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¡Dé sentido a su trabajo: rescate un fin social! | Roberto Gutiérrez Poveda | TEDxUniSabana

I’m going to ask you to do an exercise
who moves in last Sunday
three more days
and think on Sunday afternoon
the restlessness of Sunday afternoon
the boredom of Sunday afternoon
who has felt that boredom that
restlessness raise your hand
thank goodness we are now because
some time ago
I told them to change jobs
the syndrome on Sunday afternoon will
Combat with changing work
now I tell people to change their
because what has happened to us has
lost sense
we have dehumanized our jobs
we have separated the economic from the social
of what connects us with others
and that connection is what generates
enthusiasm without that connection on Monday by
the morning on Sunday night are
a misfortune
I invite you to think about how to integrate
at your work
social purposes whatever the
work and doing it is going to humanize that
I want to start with a story
that many may know but not all
and it’s a story that starts in 74
with an economist
in Bangladesh at a university and the
be surrounded
of people who do not have supplies for
get down to work
there is famine around and without those
inputs he is pressured to intervene
and he says
tells the legend that he took from his
27 dollars wallet and he distributed it to
42 families and start
a revolution that we understand today
like the microfinance revolution
the momentum though I was carrying
led him to create the grammy and bng
in Bengali ramin means village the
village bench
today that bank has about 8 million
and half of partners
today mohamed yunus has counted this
history and has traveled the whole world
looking for that one who does not have the
opportunity because he does not have the resources
economic finds it that one who
is being excluded from
the economic circuits can return to
be included
and mohamed yunus for having done that the
social impact that has had that has
and traditional banking to pay attention
to those who did not pay attention
that traditional banking has
discovered that people without resources are
Good pay
with time the recognition
universal that received yunus did it with
the grammy yet deserving of the prize
nobel of peace not the Nobel prize of
economy the Nobel prize of peace
tremendous story but there is a detail
what saddens me
and that is that in 1911
63 years earlier
there was a father called the father of
Campoamor that did that
offered microcredit created a circle of
workers over time this becomes
in the bank caja caja the bank caja
social today has 3 million
active clients because because they
need access to credit
the bank is a social housing
institution here in colombia as well as the
social foundation is the social foundation
this foundation that uses tools
business as the bank every social
is a company of the several that
depend on the foundation and the foundation
is a foundation with companies not one
company with foundation is very different
that combination is the one that not only
through the bank and through the
foundation has made the Jesuits the
Jesuits also achieved development and
peace managed to generate value for the
while generating economic value to the
parents when they went to a parish in
santander told them you are not just going to
perform you have to give life to
a credit and savings cooperative and
you have to create an institution
educational imagine the levers that
they had the gospel the education and the
We have to generate value
economic but at the same time generate value
social when the two come together is
very powerful
this is another alternative and also what
makes the social foundation the intervention
social projects
but the difference between this
alternative and the previous one is that here I
I need to have the economic resources
to invest selo to generate value for
the society to generate inclusion while
that in the previous I in the same
business operation generated the
transformation for society
the sad
is that this option is the common one when I
I keep generating profits but it destroyed
value for society I keep generating
utilities but polluted
a company that contaminates a company
that discriminates but continues to generate
we are troubled by a company in the
food sector that offers food
unhealthy and earns a lot of money and
keep doing that because it generates little
welfare in society that way
he is not excused because I then
generate a foundation and generate value for
society on the other hand and then
here one sees that the one who sins and prays
it ties, well, that does not happen as it is
what we need is the conjunction between
the generation of economic value with
social transformations
it is possible for all of us does not have
one to be at the management level in
which is easier to be one in the
managerial level and decide
It can also be done from levels
intermediates and one convinces the above
convinces the one below convinces those of
around or if one is not in a
organization one can create their own
nowadays we teach processes
entrepreneurs in universities
because we understood how that is done
it’s possible
and that is the path he has traveled
organizations like the organization
crown when they respond to something that
we all feel who does not like to have
your nice house
we all like it but there are people who do not
can here they yell at me and the kitchen
and the bathroom
and if I can not
and I’m a construction company
and I’m giving elements for those houses
because I’m not looking for a way to do that
those who have the package of
cement can put a day a bit of
little pottery here and there and
have houses kitchens bathrooms that are more
Easy to clean and to generate one
a sense of pride
then this is not easy to crown
He had a hard time finding the
way to do it because I had to sell
door to door when I have my
kitchen packaged in cement so
general I go to the shopping centers to
see not to buy
and I do not have a credit card
I do not have cash so they have me
to give credit and have to take me
the product to the house
that door- to-door delivery was not easy
but it was possible
this story shows you one
it is possible that if you can
when belisario betancur
he ran for the presidency of colombia
in 1982 with this campaign slogan
to be elected president
Four years passed
people started to take stock the
promises and realities
much unfulfilled promise and he dropped the
accent mark
Yes you can
but we have to overcome cynicism
because this slogan
it is very powerful
1982 Belisario uses it later in his
fifth aspiration to be president of the
country 26 years later it is copied
President candidate at that time
barack obama yes we can
we Colombians went ahead
how many years to world revolutions
but let’s leave the big landmarks
work is what they have today
your works look
what do their organizations do and
If your organizations have assets or
that they serve the people and not all the
world has access to those services by
please look how to do what possible
because yes you can is not easy no
they need the energy or the charisma of
yunus but it is possible
and if you can stop being
campaign slogan and becomes
a battle cry thank you very much
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