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Let’s End Social Entrepreneurship | Juhi Kore | TEDxUTampa

about two years ago I became friends

with Brenda Brenda is larger than life

she is so passionate and so loving and

so caring Brenda is a mother a wife a

u.s. Navy officer and a social


Brenda’s passion goes beyond for anyone

and everyone but the thing that she is

most passionate about is victims of

3287 individuals are either kidnapped or

sold every single day but it’s not just

the numbers that motivate Brenda Brenda

is passionate about helping victims of

human trafficking because when she was

13 years old

brenda was abducted by a pedophile

Brenda was this person that abducted her

was someone she knew someone she trusted

someone who promised to take her to the

fair but instead took her to a hotel

room and forced himself on her for hours

and hours he kept her in that hotel room

and then said he was going to kill her

he took her into his car and was driving

to another location when miraculously

his car broke down he knew he had to go

back to the hotel and so he started

driving that way trying to get the car

to start and while he was doing that her

family and and his wife was looking for

Brenda for hours and hours they were

frantically searching for her and when

they reached the hotel they were all

there he knew he had to let her go and

that saved her life that day years after


Brenda started becoming a victim

advocate for especially helping victims

of human trafficking but she told me she

didn’t feel fulfilled in what she was

doing she wanted to do so much more and

that is why she chose to be a social


she chose to start Joel world where

which is an organization that empowers

artisans and designers from all over the

world who have been victims of human

trafficking slavery poverty you name it

and that is how she wants to create a an

actual sustainable change in our

community social entrepreneurs like

brenda combined their purpose and their

passion with real innovative creative

and social solutions to the real

problems that we have today social

entrepreneurs are creating solutions to

our economic problems our social

problems and also our environmental

problems so why do I think we need to

end social entrepreneurship if it’s so

awesome and people are doing all these

great things well I believe that we need

to end social entrepreneurships though

the way it is perceived today right now

social entrepreneurship conscious

capitalism profit with a purpose all of

these things are treated like buzzwords

and they’re not internalized the way

they need to be I believe that we need

to get to a stage culturally and

societally where social entrepreneurship

is so intertwined with the idea of

entrepreneurship that they become

synonymous I want to help create a world

where every business that get started is

the social enterprise so that no

business that get started is a social

enterprise I know that may sound a

little tricky so let me explain think

about it like this if a company is in

today’s world if a company gets started

and is focused on the community we look

at that differently we look at it in a

very positive light but if every single

company that was started did that every

single commute every single company

would be community driven and so it

would no longer be a differentiating

factor instead it would be the norm and

that is what we need today so when I

share this these ideas with some people


tell me I am overly optimistic but last

year the end of 2017 I actually spent

some time in Oxford in the United

Kingdom and let me tell you every single

entrepreneur I met there was a social

entrepreneur and that really broadened

my mind to the possibility that if this

can be a possibility in Oxford we can

bring that anywhere so today I want to

share with you three social enterprises

that I was able to encounter and

experience homelessness is a massive

problem not just in Oxford but in a lot

of different places all over the world

there are so many different solutions to

this problem but one of my personal

favorites is called greater change

Alec’s a former University of Oxford

student studied greater change which is

a social enterprise platform that

enables people to give cashless

donations that go directly to a homeless

person every homeless individual on his

platform is extensively vetted and has

created a detailed plan that you can

look at you with while working with a

social worker and so Alex is targeting a

very big issue that we see today which

is transparency which is actually a very

motivating factor for a lot of different

social entrepreneurs another amazing

social enterprise is called Fung Greek

kitchens hungry kitchens was started by

Kyle who just got his PhD from the

University of Oxford and his research

actually focused on obesity in fact Kyle

told me that two-thirds of the adult

population in the United States United

Kingdom and also Australia was either

overweight or obese and he looked at

that as a massive problem that he wanted

to address another problem that he

thought was daunting was the refugee

crisis as of today’s sixty five point

three million individuals are displaced

and Oxford has a significant refugee

population so he decided he was going to

start Fung Greek kitchen

which is a social enterprise and a

catering service that employs women

refugees that are new to the oxford

community and the food that they make is

healthy it’s nutritious it’s delicious

and all his customers are extremely

happy so by creating a social enterprise

to address both of these problems he is

impacting the community in a positive

way the third example I want to share

with you today is was started by a group

of individuals who are just as

passionate about beer as they are about

social impact and so just like anyone

else would do they started a brewery

they in fact employ people from the

prison system in the United Kingdom

things are a little different there so

in the United Kingdom if you’re

incarcerated for a non violent crime you

can actually get a day pass that allows

you to go out and work the problem is no

employer wants to hire someone who is a

current prisoner and even after they are

they have served their time and are out

of prison nobody wants to hire them and

they one of the reasons that they cite

is because this person doesn’t have

enough work experience so tap social

movement employs people from these from

these prison systems and gives them a

job so gives them a purpose gives them a

source of income and after they are done

serving their time they actually help

them with recommendations and with

connections I was able to meet Collin

who is actually part of the prison

system and is also working with top

social movement and he expressed his

immense gratitude for this organization

and all the work that they have done for

him the social entrepreneurs are doing

all these incredible things and

obviously I’m not even though I am an

advocate for social entrepreneurship

there’s still a place for nonprofits

especially those that are extremely

innovative and are trying to do awesome

things today a local example is

metropolitan ministries in Tampa who’s

recently started a cookie dough place I

don’t know

and if you’ve been there but it’s

delicious it’s called donation and all

the profits from this place go back into

metropolitan ministries another example

of social enterprises partnering with

nonprofits is fearful foods which is

based in the United Kingdom but they and

they are also based with food the food

that they serve to their customers in

the United Kingdom is from specific

different cultures including India and

all the profits that they make are then

invested into their nonprofit partners

back in India social entrepreneurs are

doing so many awesome things for our

community today and yet there are people

that are going into this only because

it’s the new cool thing and I believe

that this is what we need to change so I

am NOT a cook I’m not currently an

entrepreneur but I am part of the social

entrepreneurship movement and I want to

share with you today three different

ways that I was able to become a part of

this movement and how you can become a

part of it as well

the three things that I did were invest

highlight and organize so in terms of

investing as a college student funds can

be very limited but I am able to invest

my time my skills my passion and any

other resources that I have by doing

this I was able to help a bunch of

different social enterprises all over

the world and help them with their goals

and their missions so if you do have the

financial capacity you should most

certainly help them out financially but

if you connect with the cause you can

also give them your time and your

resources the second way was to organize

and to educate I am very big on creating

awesome events that can educate people

through about my messages like my

passion for social entrepreneurship and

so when I was in Oxford I actually

organized the hot price competition

which is a student competition focused

on social entrepreneurship and here

locally in Tampa I am the coatrack

captain for the social enterprise track

the Champa based startup week

I tried I believe that we should that

social entrepreneurship is a message

that we need to convey to anyone and

everyone so just two days ago I was

talking to 3rd graders about the

importance of social entrepreneurship

and social impact finally in terms of

highlighting and giving credit where

it’s due I created a Facebook live show

where I interview social entrepreneurs

who are and talk about the awesome

impact that they’re having in their

community even though I use social media

extensively in my advocacy for social

entrepreneurship I believe that we need

to go out there and do so much more than


if your social actions start and end on

social media then you are part of the

problem because social media is behind a

screen you’re not actually going out and

engaging and I highly encourage everyone

to do that I believe that if we were all

to get together and build and actually

work hard to make this movement get read

this movement everything that we needed

to be today then we could create a world

where social entrepreneurship isn’t just

a buzzword but in fact it will be a global norm

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