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Five uncommon thoughts for a successful you! | Camilia Salsabilla | TEDxAPU

so thank you remedy for my compression
again my name is Familia de casa milà
please feel free to call me caviar
Familia I’ve just graduated a couple of
months ago from it to make an 8q so my
memories may be you are still really
really fresh I’m really happy that I
came back today it’s something that I
love in Tokyo but I love it the most I
see a lot of faces here and it’s really
nice to see you again to those who have
a mass before it’s really really nice to
meet you what I’m going to talk about
today is actually very lie and hopefully
inspirational for you hopefully it will
motivate you to become a better student
and make you success the topic is five
thoughts for a successful you that might
not be very uncommon for some of you
before I left
bamboo my favorite professor who’s here
with us right now gave me a book by
Robert welcome their own love inspiring
quotes not only from the book but also
from The Belfry itself and it is Paris
me and I related to all experienced
since I have made view and all the
things I learned so on my four years in
APU my favorite quote goes like people
say the dress always greener on the
other side I strongly disagree the grass
is not always greener on the other side
it is greenness with you honor it
meaning that it is very important to
stop comparing yourself to other people
and focus what I don’t have everyone
here has their own meanness of strengths
some of you guys are good at math some
people like me you know some people that
you are good at public speaking
some people like me from
the well just okay some of you are good
diplomacy and negotiating and some of
you don’t but do you think that other
people are better than you think again I
believe not first of all how do you
actually define success especially at a
very young age we’re all like 21
probably all of you are like 18 19 20 21
22 and some professors are like probably
older than that well made of the most
one of the most famous degenerates it
says well success is been attainment of
wealth Fame and social status but are we
really going to stick with that I didn’t
need to be a couple of months ago I
stopped my friends from APU from all
over the world
not really but from other countries and
I asked 10 different people who are
doing seven different things living in
five different countries and as you’ve
seen that have different definition of
success wake up in the morning and make
my bed we’re leaving to school which
means probably he wants to be
disciplined create a professional video
game make my family and friends happy
fisting my friends all over the world
with my own money convinced my money
monthly which is probably she wants to
have more negotiation skill and it is
okay become a worldwide non-politician
good for her
lose weight gain weight be happy and
comfortable with my own self one of my
friend wants to get married before 28
and that’s my answer stop binging my TV
series primordial strangers saying
right I know which leads me to the first
point above if one is that stupid but it
works it being stupid do it your own way
it’s very efficient say it’s comparing
yourself to other people be yourself
but sometimes in this world you cannot
always be yourself you always have to
frame yourself so people will see you as
a better version of yourself when you’re
going on an interview for job hunting
internship organizations do you just
want to wear jeans like yeah hello like
I’m camellia 21 like yeah you know give
me a job I need a job
no I practice a lot after where soon
very boring right soon the skirts
talking high heels I’m gonna say it’s
wrong but well but you are you need your
own way you know it’s very very
important actually to reflect on
yourself and see around you this person
is very inspiring but it doesn’t mean
you have to beat them again as well the
other speaker said you have to be
original don’t copy other people because
you’ll always want to step behind if
you’re copying other people we’re young
it stars for ourselves to know who we
are before we grow up and they’ll
probably become a more successful person
in the future everyone asked what’s your
goal camellia after a great wait what do
you want to be what’s your goal next
three five to ten years I’m not saying
that it’s not important to have a clear
goal in your life that’s what keeps you
focused but setting your strategy is
more important setting your strategy
means if I can relate to my experience
some people when they do job hunting
they do go to a lot of kindnesses the
watch youtube videos to get motivated
and do a bunch of internships that
didn’t work for me and it’s okay
I’m doing it in my own way and it’s I
believe it’s not the strategy I would
like to apply to myself to become a more
successful person in the future to
achieve my goals what doesn’t work for
me might work for you and what work for
you mine doesn’t work for me and it is
okay why there are a lot of people at
your EQ students professors more than
150 audiences but we’re all different we
might be Indonesia you might be in the
you were probably from Jakarta I’m from
Jakarta but we’re all raised by
different family different background
what you think is right might not be
right for me what do you think is wrong
might not be wrong for me and is it
wrong you know do you think that it’s
important to go all those internships to
go to all the guidance we a lot of
booked for you to be able to get her
dream job no if you think it’s right
good for you but if it doesn’t work for
other people it’s okay the force your I
need to other people and the way they
want to do it this is also one of my
favorite codes
ignorin power and pride are a deadly
my favorite professor once told me be
stay humble some people think that
confident people are arrogant are cocky
they’re not if they know they want to do
they’re confident with themselves
they’re comfortable with themselves
don’t drag them down don’t think that
they’re talking don’t think that
arrogant you should be inspired better
you should alert a lot of them and we
found herself how do you want to be that
kind of person but in your own way
through your own process with yourself
people say that people who knows what
they want people who knows what they
want to do in their life who are
focusing on their
those are cocky or arrogant but no there
is a huge difference between being
confident and being arrogant if you’re
confident you have a true faith in
yourself that you are able to do the
things you what are doing life also you
would always want to improve your open
to criticisms you listen to people
you’ll learn a lot in our young age
probably in our age our ego tend to be
quite high when you say you’re doing any
bite and your family friends or
professor don’t think the same way it
will be like I know what I’m doing
but sometimes we don’t and sometimes
it’s okay to listen and learn from other
people and then it’s good but stay
committed it’s way better where normal
human beings were young we lose our
motivation stranger things on our laptop
book I would choose stranger things I
would lose my motivation right when I
did the job of the interview my managing
director for my company asks chameleon
this for years you do so many things how
did you stay motivated I just smiled and
I said I don’t I stay committed if you
are committed to what you’re doing you
know what you wanna do in life you have
a strong faith in yourself that’s what
keeps you going
new realistic motivation at one point of
the time in the beginning of the
semester you wake up and you feel like
yes 6 a.m. we gotta wash my dishes make
my breakfast I’m gonna go I’m gonna be
late and then towards the end of the
semester do we even care
we’re just gonna wake up
yeah leaving diplomacy me shut up a
great girl named Mary okay wait wait
wait yeah you know I’m like that too
because I look like motivation but I
wanna graduate I want to find a good job
I need to stay committed plasmon at
least we’re young expect changes our
interests shift you come to tennis apu
leastly listen to all these amazing
guest speakers I learned a lot of the I
get inspired I get inspired and I’ll say
like is my manager actually like a fair
manager or like but I’ll observe for the
right but you know get ready to be
inspired get ready to have your
internships every single day you’re an
APU you will meet a lot of new people
you’ll do a lot of organizations enjoy
your time in APU
you learn a lot of people your interest
will change and it is okay because for
me change is the art of living in
conclusion I want to let you all know
that even though I’ve conveyed all the
five common thoughts it might not work
for you and it’s okay but I hope it
could inspire and motivate you to stay
committed to be confident to always
believe in yourself that you can do it
you can do it and you will do it you
just have to study your own strategy you
just have to do it your own way
know your Worth and own it
thank you very much [Applause]
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