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Health and Well-Being in Life and Business will save the planet | Sian Young | TEDxDrapanosWomen

are we becoming more sustainable or are
we going backwards it is my belief that
we are not moving forward fast enough
and we’ve already seen the consequences
of global warming with crazy erratic
weather patterns and higher sea levels
and you know put your hand up actually
if any of you have felt climate change
in your life yeah I mean how how does
that look for you you know how how does
that affect you in your daily lives by
limiting global warming you can
eradicate these challenges you can
reduce the impacts on the ecosystems on
humans and on well-being the decisions
that we make today are critical in
ensuring a safe and sustainable world
not just now but in the future so why
are we not seizing the sustainability
strategy that is already out there so it
is in my experience as a health coach
for SMEs and entrepreneurs that
everybody is really keen to be
sustainable but we forget our own health
we spend so much time overworking being
unfit and burnt out and after a short
spell in a mainstream job why I built my
business I realized that this is not a
problem that is unlimited to SMEs and
entrepreneurs this is a human problem
when people are burnt out in their work
and in their life how can they do
anything let alone cease sustainability
strategy before I became a health coach
to entrepreneurs and SMEs I ran a pole
fitness studio now this business was not
easy to build and it came about by
complete accident
you see I looked at the skills I had and
I thought I need some help if I’m gonna
up live
my life I was unwell and I was in the
doctor’s office and I saw this beautiful
glossy brochure advertising a water
sports academy now it drew me in with
these pictures of beautiful ocean views
and rainforest walks and and I decided
right that’s it I’m gonna be a
windsurfing instructor yeah so I wrote
the 200 charities and trusts and got
refused and I nearly gave up on my dream
so I was closing the brochure and on the
back was a picture picture of their
patron Her Royal Highness Princess Royal
so I decided enough is enough I’m going
to the top so I wrote to Buckingham
Palace and I said can you give me a hand
please it’s hard out here I mean you
guys know it’s hard out here and to my
surprise some weeks later I received a
letter from the palace through my my
door and the Academy they were stating
the Academy would be in touch so they
offered me a windsurfing watersports
instructor instructor training course on
the Sunshine Coast of Australia I know
so I decided it had to be me so I was so
proud of achieving this cause I became a
wind surfing instructor rescue diver and
I come back to Scotland and then I
realized my big mistake can anyone guess
what that is the water was freezing
I was like oh no what am I gonna do so I
thought I pulled danced a little bit to
raise some money for the course right so
I thought I had to use the tools I had
okay so I have this beautiful friend
poppy and she always says use what
you’ve got and you can’t go wrong so I
thought I’m a pole dancer and I can
instruct so I built my first business
this business was a pole dance fitness
studio we coached over 5,000 women in
pole dance fitness self-esteem nutrition
well-being mindset all the good stuff
and it was at this time I realized the
combination of mind-body and
environmental nourishment was key to
well-being and that’s what inspired me
to take action to change my life and to
change lives of many unfortunately after
tearing my cartilage my pole dancing
dreams were over and I had to close my
business so I set about implementing my
five step recovery plan you see this is
not the first time I had had to use my
five step recovery plan
I found myself bedridden for two years
and it was this long-term recovery that
is – the first time I devised this
recovery plan so let me go back a little
bit when I was 15 round about the 90s I
find myself homeless on the streets of
Scotland I mean guys that’s why I look
so young
because I was cryogenically frozen
okay one time I tried to get to sleep in
a dungeons in Dunfermline which is
freezing and the dungeon was locked I
mean I had suffered so many attacks I
was so scared to sleep anywhere else but
this ruins of a castle and the dungeon I
couldn’t get in
I felt so low I thought how bad is my
life I can’t even get into a dungeon to
sleep so I curled up like right there in
the mud in a ball and I prayed I prayed
that I would wake up the next morning
now there was no one more surprised than
me in the morning when I opened my eyes
I was six stone in Macy eighteen I was
bleeding from the stomach every day
after seven years seven attacks and a
string of serendipitous moments I found
myself bedridden for two years with
malnourishment and mental health issues
I mean who wouldn’t right so and so I
was lying in my bed I was void of
nutrition I was it was I was unable to
focus I was unable to eat I was unable
to walk and I was so lonely and I
realized something I hadn’t died so
maybe I needed to learn how to live is
in him so if you agree with me shout
life whoa
so lying in my sick bed I thought what
is health I wasn’t quite sure I thought
what is the life and how do I get me
some so this is where my journey of
health began I had to learn to walk I
had to learn to eat I had to learn to
recover my life from and my mind from
seven years of starvation
drama I had to become my sustainable
self so I faced challenges as well other
people’s opinions of me I mean I was six
stone he may see a TEDx homeless I was
treated no higher than a slug on this
planet so can I ask you a question
how can we as a human race care about
this planet if we can so easily vilify
somebody who is so vulnerable
strangely enough for many homelessness
is not a choice right climate change
alone has caused the global displacement
of over 30 million people so first I had
to learn I had to learn to build the
resources and the knowledge I had to
bring myself strength you see whenever
you want to change something in your
life you first need to learn where are
you right now
what resources and capacity will you
need to move yourself forward
every good redesign project starts with
a preparation phase so I had to ask
myself how would I repair the damage
that I had been done to my body and my
mind after seven years of starvation and
trauma I had to build a plan develop a
plan and then I had to implement that
plan using the knowledge and the
capacity that I had learned and I
realized that with no money no standing
in life I had no power to change this
world and I had no power to didn’t make
sure what happened to me never happened
to anybody else again you see to develop
your sustainable self not just for you
for us as a human race you need a plan
yes but with that you need action so
next I continually optimized I’m going
somewhere with that optimize this
process that I had and I am I thought
how will I make sure that my past does
not determine my future
how will I redefine myself from the
homeless girl to the award-winning
entrepreneur you see when you’re
developing your sustainable self your
approach will need adjusting and that’s
okay that’s the valuable part of
transformation through celebration and
determination and repeating my recovery
plan again and again I managed to
sustain the efforts and have come come
the woman you see showing up before you
today if we don’t celebrate our wins the
work in transformation becomes too hard
I mean the change that we need now for
this world for our future means we need
to celebrate the successes that we have
so we can all champion our way forward
see I search for a way to repeat the
success of my recovery plan in my
research I came across this model called
the sustainable strategic growth model
it is a proven model that was created by
dr. Llewellyn James and so I adjusted
this model and recreated it using the
steps of my recovery plan that I had
used again and again and again to
recover from divorce from homelessness
from post-traumatic stress disorder and
I use this process because it sure does
work so although my work is grounded in
SMEs and entrepreneurs I can see how
this model fits into larger
organizations in fact I can see how this
model fits to humans and I’m now
completing next level inquiry research
with turning tides a local homeless
charity imagine if I could help a
homeless or in securely housed person
their sustainable self imagine the
impact they could have with their story
so if leaders of organizations adopted
this approach and create its systemic
cultural change what if each of you
started to create your sustainable self
and permeated that into your lives and
your workplaces we could all become
impassioned about saving our planet you
see if we get the environment right for
the human the human will right the
environment so today we have learned not
only the effect that we have on the
environment but the effect the
environment has on us and I’ve shared
with you my five easy steps of learn
develop implement optimize and sustain
because it sure does work now it’s your
chance guys how are you going to develop your sustainable cell
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