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How creating value can affect our lives | Vanessa Mbamarah | TEDxYouth@Ganhito

I can see everyone smiling because I’m
speaking French okay so it’s great to be
here but I have a question I want to
start with a question should you ask
yourself why you came here today I mean
did you actually it’s it’s it’s it’s a
bit weird but did you think about why
you came here today okay for a couple of
people they’re here because they’re
speaking others are here to connect
network but the fact remains that you’re
all here today because of one thing
value it’s either you’re creating value
you’re giving value or you’re receiving
value and I think that this is something
that affects every part of our lives if
it’s your personal life or your business
life in 2009 I came to cotinue I just
lost my mom and I just gave birth this
as well so I was an orphan and a single
mom when I came to the border of cotinue
I looked around I was I was really
scared because I didn’t know where I was
gonna go I didn’t know who I was gonna
be with I didn’t have family but I said
to myself this is a new territory and I
needed to conquer and I needed to make
you know I needed to build something for
myself but it wasn’t easy that was just
me talking to myself so over time I got
a job I said at work in many old jobs
you know do this and that just to make
enough money to feed and take care of my
kid but you know as time went on I
realized that it wasn’t enough it wasn’t
gonna do a lot for me I had a little
girl who had to who’s gonna who’s
growing she she was eating more and more
every day you know so I just had to do
something and so one day I came back
from work and I sat down I cried I did a
lot of crying back then and so I I
thought to myself I did re-evaluated
myself when I came in I had a lot of
dreams I wanted to do big things but
look over the years look that’s like one
two years I’m still where I am probably
worse and then I had to ask myself what
was I doing wrong
why wasn’t I guess where I wanted to and
then the question came probably you’re
not giving out and no value because if
you want to attract something better you
need to be able to offer something way
better than what you have already and so
I said to myself I needed to improve
myself I needed more value because if I
had value people would come to me people
would request for me and then I started
the first thing I did was to reevaluate
and then after that I had to upgrade I
wasn’t been in a foreign country what
was it about this country French I
needed to learn their language so I
started now I couldn’t afford to pay to
go to a French school to learn so I
learnt it you know the wrong way on the
streets so when I go out you know
everyone is yeah I stayed in an
environment where you know when they
because here in Benin when you speak
English everyone wants to speak English
with you because they weren’t learn
English but I refused and so when they
say ah good morning sister I say bonjour
server and that was how I learned so I
was speaking and I was just I was
learning it wasn’t perfect but you know
it kind of helped me scale a little bit
and then after that I I wanted I learned
French that was the first thing and then
I said to myself what skills do I have
okay what skills would I be able to tell
someone I could do that would give me an
opportunity better than the other
pressive so I did all of this I
researched I I wanted I wanting to build
myself and then at a point I started to
talk to people look I was I need another
job I needed to do something better and
then in front of my gave me an
opportunity to you know
got another job he put he took my CV and
submitted it somewhere in her school so
I mean I was excited but I was scared
you know I promise there’s a reason why
I’m telling the story and I’m gonna let
you know so I went on but before I went
for the interview I did a research I
needed to know the organization I was
gonna go to I needed to know their
strengths I needed to know what they
wanted because if I was going to bring
value to them I needed to know what I
was up against so I needed to study to
find out what was lacking and then build
myself enough to be able to provide that
to them so I learned about the school it
was a school that had that was using the
Montessori system and you know the
system they like to use
um materials artifacts while teaching uh
I was applying for to be a maths teacher
so on the day of the interview I went
and I prepared myself I was all dressed
I didn’t just wear jeans I wore you know
corporate I got I got the suit nice
you know shoes made my hair and then I
went for the interview now when I got
there there were other people there I
wasn’t the only one but I realized that
a lot of people came there and they were
just there to them yeah you know just
try but I came there with a reason I
needed to get that job so when I came in
I came with them I came with a box I had
to get woods little woods and I cut it
into bits because I was I mean I was
coming in to teach maths and I knew that
they were gonna ask me to do a
presentation or do something so I came
with the box and you know during my
interview it was it was it was great
because they asked me to teach something
just anything and I got out of the boxes
and I got out two words and I said I’d
demonstrated no it didn’t end there I
knew that they were a Montessori School
they were using the monetary system and
there were better ways to improve and
that’s the thing about value it’s all
about improving giving people what they
have what what if what it is they have
given something given him something that
is better than what they currently have
so I talked to them about you know find
that their system was great they had
they had a lot of material but what
about using computers to teach
mathematics in games their games on the
systems that you used entices kids and
he makes learning easier so I didn’t
just show them that I was good at
teaching maths but I show them other
ways better ways that they could start
teaching mathematics now other schools
didn’t do that other schools they the
same you know counted on the board and
so when I when I when I gave them that
option they loved it cut the long story
short I got the job okay but now why am
I telling you the story to provide to to
get an edge of other people you need to
be able to provide you need to be able
to create a vacuum that only you can
feel so the question you should be
asking yourself is am i creating enough
vacuum in my niche in my business in my
environment because if you don’t have a
big enough vacuum then what do we need
you why do people need you so that was
the reason that’s the reason why I I
took all of that I went all the way back
ask myself questions what was I doing
wrong what did I need to do where do I
need to go which is very very important
the value your value is measured by the
vacuum that you’re able to create take
for example your business for business
owners over here a lot of times we
complain that we don’t get clients or
you know if we don’t get as much we’re
not making as much money sometimes I
wonder why why that question what are
you doing wrong take out time to check
what your competitors are doing what are
they doing that I’m doing what can I do
that makes my product better than what
their products or what worker what what
can I do to make me better because
remember when consumers are looking for
when they’re looking to buy products
when you’re looking to do anything they
search ok and you want to be amongst the
chintz but it’s not just being amongst
the option being the best option that is
business let’s talk about personal life
okay you have a job you’re working but
you want a skill you don’t want to
remain on the same level you want to get
you know an increase in your salary you
want to get a promotion what do you have
to leverage on what do you have to do
it’s just a question of asking yourself
what I’m doing where am I am i creating
a vacuum if I’m actually where I am
today to move on will there be anyone
capable enough to replace me now if you
if you’re not valuable you’re easily let
go okay so over time I worked I worked
as thought I said to myself if I had to
skill I needed to create more value so
if I’m here today and I need to move
there I need to have enough on you to
carry what is in front of me because
when I go to people and tell them look I
can do this I can do that and I don’t
have fats to back it up I don’t have
anything to prove that yes I can do it
then I’m just telling stories so it’s
important probably if it’s it doesn’t
matter if it’s business it doesn’t
matter if it’s personal life value is
important okay and I’m I’m excited that
you know a lot of people that have taken
this opportunity to build creating more
values you see companies today they’re
selling they’re producing more products
okay because they have understood the
importance of creating values so I want
you to ask yourself this question but
what I’m doing today with where I’m at
where I want to go tomorrow am i
creating enough value am i creating a
work of am I created a vacuum that only
me can feel if I live here today would
people miss me when people think about
me when people say to themselves oh my
goodness I wish she was here or I wish
he was here that’s a question we need to
ask ourselves Dave because if you’re
living a life that has no substance if
you live in a life and you’re not making
any impact if you’re living a life and
there’s nothing to show after you’re
gone and it means that you just leave
nt life to think about it whatever you
do wherever you go think about creating
a rig big enough vacuum that only you
can feel when you do that then people
that you do to listen to you
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