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El poder disruptivo de las preguntas | Armando Toscano | TEDxUNAMAcatlán

Good Morning
Well I’m Tuscan brother I love you
tell a couple of things the first thing would be
tell them that question changes everything
especially we change ourselves or
It has changed me because because
some years ago let’s say about 20 years
I was afraid to ask questions
I do not know why but let’s say
ask the question the questions
they were in my head but lifting the
hand to address someone and do the
question eventually I was provoked a
feeling of fear
however, on occasion someone
he told me that finally we should
think that the question smelled the fact of
ask is one of the first acts
creative people
if we see little children
all the time they go and ask a question
what is this about
how the other works and in itself the
question implies on the one hand an act of
discovery and on the other hand an act
of invention in the image that you
can see backwards is the image of
a book called be questions by
robledo pivot in the proposal of that
book is very interesting is how the
Children can ask questions
scientists and scientists
they force to ask themselves they oblige
answer them in a creative way and it’s
it’s a way he’s going
building the world I told them that I
It’s scary to ask questions
the funny thing is that in the end my work
current depends largely on doing
questions and ask questions because the
question I want to think is something that we
forces us to think forces us to consider
towards the future because as I would say milan
kundera dreaming things that have not
past those that sometimes we do not even know
even if it exists there could not exist
it’s really one of our
deeper needs and to achieve
get to imagine what is necessary to do
some questions
asking questions is telling them it’s an act
creative is a criticism is an act
creative because finally the
creativity starts with curiosity
the more questions we ask ourselves between
different in the questions is much more
likely to go thinking about how
new relationships can be given
there are no new circumstances
learning another person another
researcher who also makes literature
Carlos Chimal in some way ends
of writing recently or relatively a
little a book called after the
traces of science and the approach
it also becomes very interesting
because he compares researchers
with the artists in some way and something
that brings us science and art go
together science and art are two forms of
address on the one hand the way
pose to the future
the way to ask ourselves how they could
be different things and at the same
time and building it back to me
I was afraid to ask , however,
the process
I was realizing that it was not
to always ask the same question if not
it was about finding new
all the time to be able to find
new relationships that eventually we
will carry different solutions
we currently live in an era that
they call the era of big data not him
indeed a transformation of the
conditions in which we live where
it is possible to track as much of
data in the last 30 years has been
nothing produced such an amount of data
great that probably goes over with
a lot three or four times all the
Previous history of humanity
however also this does not locate us
before those before the idea that
large volumes of information not
necessarily mean greater clarity
that is, sometimes receive great
information information that fans
for a place that encourages for another
it leads us more to confusion and even
to paralysis
I had a boss who said that sometimes
we suffered from paralysis by analysis
because because what happened was that we
we went by asking questions
the funny thing is that in the end in that
conversation we say good is that there
to ask questions to go
clarifying the data
I would say that actually
questions are not only the questions
we do out but the
questions we also ask ourselves
in because in an era where it dominates
the big data in some way what
we need is not more data or if not
we are more data but what we are
above all it is a better interpretation
of the information we receive clean
things get things out that eventually
they are not serving and we can do that
do only the expert before the
questions told them
in addition to big data what
we need is to say it of some
way is to have big game have good for
you mean having the ability to think
and feel the image they see behind is the
image a the image of a
public facility that they call the
cnri thinking oo something like that
because what it is really about is
of how can we ask ourselves questions that
not only come from the head but
that even come from the heart already
from here I want to tell you three
stories about how this applies
creating moments of disruption at least
moments of disruption in communication
in particular in advertising
the first of these stories is a
very old story is about a
auto a car that today is very well known is
very sold the jetta brand in 1999 what
they release a new version of yeta the
context is very important context
from that time you probably
many of you will be even just
plans or even plans on in the in
the life of Christmas was this
world and ye
something very interesting happened with the
a previous generation that had been
very successful there were few car brands
it is important to point out and jetta was one
of the vehicles that more attractive
generated then when they launch this
new version of yeta generates a
awesome attractive
however he is released with a version
of vehicles that was the most expensive
market that had a series of
characteristics that make it much more
sophisticated and then that generated a
reaction in the audience that I wanted
buy a jetta as rejection because
they said good is that I was
used to a certain price or
even diet as was one of the cars
most attractive was beginning to steal
continuously or even the insurance that
you pay for that car was the most
tall and then in different stories
we were recording that the
people do not stop talking of eta
how nice it was that you want to
buy it
but at the same time generates a kind
of rejection of a kind of sensation
of why why I’m going to
bought or dialogues between
people like the kind of how are you going to
buy a jetta they will steal you
they are going to lower me they are going to kidnap things and
it was was it was a very curious thing
let’s say the question in this case the
we did ask a question
more towards us we said good what
happens with people who despite not
he wants the vehicle or he says he does not
he wants the vehicle he kept talking
from you and me that reminded me of the time
high school, not when I saw my
companions and they said there is the guy
that is awful today is a co
hear what’s going on with that and then at
final said good as it reminds me
that what sometimes you do not stop thinking
although you reject them
it’s something that he brings in his head is not what
that finally through the question
the question was how is it possible that
people do not stop talking about the car if it says
they do not want it or and from there it was done
a campaign was a campaign very
successful for for this vehicle
let’s see if we can see it
what’s wrong with you but now I do not want that
light that burns us racionero little of
mother and teacher in the morning assured
not just as a model of more boxes
solid and so easy every year
probably many of you study
communication and they know that what is done
is a brief the brief for this campaign
it was this you have to tell people that
be fooled because actually
what he wants is a jetta not then
interesting the jump the jump
creative and they are fixed from the own
question from the fact of saying by
what happens to this the people already of
there you begin to glimpse the
creativity does not mean that we had
the answer the only thing that means is
that we were not asking a question
I was carrying a solution
years later in another experience the
working for another car brand in
another completely different context in
a context let’s say already 2007 ago where
the explosion in the in the options of
vehicles was completely different
happen we passed from that time when in
that after the announcement of eta is more
increases plus or minus 99 2000 had
about 25 car brands
competing in the market
good for 2007 we are talking about that
there were probably 150 brands
today there must be 250 competing in the
market no different brands
vehicles and toyota arrives in mexico
arrives in Mexico with a vehicle that
it is very interesting is the vehicle
corolla and they arrive doing
advertising saying is the car more
sold of the world and we say
Well, who is going to want a car more?
sold of the world that can have the
car that they want oy
differentiate yourself from the rest of the world
then we went to ask with
different people and we find ourselves by
there is a story of a lady who
I used to work as a controller as
accountant in a
a very large company was a part one
lady who would have around 50
years and said good I bought myself this
jet this corollary I bought it with my
savings is my second car but also
this study I need to have a car that
do not fail me because sometimes it’s my turn to
the end of the month ended very late and
I can afford to let the car leave me
Lying on the street
then we say good and it will not be or not
I know we should not think that
people prefer to have the car more
sold of the world get the car more
trusted the world and popped
this advertising we make it clear that
how did he know what happened to him
the pact is 30
Venezuela and Bolivia have grabbing
flight and there I did not let go and I could not
one of the things that become
hilarious to work advertising is
this to ask questions and realize
that things are changing the year
gone working now for a brand
of chewing gums we realize
they had a big problem the problem
is that the dwarves had grown
had come a competitor who had
a product that looked better than
it seemed bigger than it looks like and
that effect of looking bigger
generated like the impression that
the flavor lasted longer than the brand
I’m talking style and I made a
great effort to reformulate the
product to change the size for
offer a greater grammage and we say good
how are we going to communicate this we say
good the question wants
how can we do that could be more
interesting for people
the size of a chewing gum
it does not really matter and it all depends
the context is not actually as
the size may be more important
because when all else are reduced or
we say good that it reduces the space in
the minibus reduces the space in the
meter is sometimes reduced the salary is
reduce my time we told them in a
world a little the answer that
we find is in a world where everything
makes it smaller
If there is something that can be done more
big no
everything is done as a boy gets older
I brought these stories to you simply
to share something that you have learned to
throughout losing the fear of
questions and especially to realize
that the questions have this
possibility of changing the reality not of
change the conditions in which in
which we can operate very applied
very applied advertising on issues of
however I think there are three truth
is that I learned around the
questions the first one is that it is
important to resort to data but not
only one type of data must be used
many that’s because if for example
we only resort to data
statistics can happen to us what
says this former football coach not
the statistics are like
miniskirts give you good ideas but they go
to hide what is important in a world of
big data saying the different way in
a world of big data where all the
thought becomes statistical
mathematical somehow you have to
think beyond that you have to think
with the heart and you have to feel with the
head the second learning that to me
This has left me this process is that
how would you say
this thinker this former directors
founder of a large agency of
the bareback said that in the end the
knowledge and with knowledge referred
the information will be available
for anyone
today thanks to technologies we have
access to a lot of information all
the time
it’s more all of us can have
practically the same information
about different things in a way
however pass on the information or
to move from knowledge to an idea is
a quality of each one of us and
then that implies that we are capable
to make us inwards also
good questions and finally the
third the third learning this the
really do not even know where I
I heard but I think
interesting and at the end a question or
the correct question can change the
I start to think that there are those
who are thinking if it would be possible
life on Mars there there is a one
possibility of asking a question that
maybe lead to original answers
for the future of humanity
well this is what I had for
share thank you very much and do
many questions
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