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Dal motorsport alla smart mobility | Flavio Farroni | TEDxMarcianise

I’ve never been a great one
passionate about cars remember the
my first year of engineering studies
mechanics all my colleagues do not
they spoke of something other than four
I thought I had done everything wrong
two years later I find myself
quite often in those places where
any fan would always have
I dreamed of being there
uses a research path and a
start up project born about two years
he has two years in which we have learned
that the possibility of doing business e
everywhere especially or in particular
where there is the possibility of
investigate what the behavior
of those objects and blacks round and
rollers which are the tires of the
our cars that we all use but of which
then few actually know
something I deal with dynamics of the
vehicle at the federico ii una
discipline that studies interaction
of our cars with the environment
external and in this area
the tire is something essential
any vehicle however complex
technology has to deal with the fact
that the main source of interface
with the external environment it consists of
small areas more or less as large as the
palm of a hand
within these areas it comes ha
played an essential match one
game that can win or lose
a race when it comes to racing or one
game that can save a life
when it comes to road safety
these considerations help us to
understand how essential it is to optimize
what happens in these small ones
after about ten years of activity in
we have this field with two friends
we broke down and founded a spin off
academic a company born with
the intention to evoke the place where
today there is the castel dell’ovo in Naples and
where according to the legend
the body of the Partenope siren I will go to
run aground and from there the first one originated
settlement of the city of Naples i
spin off academics are start-ups
of the companies that are born within
research contexts with the aim of
enhance the research products
and operate what is defined
often technology transfer
I have always defined our project
as a due project due to it
after years of research our ideas
they were there and pushed to leave
that their dimension of the theoretical ed
to venture towards this world of
sports competition and this this
mobility that is changing in these
years in a revolution that is
becoming something that leads to vehicles
to be increasingly interconnected and
autonomous the point is that we did not know
how do you become entrepreneurs like you?
becomes start upper I remember ours
first steps the fear the first nights
insomniac our logo sketched on
napkins in the bar the first business plans
the great euphoria when something happens
he arrives in front of us and wants
listen to what we had to say
he wanted to make our own ideas and ones own
some discomfort when that context
not everyone seemed to understand
really like a start up could
live within the context
the first year they face it with
the intention to develop one
highly innovative technology one
technology that would allow the driver
certain vehicles to hear the
tire operation even when
we are on virtual cars during the
after this first year and a half
some of the first players are the first ones
large companies with whom we dialogue
they named this technology as the
most innovative technology at the level
international in the world
of the interaction between road tires
we suddenly found ourselves catapulted into
a totally new context we were in
flight to hannover in germany where
we had to receive this award was
extremely exciting and the second
classified in a company of 27,000
employees or at the time we were in
five we were flying and we wondered
what could be a motion of
schematize the path that had us
brought up to that point between good people
engineers took a sheet of paper and
we draw a scheme a scheme that
he had two fundamental guidelines
a first linked to the level of maturity
technological research of our ideas
typically foods to the processes of
innovation from the bottom brings ideas
at a purely embryonic stage that
they will evolve over time
progressively the other director was
the audience of potential users
they could take advantage of those ideas
initially like all the ideas that
our yes is born in startups
they placed in a rather context
immature technologically and destined
an audience of rather low users
any start up any company
aspires to the fact that their own ideas
they grow up technologically and turn around
to ever wider plates if so in
that moment we were going to analyze how
our ideas had evolved we see
that those ideas that are these small
crocetti nor were they willing
actually by following this let’s go to
this trend
we were doing what was probably going
done but the most interesting thing is that
in this innovation process
constant new ideas were born
these new ideas fed this
diagram from below in a manner
totally new at first ours
we saw born in an area of
low technology and low stalls
users our ideas have changed
completely approach to innovation
they were born in an already projected context
towards the great revolution of the
mobility and research feedback
He had changed our way of being
researchers and doing research itself
the great fruition the great relationship
that there is between research innovation had
put in place a tangible process
innovation that had changed us
same as what has happened
summing up in some way was that the
technology transfer process
that many times we mention or
take ideas to transfer it to a
another place had become something
that was a technological interchange of us
we gave from research and re acquired
in the search itself something
deeply innovative without one
startup all this would never have been
a specific innovation from the world of
he ran from where we had left to the world
of innovation in mobility was
stemmed from the fact that an algorithm that
it allowed us to estimate the evaluation
of the adherence between hypnotics and the road
he had been to win races
reported to the context of mobility in
a context that that of mobility
autonomous that is around us changing
in these p in these two years they are
many things happened we have a staff
growing the context of the
territorial innovation is
deeply changed we have new ones
university poles
we have business incubators
we have great players that invest on the
territory and have a startup in
this moment here makes us say that it seems
to be in the right place at the moment
quite right
that little logo we drew on
paper towels
now we see it in contexts much more
ample memory the first time that
witnessing the fact that our logo
he was put on a high car
performance we had tuned into
stream to an event to see this
race and while in the pits they wrote
the preparations were first
interviews technicians were scrambling
near the cars we noticed an operator
that meticulously cleaned the pillar
where he would soon be there
attached our sticker we lost
any attention to the rest
of the event that man had captured
completely our attention
that hand had become the hand of the
our idol for those minutes
now that place and in quite other contexts
we arrived in motogp
we arrived in the formula is the magazine
Italian of the mighty awarded the
project as one of the most projects
innovative driven by innovators under
35 in 2018 in Italy and a few days
October 15 we were at the stock exchange
Italian to receive a prize as one
among the three major Italian startups
success of this year
from time to time I happen to
talk experience with neo plate
start upper or faculty students
scientific and so many times I
you are asked what are the
teachings we have had from
this path and that we could bring
to the others
we have learned that the possibility of
doing business and anywhere and everywhere
where there is the possibility and desire to
investing in research skills
he represents this and many times he can
starting from a skill that can
seem really niche that can
get really anywhere the
possibility of doing business and everywhere
where you want to communicate with
traveling can mean exploring
new contexts also remaining well
rooted in their territory
listen to people understand what they are
their problems and try to solve them
many times even with the will of not
have any kind of immediate advantage
and everywhere where there is possibility of
create contamination probably
innovation is right there to take a
knowledge from sectors that initially
they seemed not to talk to each other and
create connections of bridges that
they lead where they could not be imagined
to arrive but above all perhaps
the possibility of doing business and where there is
people are focusing on people
because they are the people who do
happen things create value give to
a team the chance to believe that from
a context also simply linked
to the study of that small area of
interaction or from a context
territorial far from those centers
neuralgic of motoring
international we can do it
our project was born for
allow us to stay and return to
today our goal is to
make our activities like this
competitive to say to those who are elsewhere
I’m going to Naples thanks
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