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La pensée horizontale | Pablo SERVIGNE | TEDxDijon

I dunno
you but me when I was little
I wanted to understand everything
I just want to know everything and I
wanted to know
I know I asked the big ones but
why he if it is blue blue I was
never answered
why when we drop a
ant she does not hurt why in
where does the dust come from?
There are things wet and there are
things not wet and in fact I got
naturally directed to science
towards a training of scientists and
you know how it’s from year to year
year over time but I chose
the one specialty and then another and
then I landed in PhD and I did
a thesis on the behavior of
ants I’m also an ethologist he has to
there are two in the fal and so
it was a thesis on the ecology of
ants and the relationship with trees
and the plants and I found myself at
to make international symposia on
social insects is my specialty
so it’s the ants we were
maybe 800 in washington on the
social insects and in the seminar of
my thesis and hand there were twelve
people maybe 12 15 people at
world that included what I was doing
that they have changed
and that’s me I learned with his five
years of thesis
I have a little slow five years for me
it was hard enough because I
first discovered on the one hand who had
people who love and do the
things thoroughly
it takes a very small subject the bottom to
bottom to bottom thoroughly
maybe even their whole lives they
love to get to the bottom of things
these people I call them the funds
distinct there are plenty I admire them
since I have the opposite tendency
to disperse me
and I love foraging a discipline
scientist to another of a subject to
the other as a bee
who tyne here on full of flowers
different and I noticed over the
time there were people like me
I call them the ten persist and the
thesis is the background to exercise said by
excellence the problem is that I
was not comfortable in there I
still finished
and then skiing is the institution
of science does not allow enough in
any case today to deploy
it’s known it’s capacity 10 persists
people and in fact what is truculent
let’s say that at the end of my thesis
thesis director who spent his
time finally to reframe me she
said it in the end well I was given a
diploma and she was very proud because
that I had done a thesis on
how the ants take the seeds
plants in exchange for a little bit of
food and will put them to the good
place them scatters and so I was
named she told me I’m proud of you
doctor field in dispersion I finally
could blossom me uninhibited
finally I will be able to do what I
do what I want is to go
foraging from one flower to another and so I
came out of the academic environment that
it was in 2008 and I made
popular education in a
association in Belgium for a few
for four years I did some
conference articles we did
as a team of the debates of the workshops on
all we wanted is enough
beautiful we have been in science
in politics the militancy there
had feminism the social ecology and
solidarity and finally I was able to deploy the
philosophy and that’s for me I had a
scientific past and and a taste too
for science so I was soon
on the topics of the state of our
world and the earth system and our
and then there I discovered a lot of
things so I have as I have been seeing in
It’s catastrophic
but if you take a climatologist who
has a spirit a little let’s say cloisonné in
his discipline or a spirit of engineers
I can make fun of the engineers
because I am also an engineer and
well ask him to the engineer of
find a solution
well he’ll say no could do
geo-engineering we will spread
products in the sky that will do
to rain
it’s a good idea but it’s actually
without realizing that it can bring
problems of pollution problems
of resources how do we do in
energy or scarce resources maybe
for to produce that or even
if a country is capable of doing
rain is a weapon or storms
it is a weapon of mass destruction
and it’s actually often we invite in
debates on TV or in science a
nobody a specialist to talk about a
problem but if we invite next to a
specialist of the oil we will say
oil will have we have a lot
currently we extract a lot but
at one point we will have more peak of
conventional oil ie the
when the extraction starts at
decrease and 4 the conventional is the
liquid here it is the oil the 80% of the
oil it’s conventional crude is
in fact he the peak was spent in 2006
so you call an engineer and you
said and you tell him find me a
solution for conventional oil
and you have to go to the oils
shale and shale gas maybe
even the oil sands
the methane hydrates and it is then
invite you the climatologist life no it
it’s not compatible in fact if you
invite these two people there
solutions are not compatible not
everything anyway and if you invite a
financial economists a politician
a special ecologist specialists in the
a specialist in the problems of
water and you put them all around
finally you will have an image
overall quite different from each
detail it’s like me I went a
little bit see I have the ability to go
see in all these disciplines but I
am not a specialist I can not go
in detail with a fine laser brush
on the other hand I can draw dotted lines
and finally we have a painting
impressionist one can see globally
what happens they have the painting
global and this approach we did with
raphael stevens a friend in belgium on
precisely the collapses the
global disasters and this vision
systemic showed us that in fact the
risks and threats of each
discipline are serious but when we
see all is much more
serious in fact the sum and the whole thing
is more than the sum of the parts
then we put that in our book
how can everything collapse that shows
precisely this systemic side of
disasters and we also have another
example two in two years later with
gauthier chapel a biologist friend we have
makes a book called the entry of
the other law of the jungle to go
discover like all the ways
that living things have to associate
so I ‘m obviously part of
social insects my passion and then
I discovered other things about
animal societies and then plants
trees and fungi microbes
and bacteria
and then humans start centraide
and associate humans but then
in humans was very compartmentalized and
economics sciences
psychological and political science the
sociology anthropology sciences
cognitively and each time every
discipline work in his in his meadow
there was finally quite a few
links is actually again with
the overall picture and ben we could detect
make out dotted say to
pointillist methods of principles of
great principles that runs through all these
disciplines of the principles of the living is
what’s great what is
crazy is that these principles of living eh
Well, we find them in
associations in coaching
management because these principles if we
applies them in groups of
savory recipes saleh let’s say that
works much better in permaculture
also if we apply these principles of
alive it works much better the
permaculture that’s it
the application of the principles of the living
to design sustainable systems
sustainable resilient etc
and in permaculture too if you have some
does a little there are principles of
pure design design and design
resilient and sustainable systems well we
tells us in permaculture design I
did a little bit when I was in
popular education and well it takes
go into detail and in global and
when you design and have to do this
round trip detail overall detail
global it takes both if it is missing
india is one of the views it’s
always wobbly and therefore 7.7
this systemic thinking decompartmentalize
that’s what do or finally that’s what
I call where it’s called the
horizontal thinking with gauthier raphael
by opposition obviously thought
vertically we need both
obviously that it benefits the skin
it’s horrible to think horizontal and
well I see three already that when
we have a system we see the whole
chart we can see globally what
happens we have another vision we have
things that are new emerging
together with the overall vision
the second thing is we can see
the links between the elements between
disciplines between things and
links it also brings dynamics
different periods on the case of
the collapse
well there are domino effects the
biodiversity issues are related to
climatic problems that are related to
problem of energy resources
so of politics and the
geopolitics and that’s all
is linked and the risks can
trigger domino effects that are
much more serious
when we see it globally and there is a
other aspect advantage let’s say clap the
horizontal thinking is the novelty
that is, a discipline that
find a new method
new thing
in fact we have good bees
pollinators we can import this
new method and bring it to another
discipline is the interest of the
or of this horizontal thinking take a
case if you have a stomach ache by
example stomach ache
you will see who you will see
that they the world’s specialist
why not or a nutritionist or a
gastroenterologist or doctor
generalist who will perhaps see
the entire cac know your
family or holistic doctor or who
makes Chinese medicine
or maybe you’ll see someone
who will see your relationship with your family
your friends
maybe your work job that you
a stomach ache where you spend your
past your ancestors
maybe that’s all maybe you have
need quite possibly these
complementary and therefore we need to
times of holistic horizontal thinking
systemic and vertical thinking
reductionist who works with a brush
who goes deep etc.
we continued this process of
decompartmentalization with gauthier and raphaël
on the issue of collapse or
glôglô global risk disasters
systemic and in fact we have
realized that just every
even though they were interconnecting the
scientific disciplines did not arrive
to take the measure of things
actually it touches and that’s a
question that drives the possible crazy
collapse our society and its touch
to ethical emotional issues
spiritual metaphysics etc etc
artistic too and so we had to
wet we had to have this passionate we had to
to be interested and to make links between
all to come out decompartmentalize science
from the ivory tower went to see and
make connections between people who
are also that they find themselves crossing
in the nose it’s our way of doing
link between all this among all these
postures his steps is discipline
in our book another end of the world
is possible and that brings me
suddenly to define a little better than that
that an interdependent researcher then
that’s how we define ourselves
with gauthier and raphael a little
joke sometimes to make people talk
but it’s mostly to show our
interdependence the interdependence of
all every discipline every
people all with our past with our
future etc
the interdependence of all
the radical interdependence of all
beings this is the principle of the ecology of
relational ecology as we have
heard just now and finally that
take me to the heart of my words this
evening of this conference there it is rather
of proposals rather than a purpose these
two masters in our lives over and over
move from or to and and this is a
proposal that has a very strong affiliation
long we can go from two morin guys
to Joe Hahn but here in the United States
recently they are still alive but
it goes up to heraclitis pass of or and
decompartmentalize the vertical cdu to
horizontally or in any case bring
more horizontal I brought you
some nature or innate culture or
acquired body or mind reason or
emotions and nature and innate culture and
acquired mind and body reason and emotion
often we hear say no but for
solve the planet’s problems
we need activists we need struggles
no you have to meditate
you have to find an inner path
you change yourself
do we need more activists or
of meditating or
is he not be both more
my activists and mehdi time is this
we did not know and reconcile ourselves
in us noon the activist and the
meditating is it necessary solutions
individual or collective
but both obviously if we do not have
one of two boxed log entries
listen to this one she and she is also
nice she is vicious a mail is
if we do not go out of the nuclear and
coal in the coming years we
will have both plague and cholera
I love him a lot there that I have more
want to choose between where the fight or the
creation of alternative it is necessary both
it obviously takes both
I am a catastrophic being this
catastrophist and happy and
academics and activists and artists
and spiritual and in fact it’s not
labels it’s just that it’s not me
not defined it shows what I am at
such a moment and that can change
they are not labels or
identities me I want cheese and
ketchup and mayonnaise desserts
and I dream that we think local and
global and that we act local and
global and I also dream that our
company that we leave more room
to this horizontal thinking that she herself
deploys both in us in our
relation to the world and in our
institutions and especially scientific
I dream that is more hedges and you
you are rather this persists or rather to
segregated funds
you see how the louvre comes
maybe we are both and what is
is great with it and it is it is
radically inclusive
because we need everyone
needs you and thank you
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