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Cybersecurity Means Business! | William Agresti | TEDxJHUDC


this is my credit card and somebody I’m

not letting you see the numbers of

course somebody stole it

and it’s it’s really frustrating because

I never you know had it lying around I

never lost possession of this physical

card but as we all know all it takes

these days right is for someone to get

access to the credit card numbers and

then they can go on a shopping spree and

they went on a shopping spree has this

happened to you know think okay I’m

seeing I’m seeing that it has we’re not

alone okay mine happened in 2014 and

that year there were 17 million victims

of identity theft in the US alone how

about the letter have you received the

letter saying that your personal

information was part of a data breach

and again I see you have that too I got

that I got that too okay and these data

breaches so in a data breach

confidential and sensitive information

is made available to an accessible that

people who shouldn’t have access to it

right and obviously these identity theft

and data breaches are related because

the data that’s being breached could

easily be credit card numbers but it

could also be social security numbers it

could be health records it could be

emails or it could be the blueprints for

an advanced military fighter jet right

and again we’re not alone gemalto is a

company that studies this and in 2015

they reported that there were 700

million data records breached worldwide

we hear news about data breaches it

seems all the time and I think it’s

lawless into a kind of sense of

complacency about them you know so much

so that they’re saying now is there are

two kinds of organizations in the world

those that have already had a data

breach and those are will in the future

and it there’s no question ok every

every organization is vulnerable but

when it gets to this point where it’s

kind of a slogan ok it becomes a

built-in excuse so the next time we have

data breach a company will say we

apologize for the data breach but you

know what they say there’s two kinds of

organizations in the world and you know

so on and so so it conveys a sense of

inevitability and hopelessness okay I

don’t buy it for a second okay I’m not

naive but I am impatient I work in this

field okay it’s it’s not hopeless okay

there are things we can do so I’m a

computer scientist and professor in a

business school at a university and I

operate in these two worlds okay of

Business and Technology so here’s what

I’d like to do I’d like to explore these

two worlds to see what can be done to

reduce the frequency and impact of data

breaches by exploring these two worlds

and especially the territory between

them when I work in these two worlds

often it’s really quite distinct it’s

like context switching it’s sort of like

give lectures during the week and code

on weekends and the two worlds you know

they have their own characteristics I

mean when you think of the business

world it’s really about business matters

okay the business world is about

strategy and vision and mission and

operations and costs and operations and

more operations and revenues and profits

and then there’s the cyber security

technology world and when I think of

that world you know what comes to mind

is more like kind of a solitary coder

and you know the kind of images there

are more about like pocket protectors so

I have I have my pocket protector okay

and it’s more about like empty you know

pizza boxes and so on so what I thought

I’d do to kind of put these two worlds

in stark contrast is come up with some

images that try to capture the

distinction between these two worlds so

for the business world I get a chance to

work with terrific business students I

mean they’re ambitious and upbeat and

positive and it’s all about

collaboration and teamwork so here’s the

image I’d like us to keep in mind for

the world of business okay and to

represent the technology world and

that’s where cybersecurity is

for that I think of sort of the iconic

computer tech person the kind of techie

you tolerate and for that I image from

the film Jurassic Park

okay the kind of iconic computer tech

person so representing the technology

so not only is he a tech person but

actually he’s a he’s a computer hacker

in the film now today we’d call him a

malicious insider okay so even his last

name of this character Dennis Nedry I

mean the last name Nedry is an anagram

for nerdy so you know you see I had to I

mean absolutely had to include him okay

so we have these two images but what’s

really going on in these worlds is also

you know is also quite different and in

the business world you know they’re

concerned with operations and profits

and revenues and so on but when there’s

a data breach we think of that as being

confined to the technology world so when

something bad happens like a data breach

I mean the worst that can happen

okay would be maybe that well the chief

information officer ok the CIO might get

might get fired but then something

happened okay in 2013 and that was the

data breach at Target so retailers like

Target I mean they’re looking for

holiday shopping at the end of the year

for a big boost in revenue okay and in

the fourth quarter of 2013 profits at

Target fell 46 percent so I’m talking

about profits that’s something from the

business side and 46 percent is a pretty

big number so sure enough it was a data

breach okay and the CIO did resign but

we’re talking about profits so it turns

out the CEO also left the company

well when CEOs leave the company that

tends to get the attention of other of

other CEOs and right away in 2014 we had

really massive data breaches at Home

Depot eBay JP Morgan

Chace federal government’s Office of

Personnel Management and Sony

Entertainment okay so I have one more

image for you and it’s from the business

side it’s company executives these are

the executives at Sony Entertainment so

the CEO is in the middle and here

they’re apologizing for the PlayStation

Network brief breach which affected 77

million accounts this image is riveting

okay any thought that cybersecurity

would keep its realm in the in the

technology world is gone

okay this image more than anything says

that cybersecurity means business so how

big a business issue is it for four

companies two blocks from here is the

Center for Strategic and International

Studies they estimated the worldwide

annual cost of cybercrime at over 445

billion dollars so here’s where we are

in our exploration we’ve established

that data breaches have a huge negative

impact okay on people on companies and

on the global economy so the question is

what can we do about it one starting

point may be to look at what does

business know about cybersecurity how do

they learn about it and there’s research

from JP from PricewaterhouseCoopers it

says boards of directors hear about

cybersecurity 26% of them hear about it

once a year and there’s another 28% that

hear about it not at all so given we

talked about what data breaches he’s

hearing about cybersecurity once a year

not at all really sufficient and when

they do hear about cybersecurity what do

we know that well it turns out that

board members say it’s too technical

okay they don’t understand the

cybersecurity data or reports they want

understandable language that doesn’t

require them to be cybersecurity experts

so here’s a way that here’s a way to

proceed learn from this research okay

and try to find more effective ways to

deal with it it turns out there’s a

window of

opportunity because there is increased

attention at the board level to risk and

in fact sometimes it leads to dedicated

risk committees some of this in the u.s.

is mandated so for example a Georgia

Tech study show that in 2008 8% of

boards had dedicated risk committees and

by 2015 53% of boards had risk

committees so this is an opportunity now

these risk committees they have a lot to

consider okay they’re concerned with

global economic conditions with

reputational risk legal and regulatory

compliance financial risks market risk

liquidity risk credit risk and

increasingly cybersecurity is on the

list but cybersecurity stands out it’s

still tied to specialized technical

information and it’s really not of the

same kind so here’s a recommendation

recast cybersecurity it’s digital risk

and I say this not out of a sense of

euphemism or a simple name change it

actually really gets at the origin and

essence of this entire field

cybersecurity is evocative of looking

outward okay to online communication and

the Internet cybersecurity is about

security and cyberspace William Gibson a

brilliant science fiction writer coined

the term cyberspace in the 1980s he was

inspired by seeing kids play those early

arcade video games so energetically that

as Gibson said it was as if they wanted

to reach right through the screen to the

space beyond cyberspace this is a realm

of virtual experience created by the

internet and public and private networks

and all the words after cyber these days

are evocative of this orientation to

external networks so cyber monday is

about online shopping and increasingly

these days the word after cyber are

around a theme like cyber rattling and

cyber threat and cyber attack but in all

cases oriented it’s an external networks

but what does it research say about this

if we go back to the

700 million data records that were

breached it turns out 37 percent of them

were because of accidents okay so it’s

not intentional not a cyberattack

nobody hacked anybody else I’m talking

about human error its employees not

following policies and procedures lack

of expertise interacting with websites

and applications and this is not about

blaming employees it is about

recognizing a need for companies to get

greater employee engagement so these

policies are realistic and it is about

more training more education and more

redesign of interfaces and software

applications so that’s what’s really

needed here’s a specific example last

year a clinic in London used email to

send out a newsletter and this

newsletter goes to subscribers of a

service where HIV patients can get their

test results and the individual

composing the email placed all 781 email

addresses not in the BCC field but in

the to field so this meant that every

recipient of the email could see the

email addresses of all of the other HIV

patients and in most cases the full

names as well so yes there is terrorism

but there’s also error ISM okay in

digital risk does a better job of being

more comprehensive about it

companies may not suffer losses from

cyber attacks every day but I guarantee

you every day

employees are sending and storing and

processing data and it’s all this

digital data that can be breached with

this balance of attention both

internally and externally

digital risk is ism is a much better

term it’s really echoing strategy from

2,500 years ago in the art of war if you

know the enemy and know yourself you

need not fear the results of a hundred

battles the current cyber security

climate is oriented to knowing the enemy

external threats and they are severe

there’s no question about it

but digital risk gives much better and

much needed attention internally knowing


as a company digital risk is the right

term at the right time it’s more

indicative okay of all sources of risk

especially what the research is telling

us about the actual causes of data

breaches but what else can we do Pro

tivities a company that that looked at

this and one approach might be to say

what’s going on as far as best practices

are what are the good companies or

really top performers in cybersecurity

doing and maybe all the companies can

can copy that and what they found was

the top performers in IT security and

privacy had these characteristics in

common they had the right tone from the

top of the organization they had their

core security policies in place and they

had a data PLASA fication scheme so they

understood what we call the crown jewels

in their data so I’m looking at this

list and I’m wondering where is the

technology okay I don’t see anything

about the top performers in security are

top performers because they have an

innovative computer network architecture

I don’t see anything about them being

top performance because they use a

particular vendors intrusion detection

and prevention system there’s no

technology at all what I do see instead

is business okay what makes top

performers top performers is they have

strong leadership from the top they have

effective management practices and they

understand what business they’re in they

know their critical data and they

understand their mission so this is a

twist okay we started out wondering how

the business world can learn more about


it turns out one of the best ways to

make an impact on data breaches maybe

for the cybersecurity world to learn

more about business okay so I really

reached the reach of the end in our

short journey and short exploration of

these two worlds and and the territory

between them so I’d like to just take a

moment more to highlight what we’ve seen

along the way here’s the future that I’d

like for us okay when you’re holding

your credit card in your hand then you

can be confident that no-one’s stolen

the credit card numbers

and when you’re in a room like this and

a speaker says I like all those who are

victims of identity theft and data

breach – raise your hand no hands will

go up but I know that’s not our current

reality okay but I know also it’s not

it’s not hopeless and if we listen to

the research in this cyber security

business interface we can move these

worlds of Business and Technology closer

together we can recast cybersecurity is

digital risk and we can apply strong

leadership and effective management to

reduce the causes of human error and as

these two worlds come together it’s

going to cause us to rethink those

images we used at the beginning and they

are moving closer together as well so

when we think of the business world it’s

still going to be an upbeat business

professional but now it’ll be a cyber

savvy professional who really

understands digital risk and for the

technology side representing this

technology side we still have our iconic

computer hacker character but now he’s

all dressed up and ready for business

okay thank you [Applause]

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