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Do we Want to Pursue the Work/Life Balance? | Terry Wildemann | TEDxSalveReginaU

good evening do we really want to chase

the mysteriously elusive work-life

balance think about it who here do you

know has actually achieved work-life

balance anybody and oh by the way

retirement does not count

okay retirement does not count

unfortunately work-life balance has

gotten a bad name and the reason it’s

gotten a bad name is because it is a bit

we truly cannot achieve it so my goal

today is to break apart the words

work-life and balance and introduce to

you a new paradigm to assist you in

moving forward to attract more of what

you want in your life and less of what

you don’t want does that work yep okay

so work and life what’s missing in this

picture what’s missing there’s a balance

there’s no movement there’s no flow no

movement in no flow and this is what

we’re working towards and work-life

balance to be stuck I don’t know about

you that’s not what I want and I doubt

that that’s what you want also so take a

good look at this at this slide lacks

flow lacks movement and look at all the

components of our lives this person in

the middle is in balance and there is no

interaction with any part of our lives

so you wonder why we can’t achieve

work-life balance because it’s

impossible when we’re in a state of

stasis to get there it just doesn’t work

but I will be coming back to the slide I

will not leave you hanging

work David White a well-known poet wrote

in crossing the

unknown see that it is an opportunity

for discovering and shaping the place

where self meets the world let’s take a

good look at this it’s an opportunity

for discovering and shaping okay shaping

we’re going to be getting into this

moving movement just a little bit the

place where the self meets the world

very important because look at this

slide renewed work is a part of

everything that we do in the old

paradigm works out here everything is

work work work work work over here it’s

the rest of our life right so work work

work we’re here the rest of our life

over here it doesn’t work that way it’s

not interacting it’s not

interconnectivity now if you take on the

paradigm that work equals effort let’s

look at recreation does it take effort

and work to create a beautiful garden of

course it does does it take effort and

work to communicate with family friends

co-workers colleagues absolutely does it

take work in effort to maintain our

health coming here there were so many

runners coming going up the hills

because they were part do it was hey and

I’m thinking god that is a lot of work

running up those health education and

I’m sure all of you who are Saliva’s

student to know to get a great education

and to do well in the classroom takes

work doesn’t not career and finances the

work of learning how to interview the

work of getting a great job the work of

doing the job well and what we can do

with that job in order to elevate

ourselves to be able to attract more and

more from a financial

perspective and then lastly spirituality

when we are searching for our spiritual

life it’s about attracting to ourselves

what works and what doesn’t work that

takes effort and work does it not so

being that work equals effort there’s

flow here there’s movement here

integration and connectivity flow

movement integration connectivity it’s a

dance think about it it’s a dance and as

you look at this slide this is an amoeba

an amoeba moves everything is contained

in the amoeba and it moves as it needs

to and this paradigm gives you the

opportunity to be able to sit in any one

of those chairs and be fully present in

the moment and be focused on what is

happening in front of you and this new

paradigm is called life harmony so am I

asking you to throw balance out

absolutely not

balance is necessary because the

connection between the brain and the

head and the brain and the heart

disconnects when there’s chaos in our

world so in life harmony this chaos come

in absolutely it does because let’s take

for example a leader is interacting with

a co-worker or a colleague and they

bring in news that you don’t want to

hear and you either need jerk with the

question or you do what I’m going to

teach you to step into balance and use

this state to guide you and help you

move forward so all of you have a

handout that you were given when you

walked in I’d like for you to pull that

handout out and follow along with me

step number one to quick shift into work

life harmony to step out of chaos and

into common ease is to shift and take

notice of the area that is in the center

of your body use your hand as an air

pump and put it on your chest if you

choose to

and the second is to breathe breathe

into your hand and out of your hand into

your hand and out of your hand and

breathe deeply and thirdly is to step

into a state of focus where you are

thinking of something that makes you

feel absolutely delicious personally I

think about the time I jumped out of a

perfectly good airplane for my sixtieth

birthday and it was magnificent and I

felt absolutely unstoppable so that’s

the place that I go to and lastly it’s

relaxed and relaxed as long as you need

to and this technique you can take it to

a ten minute segment or you can make it

segments and the more you practice this

and practice and practice and practice

you get to a place when where that

person walks in with the bad news you

can shift into this heart center

immediately and get into insight because

you are tapping into your wise inner

guidance system you are bringing your

intuition in at this moment you are in

the place of silence where you can

really hear the messages that need to

come through to take you and guide you

where you are in life harmony so why is

all others so important to me for me not

to me for me it’s important for me

because I’ve been teaching work/life

balance since 2001 and the reason I

teach it is because yours truly burned

out multiple times and what I realized

is that something had to shift and

change and I wasn’t finding it I

couldn’t figure out what it was and I

asked for guidance I asked for help and

everything that I needed landed in my

lap and what I will share with you is

the most powerful tool in my arsenal of

helping leaders step back from the brink

of burnout and help them become

unstoppable intuitive leaders is this

tool right in front of you so my call to

action for you is to quick shift into

balance throughout the day recalibrate

access your intuition and your wise

inner guidance system to achieve harmony


go of the old work-life balance paradigm

and step into this new paradigm of life

harmony and use balance to get you into

that place for those moments that chaos

that take you out of center to your




[Laughter] [Music]

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