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Empreendedorismo aos olhos de quem sente | Alex Lima | TEDxBomRetiro

who is an entrepreneur
please raise your hand, please
and being an entrepreneur
those who are afraid to undertake here have
fear because exactly this type of
thing finally I ‘m an entrepreneur has 15
I’m scared to undertake as well as
move on that stage that lives in fear of
life is to speak publicly of the
people are going to have a lot of touch today
including taking this fear but my
real fear but to undertake is this
fear every day but the will of
arrive and beyond is still here
raising flags so this is what the
people do is try to overcome these
all barriers of fact undertake is
what you know is really vulnerable
know this to accept this fear to
get pass forward when me
They called to make this top that I
I was extremely happy, it’s obvious
mainly with this breaking theme
head a certain way we are considered
as the company’s personal agent said
considered the head-breaker
professional we organize and
organizes business is for that we
It’s called and what we do at the end.
everything is to think differently to give
other solutions
when we think differently
Actually, it can look beautiful, right?
just being salable is for you to
other feel feel an idea
feel a product / service feel an event
feel anything to do that
other impacts actually this in a moment
of this
By choosing what I would say here I
I did not want to bring a lecture
I wanted to bring something already ready, I
wanted to bring something to connect with
this city with you
Finally and bring something real I stayed
thinking long time what would be the people
already done projects here but more than
This is what I feel, welcome.
and it was once that I went to give a
lecture in curitiba
I took a bus from floripa to
Joinville and here I hitchhiked with a
My friend is a curitiba and I had the
nice to sit on the side of
a person who was not understanding the
to move the cell phone frantically
he cared what I said and did
Until I got there, I asked her to
face that is and was totally blind from the
two years old and she showed me a
another world but still when I was
told me how accessibility was
how she oriented herself as she did
to solve her problems like
everybody at last that was opened
for me a new a new vision for
see the other side began to feel a
another way the name asked Alex that
you do
I talked to work with brands and
she said what is a brand never in
No one ever said that to me.
has a brand never seen in fact I took it
a pocket computer and asked her
Can I record that pot and fluminense?
he left winning exactly one apple
bite in a month away then that mark
here and here you are in love but she stays
stamped on all products
we already know it mainly
so pretty yes yes
and it’s is ne first
how beautiful this pc looks that beautiful
fact that phrase where a person there
seeing the beauty with your finger and look how it is
that it transports through another
sensation by the finger she sees beauty and
end of everything we try to do
in fact the one that breaks the head is
try to carry, not necessarily
only aesthetic but the feeling to another
we talk is entrepreneurship is also
that deliver value at that moment
technique for me visual and I could not
be a value to it is from another
how she realizes value was always going
this is how the other perceives the value
here comes the value to me
and this way of trying to contribute
of some play in any way to
here bringing some truth to me
I have three independent companies there
15 years already working with this is what
It is richer in anything
I have already done anything that
I already have undertaken are these five
values ​​here is what I want to talk about
The first value that I bring blood in
not only an eye for hiring but
any project that we do this
here is the first you have a limit that
it was people who actually go and do more
very crazy things like for example
anyway this is a
real estate project call the
people to sell that enterprise
dear, we will not do this to people
will make an experience inside the
people came and made a micro
Campaign calling couples from Brazil
whole to spend three days here one
honeymoon in a situation like this and who is
who will want to do this anyone in a
week comes 600 couples wanting to spend
three days here a honeymoon that the
wanted people
we wanted to provide a
experience including the apartment
not ready and that’s what we
showed the promise is this
It’s going to be bad people do not come 600 maluf
told us and then we started
to improve more and the experience was
improving but only that we presented
was a person
a year later it was getting nice was
getting nice and looks just fold already in
floor of a series of things could give
wrong yes in the eye let’s do this
From here, we managed everything.
anxiety every experience take steps
points knowing that each point is
improve the moment if we wanted to
actually get what the other feels this
The couple that spoke on the last day told you
we spoke next villager here 110%
felt these three days
then the guy will be happy the family will
be happy as hell no more than
talk that square meter there costs
as much as seeing will show how it is
it can be felt from another
there is no use of blood in the eye without
the other side they walk very close together without
purpose of the heart do for making a
The compressor roller does not pass through
But I need it.
you can do in a different way a
example of this is a movie a company
gigantic global energy company is
multinational is told alex presents
for us a business would imply not how
See what you did real that changed the
people’s lives will show this to us
found in the interior of Maranhão six
quilombola communities that we were
there and saw the value of the cars the culture
of the cars they had to pass
it was not to put wire towers any of this
how to make them contain the
history, we created this documentary
for the company was for free look only
crazy for free
the documentary won some awards
the world and this has turned but the
important is the main tool
communities of access to land and
right to the tax reduction that they
had they used it as a tool
for him it looks cool is the importance
of the company doing in another way
you can change that the button a city in the
guinness book are theoretically banal
which collect cooking oil
You know, we got a lot of school together.
an initially audacious goal for people
almost doubled in a month to what?
As a game, you get this more than you throw.
oil let’s be part of something bigger
You can go further, you can do something.
interesting without winning, just do it
collection last third is that the value
people are searching for the new
work we get people
starts from zero regardless of which
sector of any agent starts from scratch
We have already hired and worked with
People are medical program girls.
Clown social worker finally people
who know much more about that subject than
we we bring to close
exactly what we always start
from zero and always learns up
a goal that a goal not a
tip I give people a lot of research
tendency also if these two types of
transformation any entrepreneurship
or several entrepreneurs are already
talking about digital transformation is the
that will finally happen machine but it has
another side also extreme side
importance of digital transformation
one that is not being talked about
creative transformation and thus the
people have some things that I call
of the seven of them anyway date will change and
will change a lot as to how
information is how it is absorbed
by companies is directed gives up
of this
another blog cheney how
financial transaction certification
document transactions will go from
other beauty digital transformation beauty
It’s happening, it’s happening more
not forgetting much transformation
creative the other side is the side
human heart that he also
Directs a lot of big business but does not
a toast in the aesthetic band on the promise
value in the promise and delivers
here is the big puzzle for
people is this a great puzzle of
Each pectin is a point of contact that
people talk to the other side of
new forms of management of
companies are looking at what is called
system b companies are looking a lot
plus the human part much more the part
not only that but
disposal of products as it is a
environment where the environment lives
this way.
includes value in stock market
such values and reviewing the behavior
company culture internally does not
more to hide that that boss
I could not do that, man.
this more than it’s the cute part
behavior is also value
bolt also does not help a company a
idea the venture is only passive
have to take action now raise
flags is extremely necessary
was hidden right there in a hundred
real flags real values ​​of that
company and the last and for me the most
important b that there and takes the Brazilian
on the level of absurd differentiation in
anywhere in the world that is the
Godoy is just what we have.
understood no place in the world can have
the goal was a bit like that
malandragem not the dodo is the unnecessary
and that wrong thing we brogodó in the
our capacity is expensive how does the
people break this barrier, how does
People skip this as we are.
creative enough to find a new
exit here
in fact we have an advantage
absurd promundo fourth value
shared change without thierry com
something not necessarily
face how we can bring to
others also come to ours by
Our side to help this is from
information whether connection or
possibilities to share change is one
extremely necessary an example
That’s what we got now.
another company we took a space of
between the announcement in a gigantic
national company and took up a
innovation is beautiful and wonderful but still
stereo that we needed to do
take people there without money without
resource that we will do
Let’s call who we are.
relationship let’s call who the people
are going to put eyes on here
sharing abundance that abundance
for us at that moment knowledge
So, we’re lucky to have
meet lots of nice people
so there were 60 speakers to do
an event for 800 people and
was made in
A week ago, a little week ago.
there inside the institution people to
What the hell, man?
how to do it right we will only do we
to touch the bell to touch people
of youtube music people games
put the art people
I do not know, people.
photography people our friends
people from other countries only have to indicate
President CUFA was there and was
Grace is cool
many people who would never
possibility of entering there
I face my partners eg
doing as well as we can let’s go
touching understood godoy now working
for example here and we see when
shares this issue of the three
partners in this contract
here the happiness that gives of fact of
fulfilled of things that never
happened, let’s get a new one, let’s go
make legal or alex beauty only
institution was not ready for this
My speed is one that I think
It’s cool, but the speed of the institution
For as long as you wish, however much you wish
the process of change is not yet in
I’ll do what I ‘m going to do.
front will not work and that’s what
happened right?
If you do not push forward, I will not respect you.
the fifth value that respect the other
you not necessarily the other
if the guy respect me and respect me the
my characteristics I demand that he
that he respects me and I have to
respect the guy at that moment in the
my evolution in my rush and not
I was respecting him here.
obviously happens in friction happens
Fear of change even on my side too
in such a case
What we do, we have a team.
with each feature extremely
important the leadership of one’s heart
on the other the creativity of the other
happiness at last the irreverence of a
agent was missing a point there and the
point came even when I
I remembered that when we touch
I was creating that video and there’s rooms
event has a number of things that
People said the following, we need them.
someone to introduce and receive the
people and if someone that we
hired is fábio fábio wheelchair
the fable is visually impaired and he
in the efficient agent that
presented the following at that moment
only has an equipment so have that
have what the fable presents with the
heart was the same as that
person who showed me that you can see
beauty with the finger
the fable is there showing beauty
showing what he has in mind that people
wants to put before I get fábio
I got to one person who was there
people who were there with a
resistance and told him
each agent will hire a
receptionist agent will hire is a
Person to meet the staff here is
a beauty and talent here but has a
detail he is wheelchair user and he is
visually impaired
that person reads that initially was the
my main and the main barrier
happened at that moment without my knowing if the
our main defender
he had a daughter with a disability
high visual impairment it
starts to collapse in front of me
cry and do not have management tools
none that can control me in the
moment of this
are two they respect from one another
form is we have a power in quotation marks
to hold an institution like that
that we do not have will have the power of
to change situations like this.
and I say there’s a lot of people
does not know and is open to the new is to be
vulnerable part of that part then the
entrepreneurship is going to take us
shitload yes but knowing that my mother
people wins that is the anti fragile and this
malemolência and this borogodó that I think
that we have to have in any
but it is still from looking at the
another and know that it has the value of the other
there can be much value for who is
on the other side and understanding is also a
absurd tool or empathy is a
absurd tool of entrepreneurship
if you’re not looking at it the
People are going to be looking at something.
only that entrepreneurship is money
money yes but it’s not just money
money can be a consequence
interesting fact that you undertake
but it’s not just for this that we are
in the game it’s not just for this that people
Are you kidding and here’s the question.
these are my five values I know
that I share it
the partners with my team with everything
world that is involved in projects
knowing or not that is what shines our
that’s what makes us wake up
morning and for those who want to
who undertakes is the question which are
Your values ​​are cool to see in Ted.
Excuse me, I can see that
the organization’s staff, for example, has
blood in the eye to make it happen
I want it with very little appeal.
absurd is either the question of sharing
change the content that we are
absorbing and sharing here too
search for the new content again in
if it is to forget the other
while sharing blood in the eye purpose
in the heart is this is perhaps the main
what is this to do because you believe in a
moment of this respect of the other respect
You will absurdly respect my
fear of being put here is for making
that this has happened and I’m
extremely happy to have already passed 18
minutes and not have passed out here in the
Thank you.
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