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Agentes do Destino | Francisco Araújo | TEDxYouth@ColégioMilitarSchool

For years, it’s good to come home and
without wasting more time
I’ll start telling my story.
that the 5th xii in the most difficult neighborhood
we live in a fight we have
one rule only one rule did not think
As we wanted to tell, let’s go back.
We only want one thing
as one lifted up that age for me the
important is a very beautiful speech
how it rains the labor market and it is
inspired by a movie called people of
organized by the method of sister and I
said exactly that tells a story
to captivate the audience and to
gain the confidence of the audience but give us
a lesson that is not everyone has stories
sad at first and we do not all have
make the speech of the bullshit that we are
some poor ones
This explains why I sincerely
I feel privileged and I will explain why
that you are also the privileged and
why is it that with honor the idea of the
ladder or a race we did not start
all on the same site to people who
start well below our and these
people should also respect
so I put the banks to prove that
you are also privileged one
exercise of an American philosopher
21st century known john roll and please
expose it under a veil of ignorance
imagine that you are in a position of
complete impartiality
You do not know which country you study in?
family living conditions are in
general and now thinks in society is that
you create without knowing what it is that you
the increase would be a better
well now has better conditions than
but it would not be so different and if
we had a table and 101 7
millions of people in this world you
Maybe both at the top of table
terms of living conditions
so I wonder if it will prove
what you call the pronounced only
so they also played in nigeria
probability of having a life
better than at the right time would be that the
probability of creating 10 per change
this whole life may be in an event in
a probability 1 vacancy for a site
much worse than you have now.
to be in Syria in a war against
try to escape from it
Maybe I would, and not with kids.
working in Africa or an illness
terminal is 160
We’re only going back and this but stay.
You do not know where we all started.
and you started higher than
that other people like me also like
it is
another example that a film of the neci
filming a set of two genes that are
the agents of the team who try to control
the fate of people the fate of
people are already mapped out and limit us to
them because they follow this
same destination
look first as you thought
that’s true
in real life does not happen we do not have
people in a cabinet to guide our
so we are paying 13 of the
essentials when solano esteem
there is one thing that is certain as it once was
here to speak I want or nothing is not something
alone will follow other people alone.
because yes it is not necessarily a good one
idea because it does not mean that they
are on the right track
the second thing is that it’s us
we control our team
maybe a whole and let’s talk
in that later but the great part
we are the trio and it seems
contradictory is that sometimes we are not
we control our team and this does not
is necessarily bad
and I will explain why I joined
school in 2007 was much smaller
of what I am now
and I’m x is in the beginning cried cried
the first period I spent the prize
whole cry and grown rabbit
He’s just my humble father.
I want to be in high school. I’m not here.
dad told me the following has not got it yet
necessary conditions to take a
decision has not supported the live
college to take a decision and a
country one thinks will be at the loss until
the end of the first year
Let’s ask the same question that is found
in the building at the time the varsity
Which is the fact that I went back to play in the
last day of the 1st year but I cried because
in the clip the house creates staying with the
comrades in the course creates frozen stay
who helped me to be in college and
stay there and had the opportunity to come back
playing with pride
years later when you have the
possibility of making the last film in the
Liberty avenue
if I had the chance to take the
decision would not be here today and
would have been magnificent eight years in the
It is a good thing that not all decisions
about our team because traffic is a
is that as I told the case that there are people
situations much worse than our own.
something we have to bear in mind
to de-dramatize some problems that we
we have
sometimes living in a closed environment
we think some of our problems
They are great things but are having
capsules to live problems seriously is
vehicle we consider a true
dilemma some things that we consider
but this does not invalidate that we had to
take decisions and we have to fight for
things we believe in
but that was it and taking advantage of the words
which were said by former commander
of the battalion they once were will involve
an idea already connected was the Admiral
nelson motta san francisco assis no
you know for sure but the idea is a simple and
students in three words of courage
patience and wisdom
you have to make a decision you have to take
these three things need to have
courage to know when you have to
changing one thing would have the courage to change
I need patience to understand that
you can not change everything and you need to
know of the day and distinguish between
these two situations these three letters
courage and patience and wisdom
It was enough, my graduation from
commander of the battalion during the year
whole is now also
under the graduation of your command of the
battalion to when making decisions
we remember these three keywords
then another thing to think about is
important to understand is that it is
primordial manson remember this equation
cost of a letter of motivation for
before the single race
we are what we are now
relationship that we have already done
luggage our morris stories of
experiences and what daycare is one thing
important in this baggage that we have is
that we have to do something we have
territories for telling a man without
stories to tell
it’s a man be this is how air service and
He is an empty man.
so friendships you have to
indicate the trip you have to do
especially with friends even too
alone and the experience has to be things
horrible things can happen but it will be a
story that is an example that
unfortunately a trip for a robbery in
cuba I usually say that we are going
leave us part where in the place
world I made a point of leaving my
penis but it’s a story that can
even though she realizes that she does not even talk
with the old album also having a
story better than me because I’m the
penis in timor a more
complicated but it’s always that we’ve been
in both cities a way of counting
stories and then when we talk about
graffiti and our future there is one thing
That’s right when we think ahead.
we can do without seven shows we
we have in this house
unfortunately we have a compass that
allowed us to play completely
disoriented when we go out there and
integrity of character is something that
we can not lose
That’s why you have it written in
your men have many walls in
scattered around the school
is not difficult to meet and will cause
do not get lost on this one coming here
Sometimes you can fly the wrong way.
then the figures we can have as
inspiration is that there are countless examples
I think others may also
imply in terms more pictures more
close to graduates who in this case
caused voice and stay in
which is at stake here today and
which have certain conditions which do not
they had another way but a figure
also that for us all example version
our marshall founder
and made family that taste of
to use is a story of the inspirational
In this case it is the new one and unfortunately this
week had an avc but it is a story of
life that I keep as a source of
inspiration because the new began to
to work at age 16 to sell milk
I’m 20, I do not have a job yet
serious and a back after defending
light a lot of time to have to do the
compulsory military service
when he returned and weak sales all
to miss to start you will need to sell the most
both contributed alone began to
expand your business and get one of the
beatings clothing and did not seem to sell
clothes all over the country
the new one got some solution
with the increase this has been the work
I and above everything next to me was a man
who wore a cap and all that he had joined
there is little time now for reasons that did not
both but there was from stone in the garden
one thing I did not need to do
because he had neither to propagate people
they could be a job
It’s useless but it ‘s this flame inside.
who will continue to do something and
then something that is enough for us
important and that it is a certainty that
often we forget in this life that is
exactly the opposite of life is dead we
Let’s all die and express a sentence
little clean or in jocoso and the music
about this but it is a reality we have to
facing is not our greatest fear because the
there was a study that says that its greater
fear of the human being is public speaking
but I’m sincere I did here and they are
probably time to drop further from the
according to fear but I prefer to speak in
public to die and believe that the
death is a thing that does not
We wish but the way of that is something
inevitable everything is okay when it can be mined
various ways and also constant
everest like the smelly cat that
It seems like a joke but the letter does
sense but one of the missions that also
I learned to grimace and that just by much sink
well this is the worst way and already
He did it to me but he knows very well the way
more stupid could pass the
so the challenges do not leave
spend time on the walk not distracted
life and do something and not
prepare to wait a ladder
start leaving a place because a
thing is certain this path you am
now starting to end in a big
abyss is an escalation that will end in the
video in the end let’s all die is a
We really have to wait but have
at least one opportunity to acquire
in this abyss
before the show will be the first look
paulo cat they left and power
enjoy the view
Thank you all to introduce yourself here.
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