here in this fablab are
people coming and prototype
also with prototype
companies because there airbus that
is not far and therefore also in Toulouse
Who’s Involved as the fab lab
so it’s very interesting for
bar was a different kind of fab lab so
this one in barcelona it called the
green fablab lula they will rather
work on projects related
with ecological transition
energy and has the beginnings of
fab university lab that appear
here at the University of viola in Finland
where there they mixed a faculty
Science with an economics school
with a design school and suddenly there
we begin to see how the fab lab
finally can be used in a tool
teaching and creating projects
so with Mathieu has been made yet
When the same exercise
what they play for the Lakers
yourselfers who come in the fab
lab began to understand about
they learned by doing they made
learning they have demonstrated
they have been wrong all over again
that in social interaction for
the share skills
knowledge with more projects
big more ambitious through access
prototyping equipment
digital and in an open location at
all the fab lab supervised by
facilitators so the manager fables
fab lab manager who has the
oriented on the use of
equipment training equipment
and give them inputs on
Management guidance for their projects
the coup in 2015 we said that it
would not hurt to be able to put such
place available to students
University of Brest and was created
the fab lab at the University of Brest him
bo open factory was established in
partnership with the School of Arts
Brest is fab lab we define
as open innovation workshop
So since multidisciplinary workshop
is a prototyping workshop with
equipment has been called all their
3d laser cutter printer
Open example since it is open to
all university students
it is open to teachers and
University administrators
innovation since we will look
priority to projects
linked to the city of tomorrow so the
ecological transition transition
digital transition energy
we will look at
disability related issues or
yet manufacturing equipment
for lab and multidisciplinary fab
since it will be the opportunity of a
same project to see if meet
different courses students have
students coming I do not know
of mechatronics
Biology History Geography
staps all types of economy
So students it is true that it is
not a tale common space
usually see in universities
where it is quite partitioned by
discipline that’s really a
opportunity to offer such
sefa of blah workshop for
students so that when they have a
idea they can go quickly to
prototyping test their ideas
So that’s in machines
after at animation is
important to make plans
enjoy this fable abla this
open studio to mix just the
skills of people like you
Device said coming varsity
science but also letters of Varsity
saving college that’s right we have is
share these disciplines like this one
saw that it was very rewarding and
as part of the open factory is to
making a connection with the medium
socioeconomic ie on
most of the projects we work
to open factory is trying to connect
professional which will allow
credibility to the projects that
students work and therefore
students know a lot
soon we hope the middle
so here it is the team of
Women managers of the grotesque and open factory
so we wanted to eight and
this photo because it’s interesting
because we just were skills
but completely different
we will find the electronics of
Mecas throne of mechatronics
biophysicist computer staff
experts multimedia designers or
people in science
So here we wanted to introduce you
some projects that take place
now when we talk to
the grotesque and open factory So here there
So this is the project that is run by
hermes time guy who are both
second-year license and therefore
he works with professionals
the moral soul dance company
interactive dance performances
and therefore there are doing
designing an interactive lamp
little pixelated and stopped in
now it’s live and is in fact the
not blow for them it is very
interesting because they can
actually approach the problem
Professional confront the
reality of things to things that
walk things not work and
the sophomores
license is a big plus second
project is the project green battery
energy recovery by
Here it is that there is therefore a
project or actually trying to see
how it can
recover electrical energy with
plants amid walls
vegetated where one can imagine
to make public lighting
outdoor signage so there
this is typically a project
multidisciplinary with people
which come in both electronic
mechanical chemistry biology
computer and so we see very
although we will design and fine
that this kind of project and if there ben
was no fab lab if no places
like that to concentrate all
ideas he would struggle to emerge
naturally like that one last
project that can present the project
kraken yes then the kraken project
is a project that was piloted by
corentin year-end Masters
design and Sophie in Master
Biology thus worrying about what
what could be done with the waste
fish and especially skin
So they had the idea to look
how do we could put the
developed a skin tanning system
so to make leather and
garment here is a very pretty
fish skin and coat so it
it is also a group
Multidisciplinary who won a prize
Last year a prize for innovation
So a student of the People’s Bank
So the west to 5,000 euros and
potentially blow today
green of entrepreneurship so that too
thanks to the fact that they had to
provides a prototyping workshop
to test their ideas and power
Here it face
real problems to conclude
So here today in a
university that tries to seek to
decompartmentalize to come closer
disciplines to ensure that the
socio-economic world of the worlds
Students the world of research
gather finds it has created
the grotesque and open factory since it is a
place available to teachers and
students or students can
learn by doing and to
they can develop their learning
they have right to be wrong in law at
the mistake they must start right
it is a place where there will be their
social interactions and hopefully a
sharing knowledge
skills they will be able
implement ideas they have in
head to create larger objects
with access through a
Digital Prototyping equipment
it is a place open to all where it will
Box lab manager fab and it is
how we are positioned today
as a new teaching tool
flexible to university education
thanks thanks
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