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Fare per imparare, sbagliare per crescere | Andrea Signoretto | TEDxTrento

I’ve always had a very physical relationship
with things with all the objects that I have
I surround her since I was a child
the magic of colors and forms
feelings that gave me to the touch
on the other hand growing up with a father
artist and relationship with matter is
always been emphasized and valued
quickly develop a passion for
objects almost an obsession not for
any object but only for those
beautiful there was not a very specific reason
it’s a belly thing that came from
inside my relationship with objects
it was extremely intimate in a few seconds
I took them apart to see how they were
made inside but not always successful
to reassemble them once they have been dismantled
dissected analyzed I put the part
for me they were archived by now I knew
everything will have no secrets with time
this allowed me to create a certain of
database a personal knowledge
of the objects is quite extensive and
also to develop some skills
manuals related to the use of athens of
various tools and materials
another thing that always has me
fascinated is seeing people
work with your own hands
the craftsmen in particular the craftsman
he perfects his gesture
thanks to the repetition of the action
the choice of the right tool the hand
stopping the style on the other hand are skills
who train a bit like math
or drawing or languages but their own
because it’s a workout it is
fundamental to start as soon as possible
train their own hands
to feel the trust in their own hands
it’s something that we do as children
quite daily and in a manner
natural but growing up can often
pass into the background
and this can represent some
difficulty the little self-confidence
in transforming their ideas into
especially newborn ideas are
fragile ephems need a lot
care in the firm hand to be
turned into reality is right there
that it is necessary to develop one’s own
knowledge of oneself and one’s own
confidence to proceed to transform the
ideas in physical objects
often the first materialization of a
object the first physical realization is
a prototype and not always prototypes
present in this order in order
logical cleanly ordered
it’s simply about trying
some assumptions to check them for later
proceed to the next
most of the time yes
they present more like a smattering of
things scotch wire and so much
patience but just in moments like
these that you can feel free
to think with your own hands
this you see little yellow in
lower right was the first
model my cart project
bicycle suitcase dates back to seven
years ago what you see behind is
the first prototype was two years more
I say prototype because the feature
of the prototype and to be at least
partially working I say at least
partially because actually
that develops quickly enough
but let’s say for a few meters
I do remember when shooting in this
pretty satisfied photo I was in the middle
of sweden with my friends
fellow travelers and finally a
working prototype
they had gone from a few feet to more than
one thousand kilometers actually remember
also good as when returning after a few
I realized how far I was
from my goal away from the object
that I wanted to accomplish and it was there that in
Following the umpteenth discussion because
my travel and project partners
and for himself a little confidence in mine
idea was a small failure in reality
but it is precisely in moments like that
it is even more necessary to continue to
really put your hands on it to feel
more and more free to make mistakes
quickly learn from your mistakes and
grow from these sooner or later over time
and with the passion results are obtained
they are always often different than how they are there
we were expected at the beginning by how
we were imagined
but this is part of the magic of
creative process
the real difficulty sometimes to
understand when a project has arrived at
goal when a project is finished
after a few years of experience like
sincerely designer my experience
that projects never end but
they abandon themselves a certain point is
necessary to do this to leave them
free to go to the world otherwise the
risk is to keep them only for themselves
continue to reiterate in trying to
perfecting an object and in the end not
present it but in the world
my challenge is to grow
passing to the next object passing
to the next ivan scinardo project
founders of patagonia is the entrepreneur
it is that has stimulated me most in founding
my start up and undertake this
work as an entrepreneur his approach
radical but sustainable to the product is
the project struck me and me
They have made it clear since the product and
the project themselves can benefit from the
entrepreneurial approach and vice versa
now I realize that talk about start
up and design can be passions
not shared by everyone here but it is right
there I challenge you to look for yours
passions to analyze them to look for them
your ideas treat them carefully
turn them into projects then into
prototypes and then in objects transforms
your ideas actually putting them there
hands really like these people do
daily getting your hands dirty
innovate in the world of cooking or how
someone climbs mountains and doing
companies at the limit of their capabilities
physical and mental or as they do
very brave of us looking for
to create a new future for their own
what really matters
and find your passions dedicate to us
at the right time and taking them there is not
better time than here and now for
make it your passions can be
the best excuse ever to create
of new projects by passions of
common people are born ideas that
they changed our world therefore
how they remind us of charles and ray eames
take your passions seriously
thank you
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