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Finding Your Purpose By Talking With People on Planes | Brad Morgan | TEDxUTK

every day I Drive 45 minutes to work and

it is the best part of my day

now I know what y’all are thinking how

bad is this guy’s life if 45 minutes in

the car every day is the best part of

his day but I assure you it has nothing

to do with the fact that I treat my car

is an island between the worries of work

and the horrors of home it has nothing

to do with that those 45 minutes it’s

the best part of my day because in the

back seat of the car sits a six-year-old

girl who looks out the window and sees

the world in ways that I don’t I looked

out the windshield and I see a line of

slow-moving traffic she looks out the

window she trees she sees a tree speed

by I see the clock I think about

deadlines she sees the Sun thinks about

going fishing

I hear the squeal the tires I gripped

that steering wheel she hears the music

on the radio she dances in her heart she

doesn’t say a whole lot before I drop

off at school every morning but what she

does say it’s not throwaway material she

shares her perspectives her observations

her hopes for the day and I’m reminded

that frequently the world is what we

choose to focus on whether it’s a line

of seemingly unending brake lights

whether it’s a lie the vibrantly colored

trees because I value her perspective

recently I let her know I’d have the

opportunity to be here with you all

today and I asked her what she thought I

should share with you all now as a

lawyer I experienced more than my fair

share of the Socratic method in law

school right we all know what this is

this is where a curmudgeonly professor

stands at the head of the class leans

over the lectern points at the students

and has them recite the lessons that

they should be learning and I’ll admit

that is possible possible that the

Socratic method has crept into my

parenting style right

and so my six-year-old daughter she did

what I would have done in that situation

when I asked her what message she

thought I should share she responded by

saying daddy that is a great question

what do you think you should talk about

it’s a proud papa moment for me but I

let her know I thought I should talk

about the research I’m involved in about

mentoring and how it impacts with

significance the positivity not only in

our careers but also on our mental

health her response

daddy doesn’t sound very interesting

alright so I pitched again what if I

talked about the importance of

leadership education for university

students because the opportunities are

around us every day to influence the

world our colleagues our co-workers or

communities in positive ways daddy

that’s better but it still kind of

boring now at this point she could sense

that I was struggling right so she threw

out an idea of her own daddy why don’t

you tell them how to make the world a

better place out of the mouths of babes

right now she had a very specific idea

of the message I should share with you

all about how to make the world a better

place not littering but I’m not sure I’m

the guy to talk with you all about

environmental sustainability but her

words did resonate with me daddy what if

you told them how to make the world a

better place that’s a tall order and I

can’t promise to tell you how to make

the world a better place

but how about this how about I share

with you one story story that has a

profound impact on my life in making my

life a better place in the lives of some

of those around me the very least I can

tell my six-year-old daughter that I

tried right some time ago I had the

opportunity to take a journey a large

plane it was one of those that had three

seats on the aisle five seats in the

middle and another three seats on the

aisle and I remember two things when I

got on board that plane I looked to the

left and I looked to the right and the

seats seemed to stretch on as far as the

eye could see and those seats they were

green so help me they were green because

I made my way to the back of the plane

because of course I was sitting in the

back of the plane as I got to my

assigned row which I think was like 986

double Z I had a moment of realization I

was not sitting in the middle seat I was

gonna sit next to the window and you all

know this feeling right it’s like

winning the plane ticket lottery so

immediately I sat down and appropriately

and properly packed my carry-on bag

underneath the seat in front of me and I

immediately brought down the armrest

right you need to claim my territory

because that’s what we do

we put the barrier up between us and the

passenger sitting next to us now I was

one of the first on the plane and so I

had the opportunity to watch all my

fellow passengers come on board the

plane and they slowly walked on like

condemned prisoners and I glanced out

the window and happened to notice that

there were dark and menacing clouds that

were approaching the airport and I knew

immediately what that meant and sure

enough in a few moments the captain came

on the intercom and announced that we

would be delayed for at least an hour to

an hour and a half and an audible groan

emanated from all the passengers now

sensing that he was on the verge of

mutiny the captain made a prudent

decision he turned on the in-flight

entertainment system to at least allow

us the opportunity to watch an in-flight

movie to pass the time now I don’t know

if it was because I wasn’t interested in

the movie but I decided to take

unprecedented action I decided to try

and engage the person next to me in

conversation because yes I am that guy

now while I had won the plane ticket

lottery and got to sit next to the

window the passenger next to me she had

in fact lost the plane ticket lottery

because not only was she in the middle

seat but she had to sit next to me

anyway the conversation began with my

asking her where she was headed

Washington DC she replied which of

course was not unexpected because that

was in fact where the plane was headed

but when I asked her where her journey

began she gave the unexpected response

the South Pole now at this point I

couldn’t tell if she was tired of

talking with me I mean who could blame

her right or if she was testing to see

if I was listening so I repeated a

response in a quizzical fashion the

South Pole she then explained that she

was a research scientist she worked for

the National Science Foundation and she

had just spent the last eight months

living at the Edmonds of Scott South

Pole Research Station now to me this was

fascinating much better than any

inflight movie so I began to pepper her

with questions really deep really

thoughtful questions questions like

did you see any penguins turns out there

are no penguins at the exact location

the South Pole how many people live

there well in this summer looks like yes

even the South Pole has a summer who

knew right

150 and in the winter about 50 i guess

that the summer and maybe his tourist

season his house without pole who knows

I asked her what she did in her free

time she explained they didn’t have a

lot because their leanly staffed but

when they do have free time they spend

their time and sing-alongs and playing

board games and in that moment I knew

that the South Pole Station did not have

access to Wi-Fi because who else is

going to engage in sing-alongs right

then I asked her the all-important

question is there really a pole at the

South Pole it turns out there is in fact

there are several you see the South Pole

sits on a constantly moving sheet of ice

and every year the exact location of the

South Pole drifts approximately 10

meters and she explained how it’s the

responsibility of the residents of the

South Pole Station to each year first to

identify the location of the

southernmost point on the globe and

second to design and create the new pole

marker that will locate the direction of

true South every year on New Year’s Day

the residents of the South Pole Station

celebrate New Year’s by placing the

South Pole marker the new pole marker at

the direction of the southernmost point

in the globe this conversation had a

profound impact on me

for starters taught me to talk to people

on planes who knows who you’re sitting

next to hopefully someone more

interesting than I but you’ll never know

if you don’t ask but more importantly it

taught me about three things Direction

authenticity and reflection

with respect to direction my travel

companion explained how the first thing

the residents of the South Pole Station

do is to first identify the location of

true South because every year that ice

sheet moves that reminded me of the

importance of each of us as individuals

to step back and really think about our

location in life and more importantly

our direction each year the residents of

the South Pole Station have the same

goal to make sure that they know where

the South Pole is located and then it’s

properly marked why because each year

moves like wise in our own lives there

are many moving pieces and sometimes

just like the South Pole it feels as if

the very ground is shifting beneath our

feet as individuals it’s critical we

take the time to determine our location

whether it’s more we want to be located

as individuals it’s critical we take the

time to determine whether our direction

is where we need to be pointed as

leaders it’s imperative that we take

time to determine the location of our

organization’s of our teams and

determine whether our organizations and

our teams are headed in the appropriate

direction as we experience these

tectonic shifts in our lives in our

markets in our organizations and in our

world we need to adapt to make sure that

we are true to our direction this is not

only important to us as individuals but

also for all those who look to us for

leadership and guidance just like the

rest of the world looks to the residents

of the South Pole Station to make sure

the location of the South Pole is

appropriately marked so too do others

look to us for leadership and guidance

if the ground is shifted and we’ve not

adapted to maintain our true direction

not only will we be off course that’s so

all those who look to us for leadership

and guidance on the other side of the

coin imagine the power that comes from

having confidence in being sure of your

location imagine the power that comes

from the confidence that you’re headed

in the right direction with respect to

authenticity my travel companion

explained how each and every year the

residents of the South Pole station

designed the new South Pole marker not

only do they design it but they

manufactured in their machine shop she

explained how part of that manufacturing

process is making sure that the name

each resident of the South Pole Station

for the prior year is inscribed

somewhere on that pole did you get that

their names are literally written on

their direction marker they make it

their own they own it every day we are

bombarded with messages from society

from social media from hopefully

well-meaning friends and family and

often these messages will contain at

least implicitly if not explicitly

suggestions on how we should live our

lives on what we should pursue what our

value should be on what it means to be

successful but if we’re pursuing someone

else’s values if we’re pursuing someone

else’s definition of success then at the

risk of being redundant we’re pursuing

someone else’s values we’re pursuing

someone else’s definition of success we

need to take a page out of the book of

our friends the South Pole we need to

put our name on a direction marker we

need to make it our own one potential

way for doing this is to think about our

ideal selves what does our ideal self

look like in 1/3 or even 20 years what

do they think what do they say what do

they do how would you describe that

person how would others describe that

person think about your organization

what does your ideal team or

organization look like in 1 2 or even 3

years we need to own that vision we need

to be authentic to our true direction

otherwise we’re pursuing someone else’s

poll marker and even if we reach it will

we really care own your poll marker make

it yours with respect to reflection my

travel companion explained how the

residents of the South Pole Station

engaged in this process every year of

identifying the location of true South

and placing the poll marker each and

every year why because they know that

the ice sheet is moving they recognize

like it’s been said but the one constant

is change

yes it’s important for us to engage in

this reflective process but it’s not

something we do once and call it good

the residents of the South Pole station

they engage in this reflective process

annually each and every year

perhaps for us annually is too


perhaps for us annually is too

infrequent it’s probable that the

frequency with which we need to engage

in this process will be determined by

the dramatic nature of the moves and the

speed at which the ground is moving but

we need to engage in that reflective

process periodically because the ground

is moving and if we don’t think that it

is we’re just not paying attention and

so that’s it one story one story that’s

had a profound impact on my life

why profound because a few moments ago I

shared with you about how the best part

of my day or those 45 minutes in the car

with my daughter but I wouldn’t have

those 45 minutes if I had not engaged in

the process of finding my true direction

of making my own and periodically

evaluating to make sure that I’m

pursuing my true direction when my wife

and I adopted our six-year-old daughter

the ground shifted for me as I engaged

in that reflective process I realized

that I was not pursuing my true values I

needed to make changes both personally

and professionally and so I did and in

many ways he was painful although I was

practicing law at the time with a large

and prestigious law firm and although I

was practicing with attorneys that I

respected and looked to his mentors and

although I was engaged in cases that

were fascinating and challenging

I was not pursuing my version of my

ideal self you see I would describe my

version of my ideal self as someone

whose working in the public sector

someone who’s involved in his community

someone who’s working with individuals

on a daily basis to try and help them

improve their lives and so I looked for

opportunities to bring my true values to

life through my profession and in many

ways I started over professionally when

I moved from the private sector to the

public sector and I discovered many


one of those things is that for me at

least not all remuneration is financial

which is important because you ready be

letting on a little secret working in

the public sector is not as lucrative as

working in the private sector but it

affords me the opportunity to pursue my

true values and importantly for today’s

conversation it provides me with those

45 minutes with my daughter in the car

because you see it’s not I that drive

her does she that drives me

she is my South Pole more specifically

helping her and other young people like

her become their best selves is my pole

marker and so I adapt to make sure that

I’m pursuing my true direction and that

it’s truly mine and so my friends I have

two invitations for us today first

please put down your phones talk to

people on planes you never know if

you’re sitting next to and second find

your South Pole make it yours I hope

that at least one person is sort of

message about making the world a better

place today it’ll make my six-year-old

daughter very happy thank you [Applause]

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