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How can student exchanges heal the world? | Timea Heim | TEDxYouth@WISS

when I was in eighth grade I was very
intrigued by the idea of going on a
student exchange or study or abort
preferably to England
partly because I’ve always been wanting
to go to England but also because I was
or still AM a whole model teenager who
like any other teenager wanted to get
away from her occasionally embarrassing
parents and overly obnoxious little
brother as possible so I asked my
parents if I was allowed to do it they
said yes if I wanted to I could since we
couldn’t just do this with any school
due to with being an IB school I also
checked at school if it was okay from
this point to they confirmed it was
possible unfortunately I don’t know if
any international school in Shanghai
that is officially part of the student
exchange program this I found quite
interesting I mean I don’t know what
your definition of internationalists but
to me being an international school
shouldn’t just mean that you have a
diverse community but also that you
enable connections between different
international places of course you could
say that the internet is already doing
this for us and it really is amazing in
that way we can speak with people
halfway around the world without much
difficulty and connect with people we
would have never met without the
internet all of this is great but to me
besides the obvious con of not always
exactly knowing who you’re talking to if
you met them over the web it has another
big con it takes away the personal
aspect it is you can
just ask people to come to your birthday
party or go on a date with you I mean
how would that work you video call put
on the same movie at the same time and
watch the movie together you eat popcorn
they popcorn I mean is this really what
the world has come to it just isn’t the
same as going on a normal date you just
simply can’t know somebody the same way
through screen as in person so what
better way to connect with new people in
person maybe halfway I want the world
and through a student exchange or study
abroad program not only does a student
get first-hand experience of a different
culture but they also acquire important
skills that they will need later on in
their life it can build self confidence
as well as self esteem as you’re
challenging yourself out of your comfort
zone and learn new things and meet new
well sing in a different country student
exchanges require you to take a risk as
you are not only going to different
country all alone but also have to be
willing and open-minded to the new
culture and the new experience you’re
going to have while staying there you
might find new interests or learn a new
language when staying in a different
country it can be useful to learn its
language especially when you’re staying
for longer than a month
if you already know the language you can
friendship is another way participants
benefit from this experience not only
does the student get the chance to forge
new friendships with the students the
other students of the school he or she
is attending which may last a lifetime
this actually reminds me of something my
dad always used to tell me that it is a
good idea to have friends all over the
world because if you ever come to city
on for example a work trip or maybe even
on a private holiday you can visit them
or maybe even stay with them and who
does agree that it’s great to see old
friends again and get her out while
doing so on a more serious note I want
to discuss how student exchanges could
benefit global relations for this I want
to share something with you that started
in my humanities class we are currently
learning about we’re all one with unit
question is war inevitable to show us
some strategies to create and maintain
peace they gave us a handout with four
major strategies now all were results
reasonable strategies but one
particularly stood out to me expanding
the circle humans have empathy for
family and friends we’re friends and
allies need more people to look out for
and culturally exchanged was listed as a
strategy for maintaining peace in this
way student exchanges could really
change more in the world than simply
your own perspective now before you jump
to conclusions I’m not saying that we
should travel to countries that are at
war for a student exchange which doesn’t
mean that we can’t still travel with a
thought of connecting people and
creating and maintaining peace for
example why shouldn’t I knees and
Japanese student exchange maybe if they
lift in each other’s lives for a while
they would be able to understand each
other better and this could be the same
with so many other countries all they
considering all the advantages of
student exchanges and studies abroad how
come they are more common
I found that money seems to be a problem
many parents believe that if they sent
their child on a student exchange or
study year abroad the cost will be much
higher than a normal school year
this however is false unless you’re
planning to send your child to some
private fancy boarding school if you
think about it it makes sense you’d have
to pay the school fee food and pocket
money which you would have to pay anyway
so the only major difference is that
you’d need to pay a flight ticket to and
from the place your child is planning to
go and perhaps an accommodation fee in
the end I didn’t go on the year abroad
to England because I felt I wouldn’t
have been challenged enough as I
consider English the language I’m most
comfortable with although I’m German
which is why I’m going to Germany for my
year abroad next year however that isn’t
the point the point was or still is the
Tintin amazing and then so many ways
beneficial thing as a student exchange
is possible and now you know this too so
I encourage you to leave your comfort
zone and have new experiences and make
new memories and maybe hopefully this
could be your first step towards helping
create a better world a world of peace
thank you [Applause]
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