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Conversación sobre astrología y ciencia | Alberto Rojo | TEDxRosario

it’s a couple of weeks ago they made me a
interview on TV
and they called me a while before to
and the make-up margarita that I had
seen in previous videos asks me
what sign are you
positive I say
provoking you a little dale do not do the
I live, I’m sure you know what your
and because he wants to know my sign of
I ask causing the return
because the signs say a lot about the
people tell me but you or scientists
so I’m sure he does not believe in the
and because you think that scientists do not
we believe the astrology of diego
the truth I do not know very well tell me
because astrology has a lot of
it’s not only science that is learned in
the medical school is a lot
arrogance among scientists who
disqualify astrology without knowing
which is a science different from the one
you learned
be right margaritas with classrooms of the
arrogance of scientists who are
quite selfish
but science as a collective enterprise
it is a great humility
with mechanisms
control of fraud and dishonesty
academic and there is a science I want to say
science as a game
with its rules
and just as there is a football and there is a tennis
there is a science
it could be called football chess
but Messi will not agree very much
more still daisy I say
I believe that astrology
does not agree with certain traits and
certain rules that define the
scientific knowledge like what is
one important difference is I tell you
in the attitude that the community has
scientific respect of its discipline
compared to the community of astrologers
astrology was not revising his theory
as it was incorporated
new knowledge and as they were
Unresolved problems appear inside
of the theory of the moment
astrology is indifferent to the
riddles and resist comparisons with
alternative theories I tell you
and which has no alternative for you
rather not
psychology for example do not you think
that my personality is determined by
my genetics or my own environment more than
a distant star whose light I see today
but that did not even exist when I
I was born
more still there are statistics in populations
great especially in the hemisphere
North that show different features
according to the day of birth for example
those of pound
are usually a little more balanced than
the rest
that’s because of the constellations
or because it’s the end of the harvest and
better nutrients and it still came to us
winter diseases everything points
to the second
or those born in September also at
Northern hemisphere on average are usually
most successful
it’s because they are virgo
or because the school period in the
Northern Hemisphere begins in September
those born in that month are usually the
the biggest in the class have more
self-confidence always means
they have better cognitive development
but Alberto
astrology has equations or
scientist that would have to interest
yes it is true what
physics uses mathematics and
mysteriously mathematics is the
description is the language for
describe the regularities of the world
but not everything that is mathematical and
I could decorate a cake
with equations and that makes it a
scientific cake
or I can use sophisticated algorithm to
the cabal
like to win the casino
Mathematics is a language and in everything
the language can be said nonsense
in physics what we do is compare
a theory with the evidence and if the
prediction does not agree with the
evidence we review the theory that is
physics is vulnerable to being
try incorrect
and more or less looks at me with each daisy
in that but the moon
has an effect on the tides or not
and we are water, that is, some
effect has to be on us
it is true there is an effect but
quantitatively insignificant I say
if I consider the size of the moon
and the distance that is from the earth
the gravitational effect on me when
the moon crosses the sky is the same
gravitational effect of the obelisk when
crossed on July 9
the number of it
and with the planets they study more boys
and those effects are not taken into account
by the astrologers
It’s not like that, Margaret says
there are many stars the 80s there flying
what you have to do is watch the video the
so-and-so is a field
his very recognized guy then I grabbed
cell phone and I started downloading the video
and meanwhile she July
and he saw that they knew so on February 15
aquarium you do not have to be tells me
but you know I’m not acting in
reality money like
the days do not last as long as
nights that is due to the inclination of the
spin axis of the earth on itself
with respect to the plane of rotation of the orbit
of the earth around the sun
without that inclination
the days would last the same of the nights
there were no seasons
now even with that inclination there are two
special days during the year where that
needle is perpendicular to the line that
unites the earth with the sun those are the
equinoxes the only two days of the year
where the day lasts the same as the
equinox night
in the time of Ptolemy
at the March equinox on the other side
of the sun
there was the constellation of Aries and that
it was the zero point of the zodiac
now it turns out that that invisible needle
pointing to the polar star there
is strictly fixed but because
subtle gravitational reasons describes
a cone
and the tip of that cone
complete a circle in about 20 thousand years
26 thousand years that means that each
two thousand years
equinox moves 30 degrees
which equals one month
that is, actually now those who
were born on March 21 are not arias
but they are from Pisces
and I was born in February I’m not from
aquarium but I’m from Capricorn
and gave him even more
if two people are born in the same place
the same day and at the same time but a
the following year the other differ in
its cosmic coordinate at 35,000 km s that
there is no oneness
between the moment of birth and
position of the stars
margarida was not interested
I started watching the capo video
I was struck by the use of
information based on evidence the type
He says
the universe has existed for 15 billion
of years there are billions of
galaxies the universe expands
that is recent information that forms
part of the vision review
scientific world that did not change the
astrological vision
and that is a crucial point in the
pseudosciences the use of information
current scientific to validate
an old vision already ruled out by the
scientific vision of the world
at another time the boss says
that everything is connected to everything
importing or smuggling an idea of
quantum physics
one of the fundamental contributions
of quantum physics is the
indistinguishable particles
then why discriminate between a
atom of a distant star and an atom
of an object that surrounds us
because astrology is based on the idea
Aristotelian that we are the focal point
of the universe
and that the heavenly world in its purity
cosmic is different from the earthly world
made from air ground fire and from
but today we know that this is not the case
It is made of atoms
a carbon atom of a star
far is identical to a carbon atom
of my skin
and a herd of coal or a rock in
mars and a carbon atom of the
plastic housing of a
kitchen appliance
that is to say that the influence that can
to have an atom of my destiny
Saturn ring is the same as it can
have my grandmother’s blender
so that if we consider the
total interconnection
I just would not have Saturn in seven but
that you would have washing machines in Aries
and I’m serious
even more today we know that we are not the
only planetary system
there are other planets
with stars
and we are the heaven of those planets
and just like them hypothetically
determine our destiny
we determine yours
straight mark tells me
but there is no faith in science tells me
and deep down I was doing a
I raise subtle
because we in science accept
no show
that mathematics is the language that
describe the regularity of the universe or
I told him it partly says if you see me
be right
but it is not a faith in the biblical sense
of Hebrews 11 1 that says that faith is the
evidence of the invisible
as science was inquiring into
the anatomy of the cosmos
the science was making visible a
causal skeleton much richer and much
more complex
of the one who postulates astrology and thank you
to that knowledge
today we have satellites vaccines against
polio cellular light anesthesia
against toothache
that is to say
deep down, it does not pretend to be a
system based on faith but that more
well it is a faith disguised as science
If I’m from the aquarium, I’m creative
there you are using a cause and
or it is practically impossible for a
moon in pound will fully open its
ascendant in scorpio from the
two and a half years
without where the foundation of a
sentence like that I took it literally from a
astrology congress
for me it’s based on an idea in
a certain superb point
that the universe is waiting for me
existence and my psyche
when in reality every advance of the
science emphasizes our humility in the
I do not have anything special I’m just a
be more of one more species on a planet
more in the vastness of a cosmos that you see
and to which I am completely
that is the choice of astronomy
that initially was tied with
astrology but which it was
gradually differentiating
shedding the gods and the
magical thinking
but not because it’s not magic in the
the magic of yesterday is the technology of
I presented
you know I create margarita edition
that I think part of the
responsibility is in a system
educational that installs the idea of ​​a
science as something iron cold and
irrevocable that instead of approaching
moves us away from the poetry of reality
science is that precision mining
of the mysteries of the world that we
enriches the amazement connects us
and unifies us
the bliss of understanding can be
deep spiritual of sentry
but Alberto to me astrology
I understand perfectly daisy
to me for example music serves me as
a language that touches my emotions but
I a prelude to bach and I can not
ask me to cover a herniated disc
instead when I’m euphoric or
melancholic or sad a prelude to bach
gives me such great peace and relief
I understand that you can use the
astrology to resignify the past
or to alleviate anguish of the future
that you can not understand everything but
daisies I ask you personally not
use astrology for things that
does not apply
astrology is not going to help us
find the new source of energy
renewable or to make a bridge
so do not use it to determine the
Date of operation of appendix or
important decisions of your life by
please do not use it for that
he looked at me with some approval while
I took out my apron because I already had it here
the interview
and I felt that we had reached the point
of convergence
we greeted each other kindly I went
walking down the hall and when I was going
walking I feel that Alberto tells me
you have the moon in leo I bet you
thank you very much
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