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Diseñando un mundo mejor | Victor Gonzalez | TEDxPuraVidaED

Design thinking or design thinking
as it is popularly known English
this white- haired gentleman had flight
start is 88 years old and last year
had a not very good experience I suffered
a fall was in his house alone and he did not
I could lift for several hours
It was until sometime later when we arrived
my family and I help him since that
day we went to lunch in the afternoon in
where we could lift it and we can be
with him and accompany him in that situation
this is an experience that was
extremely traumatic for him of great
impotence for my family and that also
of that I’m sure it happened to
many older adults and some who do not
have their family or friends close
can end up in a tragedy
months after this experience like
last year I was facilitating a
design thinking workshop but that is
design thinking
It is a methodology to solve
complex problems
It helps us to put innovation in hands
of all in a simple way
has four work areas in the
first we understand what the problem is
that we want to solve and we achieve
empathize with people and get closer
to really feel what the
solution they need in the second
we begin to explore and let the
and we started to present the best
ideas and solutions for that problem that
we had at the beginning in the third phase
we created prototypes are the first
version of that solution that came to
our head and that we created together in
collaboration with other people and in the
fourth phase we evaluate that prototype
giving it to people
to those people who had the problem
initial and tell us if really that
is the solution that creates the experience
positive for them or not and with that
information we go back to the phases to
improve it constantly
how do we do this with exercises
simple as an empathy map
this empathy map that you can see
basically what you’re looking for is to put the
person who has a problem in the
center and the people who are
participating in the design workshop
thinking they use post-its or pieces of
colors put drawings and phrases and in the
specific situation help us to put
that person feels in this situation
what do you think it says and what does it do
simple is the exercise and so are the
great majority of design exercises
thinking available to everyone with a
introduction how is in this workshop
Introductory was giving him a
boys who knew a little bit of the
we put them to work but before
we had to give them a problem to solve
therefore the problem that they
share is how we can help
Older adults are part of the era
because this problem how many of us
we do not have in the whatsapp the famous
family group
in which we had memes and jokes and
we talk about all situations
personal we have in the family
and many times is this situation
social or other older adults
they are excluded simply by not
have the knowledge of how to use a
and some other technological details
with this in mind the boys are
they put to work they began to use
design thinking exercises like
empathy map and two hours later we
they presented their prototypes really
they were very good prototypes but this was
my favorite
It is a bracelet for older adults see
that he was made with plasticine leaves
pilots nothing very complex
the functionalities of that bracelet were
for example that he had voice commands
for easily and also numbers
favorites or family or friends
He also had alarms that could
help remember when to take the
pill or anything else
important that they had to remember
but the one that definitely caught my
attention were a functionality that
had a height sensor
when this sensor felt a loss of
sudden height as for example the fall
my grandfather’s
I immediately made a call to
a favorite family number
and if he does not count, there was 911
imagine how functional it would have been
this for my grandfather or for all
people who have a need yes
and this is exactly what it does
this methodology puts people in
the center
seeks to create more humane solutions
besides that it is flexible
see that the boys knew little nothing
design thinking and they were not experts in
technology either and easily could
give us a solution is quick in
less than two hours would no longer be the
first prototype and it’s scalable
this is a product that they can use
many older adults in costa rica or
in other countries of the world
it was in this experience where I started
to connect many points that during the
last three years that I have worked with
this methodology design thinking
I got to the idea that we should
use this methodology for something more
and this is where I want to share my
first idea we have to use design
thinking that he is being successful in the
companies and many places in the world
to solve the problems of our
country and punctually to transform
our education
because design thinking if it can be
simply one more methodology
my second story begins south of
Africa in a country called Zambia
in this country they have a problem that
of every three women
one has children before the age of 18
this ended up transforming many
times in security problems of
education and health
therefore the authorities put on
hands to work to solve it and what
they did was create clinics
the issue was not resolved since
the boys and the girls were not
existing clinics to solve
your health problems
then they decided to use design
if they used numbers they used
trends but this was complementary
they looked for that human part that
no number can give us approached
to the people the boys to the
girls to really see what they felt
empathized with them and they started to
explore the solutions and your first
prototype was divas
what is divas is a room to paint the
nails but it’s not any room to
painting the nails is a room to paint
the nails where the girls can go
share with her friends and besides that
I had conversations with professionals
that will guide them in health issues of
in the first three months 800 boys
they were voluntarily divas
88% used health services
and 36% returned
tell yourself is being successful not
simply because it’s a clinic
but because it is a space to go to
have honest conversations to go to
connect with other people
to stop for a moment in life and
think about your future and that was the
need that they really had
these are stories that can sound very
inspiring but that’s far away without
However, I want to share with you a reality
in the newspaper in the song of 2017
an article comes out saying that a
day like today a year ago they were born 34
children with the particularity that their
mothers are between 12 and 18 years of age
next day another 34 were born and so
throughout the year
from one moment to another this reality is not
as far as we thought
and that’s why I bring you this
proposal to use this methodology
we live in a globalized world in
we are interconnected in our
problems do not escape those
dependencies we have with others
countries and if I assure you that the reality
is broad and the problem is not
exactly the same ours
the solution is probably not going to be
the same but what I can do
ensure is that if we use a
methodology where we put the
people in the center empathize with
they explore the best ideas
We create prototypes and we will evaluate
to have better solutions solutions
more human for our country
education is not layer design thinking
the best universities in the world as
stanford and harvard already have programs
100% dedicated to train their
educators in design thinking and that
they can use them in the classes and go
transforming the educational experience
In addition to this, products have been created
for educators and give them a better
experience such as the
counselor of educators this is a
tool that is online and that
It serves so that educators can
do your online planning them
it saves a lot of time and besides that
have cognitive help to look for
the best resources
That’s where I bring you my second idea
and the most important today
if we must use to transform the
education but not with a few
efforts this is an idea that we should
we all have to start today to form ourselves in
these new work models
that will help us to innovate and
transform the educational experience
my wife who is a teacher and there is
those impassioned bone teachers
red that we call like all of you
who are here
and for me it has been very easy to see in
her all that passion but also those
great challenges that those
long strenuous schedules
when those students have problems
of complex emotional situations and
they need your accompaniment
when we do not agree with the
parents as he told us here
back and we have complicated discussions
or also day-to-day challenges how
capture the interest and motivate
students on a specific subject in
the one that we have to innovate imagine that
we have a method to be able to solve
all those problems that are going to
help create better tools
new methods where we are going to put if
the student in the center but also
with the necessary the teacher or the
parents and all that I
provides design thinking
and I want to share these two resources
This is a book of design thinking for
educators that can find online
this is also a web page where
You can find many free resources
here in costa rica there are already small
efforts but very important as in
the omar dengo foundation as in boom in
the university of costa rica as the
university castró carazo as in the
veritas how you approach already many are
using design thinking so the
I invite you to make friends with this
new methodology and transform the
educational experience thank you very much
and more
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