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How can institutions deal with change | Reuben Lashley | TEDxSanAntonio

what would you do to survive the

question that I asked myself a lot when

I was a child you see like millions of

other people in this country growing up

I lived below the poverty line my

parents were really hard workers they

would work any job any place that would

require them to that would help keep a

roof over our heads and put food on the

table but the problem with poverty is

that a lot of times it’s just not enough

I think that’s why I was attracted to

church in the first place

you see Church when I was a kid it was

our salvation now I don’t mean the

spiritual or a metaphorical sense it

really literally was the church provided

food when we needed it it gave us money

to pay our bills to keep the lights on

it created a sense of community that

helps me feel like I had a place to grow

up I think that’s that’s why I decided

to commit my life to working in churches

I realized that a lot of my colleagues

they go into church work because they’re

attached to a specific denomination or

theology or idea that wasn’t the case

for me so I had the freedom to jump from

one job to the other from one church to

another and yes for a little while I was

confused but I started to see in each

and every one of these churches they

would come to me they would say you know

we really want to be relevant we want to

be engaging we want to be impactful in

our community and so I would lay out a

series of ideas and plans that they

could use and every single one of these

churches they would take a couple of

those ideas and then they’d stop

something about their system prevented

them from from moving forward to create

actual change I was really frustrated I

didn’t know what that was and so like

anybody else when you get frustrated I

call the colleague and asked them if

they would if they would want to go to

lunch with me and I sat there and I was

explaining everything to her and and she

said well do you know

she need to do and that was a thought

that never crossed my mind

you see I I I actually just wanted to

sit and complain I didn’t actually want

to have to do anything to fix the

problem she said the problem is that you

you haven’t considered the Platypus I

said okay what does that mean

she said well back in the 80s and 90s

there was a common conception among

neurobiologists in psychologists that

that the human brain was the most

evolved brain and the reason that they

thought this was because there was a

great groove between the left and the

right hemisphere and it was believed

that that groove was greater than any

other animal or mammal well in the 90s

new article came out that said that that

was not true that a number of other

mammals including the platypus had a

greater difference between the left

hemisphere and the right hemisphere in

fact the platypus is able to shut down

one side of its brain and still use

another it can be asleep and awake I

said okay well that’s interesting but

what does that mean she said the thing

that’s interesting about that more than

anything else is that the people who

were researching this had to challenge a

fundamental pillar of their field I

thought about that how many of us are

willing to make those challenges how

many of us are willing to challenge what

it is that we believe and so for me it

was beginning to study evolution as I

read through and study a number of

evolutionary books I I came upon one


Pierre take heart de sardine a Jesuit

philosopher and priest who came from

France into America in the early 1900’s

he was a PhD in theology but also a PhD

in anthropology

he loved religion and science and so

when Darwin’s origin of the species came

out he said it was the greatest book of

his generation

he took the principles that Darwin said

about evolution and survival and the

process of growing and he said this

could be applied not just to animals or

humans but to ideologies for dejardine

it could be applied to religion and for

him God itself would go through a

process of survival

even evolution that we exist through a

series of time but that ideologies and

people are either surviving or

challenged to change and evolve it was

an interesting concept for me at least

because as I read it I started to wonder

how the Catholic Church responded well

the church responded as well as they

could with anybody that’s challenging

the major systems they have they told

them to stop writing they refused to

publish any of his books and they told

him to stop teaching what’s interesting

though is that over the course of the

next 50 to 60 years the church reversed

its decisions it came out and said that

actually they are Dean’s ideas of

survival and evolution progressing

through time have shaped so much of how

we can understand ideology religion

science and all of humanity I thought it

was really interesting because the

initial point that the Catholic Church

engaged de chardin they were doing the

exact same thing that he was critical of

they were more concerned with the

doctrines and the dogmas of their

survival that they wouldn’t be

challenged and pushed to evolve they

wouldn’t take that next step until

something forced them to and I realized

that this was true in each and every

Church that I worked at they would be

comfortable only going so far unless

something really pushed them to have to

evolve and the more I started talking

about this with more people the more

many of them started to say to me you

know what it’s not just the church it’s

it’s any organization it’s any

institution it’s any business it’s any

relationship and as we’ve seen recently

it’s any political party we either stay

in a mindset and a place where we think

that survival is key the reality is that

survivals not even that hard all that

you have to do to survive is keep doing

today what you did yesterday if the

resources are available to you you’ll

keep going but evolution is something

greater evolution forces us to to move

beyond that I noticed

at least a couple characteristics of

surviving systems and evolving systems

surviving systems love to talk about the

past if you’ve ever been an organization

or a place where somebody introduces

themselves to you and the next thing

they say is how long they’ve been there

you know you’re in a surviving system

surviving systems love to look at the

things that used to work and believe

that they can work again they ignore the

idea that these these ideas and these

sisters situations don’t happen in a

vacuum they have this notion that

perhaps because this was successful

yesterday if we do it again today it

will yield the same results but it


finally surviving systems love to purge

outside and critical voices and this is

probably the most common thing that we

see anytime a new individual or somebody

with innovative thought comes into an

organization or a system a church a

business and they have all these great

ideas what happens either within a

couple weeks or months or even a year

they become frustrated and they either

adapt to the system or they leave but we

started to see that there are places

there are organizations and systems and

businesses and yes even political

systems and parties that are moving to

an evolve state that are evolving

themselves and the state of evolution

for them means to challenge those past

assumptions evolving systems are willing

to challenge even the major pillars of

what they have of what their

organization has always known take a

look at Amazon and borders you have an

institution organization that said

people are never going to stop reading

books on paper and went bankrupt and you

had another organization that said we

have a different way that people can see

how they’re going to read in the future

evolving means being willing to

challenge what that pillar is in your

organization and your relationships in

your systems evolving institutions also

have very simple goals the kind that

could fit on a baseball cap that

everyone can understand

and know and see and apply and buy into

more than that

evolving systems are willing to listen

to critical voices the critical voices

that are willing to challenge them that

are willing to push against them that

are willing to say that the things that

worked yesterday are not the things that

are going to help you work tomorrow so

what are you gonna do which system do

you belong in which system are you

working in will you change and challenge

will you evolve perhaps the question

that I asked at the beginning isn’t the

fair one maybe the question shouldn’t be

what would you do to survive but what

would you do to evolve because if we

learned one thing this past week when we

woke up on Wednesday morning it is that

it doesn’t matter how much you ignore it

how much you fight against it or how

much you plan for it evolution is here and it’s all around us

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