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Healthcare Intelligence | Shihab Zafar | TEDxNorthSouthUniversity

thank you
and hello everyone I want to talk to you
about our platform that’s basically a
messaging platform that allows users to
connect to experts on well being this is
the gesture for well being now why
messaging cuz it’s great it’s definitely
an easier way to communicate and the
youth use it the most I think to be
honest it helps us with its really good
for avoiding people or confrontation if
you haven’t used it to cancel dinner or
with someone you’re not using the
service right but I’m not promoting that
what I’m trying to say is messaging can
be great even if it’s a if it’s
especially anonymous that’s what I’m
trying to say you can talk about very
personal things and not be afraid that
you might be judged or talk about a
topic of taboo and I think we prefer it
more than face-to-face communications I
think a smart man once said we don’t
talk anymore like we used to Charlie
puth we understand that you know and we
all do that if we have something that
we’re concerned about or need to know we
usually go to Google and you can search
and that’s gonna be a chance game it’s
not going to pinpoint the answer or you
could have found a friend or you could
ask the crowd it’s the three lifelines
you know we’re all familiar with Who
Wants to Be a Millionaire
you have three lifelines so that was the
kind of thinking that got us towards my
up and we’re like why not have a fourth
you know it’s it could help you
anonymously get information you could
ask anything you want and it’s by vetted
experts so it’s credible when I was
showing this service to my friend I was
trying to get him to user I said look
you might need it and he was like now
I’m fine I don’t need help
and that’s what most of us would do you
know we really don’t want to show our
weaknesses anyways when I got him to use
it he would he’s still typing on my
phone so I can see what he’s typing he’s
like I know a friend that’s having an
issue with stiffness I’m like you have a
friend he’s like no no you don’t know
this guy he’s another friend and I
realized then that we all do this you
know we’ll ask a problem or about
something but in the third person so
clearly my friend was ashamed to even
tell me that we don’t stiff anymore like
we used to it’s great because you can
anonymously ask expert advice or basic
even whatsapp for council but it’s
better you can see anything ever since
we started we see phenomenal growth
perspective when we first started with
the answering maybe 100 200 questions
we’re today that’s two questions a
minute so close to 3,000 questions a day
now if that isn’t great I don’t know
what is thank you 85% of our users are
youth not so much sorry yeah
you’re very welcome
55% female 40% male
5% they don’t want to tell us which is
cool we should be allowed to do that 18
to 25 that’s our main people like you
know the youth and how the system works
is we have this really smart technology
and it can detect when you ask a
question it detects on the basis of
severity urgency even category of which
this expert should go to and it’s like
and that’s what happened when we went to
a garment factory we were doing an
outreach and we said this is how you
should use the surface it’s good for the
legs Abdul Niki like that’s ideally how
it works but it’s good for you you know
it helps yeah we want people to
communicate the service is available on
Android web app SMS chat bot we’re
looking at other platforms as well to
make it available and it’s 24/7
what’s amazing there is we can we can
actually tell you a lot more about you
because we get access to a lot of Cara
that’s probably the best part about this
service and I could tell you what day of
the week or what time people ask the
most questions or the weirdest time
people ask questions if you’re thinking
it’s at night you’d be wrong it’s
actually Wednesday morning
go figure
we could also tell you 60% of all our
queries are public health and sorry HR
related we know what people like talking
about 25% is mental health and that’s
growing at an exponential rate it’s a
good thing on a bed I guess people are
voicing out 110 percent is legal so how
do I get my dad’s property and the rest
5% is usually just general general
questions like why is the sky blue we
get that – yeah and yes so these kind of
things actually give us insightful
pictures of the society that we live in
and we’re working with a number of
people in the public private and
development sector to help analyze how
to use this data for educational
purposes or for you know prevention
going forward just helping improving
people’s lives so if you haven’t reached
out to us yet please do okay I want to
also share with you guys a few questions
that we receive on my Appa just so that
you know the kind of questions people
ask people like you and me so I’m going
to whip out my phone and then read you
some of the my top six favorites bear
with me technology okay so you can
message to us in Bangla English or
Bangla SHhhh so Vai Dhai we don’t
first one my Appa my son needs help he
gets a headache every time he’s studying
at night smart kid
turns out he needs to see an optometrist
don’t be judging second is probably
embarrassing for some today at the
office I leaked a fart and accident
which I can’t tell my doc about this can
you tell me how to fix it
don’t judge next one I don’t know how to
post this my Appa a lot of women have
mustaches is it okay to marry them I
people like you and me
I really want a family Alberto
I’m not an expert I can’t give you the
answers next one can I reuse expensive
condoms I was kind of confused myself
but yeah so you can tell the kind of
questions it’s anonymous and that’s the
power of anonymity and you know
messaging last one it’s my favorite it’s
the one that keeps me going or you know
wanting to work for where I work
aha I can’t take this anymore I can’t
pay back my loan I’ve lost my job today
this pressure on me is unfair it’s not
my fault and be pushed to give up I will
maybe I don’t want help
and I don’t want you to contact me but I
want you to tell me this why does it
have to be this way
what is the meaning of this all in the
end please help me
I don’t know why we didn’t hear back
from this user we really can’t tell but
we want to tell them that yes we
definitely there to listen we can tell
you and keep asking my Appa you know
that’s what we’re there for before I end
I want you to see a small video Facebook
is made for us about the service thank
you for listening in countries like
Bangladesh women don’t necessarily feel
comfortable talking in the open there
are lots of taboos while asking and
seeking for advice where do these women
go and they have with missions to ask
about their body messaging service that
helps you in connect to experts we get
all sorts of questions mainly Dinoco
logical baby care media tips even psycho
social and legal questions through free
basics I’m getting rural areas mostly
because a person gives information to
people in countries where data is less
they don’t have to use their data sonic
is a gentle Kasey my little bit deeper
to say it
since we launched we’ve answered over
400,000 queries people want to use my in
remote villages because there are all
these barriers to job every builder
financial social issues because it’s
really three basics has really helped me
to take my to those last users
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