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Chivalry Is Not Dead | Fernando Orduna | TEDxLoyolaMarymountUniversity

welcome I would like to say that
chivalry is not dead and everyone here
today should be knighted yes most of you
would probably say Fernando is dead
those especially those in my generation
and older dead because it just doesn’t
seem like it just doesn’t seem like it’s
there but where did it go we often like
blaming those Millennials for
disappearing it’s how things like back
in the day when I was young now of
course the twisted version of chivalry
is dead the one that allowed nice to
parade through small towns on horseback
we’re in a ton of metal and killing
innocent people all in honor the kingdom
but did you realize that the chivalry
that we so desperately want to keep
actually comes from very creative
writers they started spreading creative
tales of pageantry and adventure of
knights in shining armor roaming the
countryside battling evil and selflessly
saving those it sounds like a Disney and
they made millions off of it
chivalry is alive that’s right and I
know that I can say that each and every
one of you here today has demonstrated
the code of chivalry at least once in
your lives you see shall we
it’s actually within us and all we have
to do is pull it out so I would like to
introduce a new chivalry and I would
like all of you to uphold to the new
2018 model and all you have to do is one
thing and trust me it’s not downloading
it’s actually easier than than that just
open the door for some this simple
gesture can change a person’s life
forever and studies have shown that
doing kind acts for others can actually
relieve a stressful day now I don’t want
you to open the door for everyone
because then you’ll just be known as the
door you see I wouldn’t be here right
now if someone didn’t do that for me I
grew up in the ideal middle-class
neighborhood right down the street from
here in marvista
in the typical Mexican home no there was
grandma grandpa my mom – and my uncle my
brother my sister two cousins myself and
trust me many many others most stayed a
even though there were so many people in
that house I still struggled especially
in school and it was often hard to get
help and they always told me not though
just try harder I got bad grades I was
the class clown and I actually graduated
high school with a 1.5 GPA after high
school I decided to go to vocational
school for after six months I dropped
out so I try to I try the local
community college and there and there –
I felt like I was chasing my table
because I would enroll in for Casas and
then drop all about one just so I can
tell my friends and family okay I’m
at the time my greatest aspiration was
to actually become the manager of the
liquor store I was working but there was
only three employees
that’s when at the age of 21 someone
opened the door for me that someone was
my brother’s Cantini
she called me one day I thought to
myself I have not spoken to her in years
she asked me how would you like to work
for the school district as a special
education assistant because I remember
when you were in high school you used to
be a TA or a special ed class
you seemed to really enjoy it at that
moment I thought to myself well how can
I get this job I don’t have a degree I
dropped all those classes so I asked the
most important question at that moment
she said 1125 plus benefits to say the
$3,000 phone because this would be a
four dollar increase over my current
position fast-forward to the present and
I can proudly say that I have a
bachelor’s degree to teaching
credentials and I’ve been working for
to tell you the truth I love my job more
today than when I first started because
it has allowed me to mean so many people
that remind me of Andy and in 2016 I had
the privilege of meeting a woman that
has been opening doors for individuals
with disabilities in the workplace since
1996 her actions have enabled more
individuals with moderate to severe
disabilities to be employed but before I
tell you her story did you know that
only only 15% of individuals with
moderate to severe disabilities are
employed here’s your story in 1996 an
emergency nurse named Aaron Riley at
Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital
questioned the injustice of the
hospital’s volunteers department she
asked why are individuals with
disabilities allowed to volunteer over
never being hired she took action and
created a cross-system collaboration
that included the hospital the
supportive employment agency and a
regional center together they took a
volunteer that had Down syndrome and
talked her in a systematic way how to
sterilise absolutely after an internship
she was hired and Project SEARCH was
born today there are over 500 project
search programs throughout the United
States and several other countries and
the overall employment rate of
individuals with disabilities that go
through this program is 75% so you see
the simple gesture of opening a door for
can truly change lives and I can
honestly say that I don’t know where I
would be right now if andini and not
open that door for me so I ask all of
you today so open the door anyone in
need being life changer especially for
individuals with disabilities so they too
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