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Changing Patterns of Work and Learning | Esko Kilpi | TEDxGurugram

a school class after hearing that the

school was directed to submit an

environmental report volunteered to do

the report in place of the previous

years high-priced outside experts the

school accepted the bid and the report

was submitted and accepted by the

government of his shows becoming much

more than just an educational exercise

for the kids learning was something we

usually call work in this case a kid

heard another example from his teacher

that many schools in Africa liked clean

water and proper sanitation he founded a

foundation whose volunteers have now

docked more than 1,000 wells bringing

access to clean water and better

sanitation to more than 700,000 people

in 16 countries now what are these young

people really doing at school these kids

learning or are they working or are they

doing something else is it something new

something that does not have a name yet

now before the internet and efficient

mobile communication devices most

professional occupations required

competencies that in most cases had

accumulated over years this education

and experience based was used to

retrieve answers from memory and two

independent is all situations arising at

work knowledge was seen situated in the

individual and learning was something

that preceded work work itself the

industrial process the transformation

from raw materials the plus was a linear

sequential chain or predictable acts the

problem to be solved was known and well

in advance and the solution to the

problem was clearly defined now the

original problem that Henry Ford wanted

to solve was how could farmers get the

goods to be sold on the markets in town

now his solution was such a brilliant

one that there was a time when half of

all cars in the world were teamer Awards

the industrial era the time of mass

solutions to problems was great for

customers but sometimes very hard I’m

very bad for the workers people came to

be the interchangeable parts of the

machines creating those products now

what I later found out is that there are

many problems without a mass solution

the content of work is then very

different if we accept this as effect in

the creative and learning intensive

world we live in it is not about

reductionist drawers job roles and

narrow clear responsibilities anymore in

post-industrial work the transformation

process is a nonlinear a common movement

of thought from unclear problems to

developing solutions work then its

exploration both what comes to defining

the problem and creating solutions it is

about exploration and exploration is

learning it is the same thing that the

kids did at school in the industrial

model decides the scene was your

individual knowledge the things you had

known before you could work what work is

expiration what matters is not what you

have yourself but what you can access

what matters is your network today you

work more and more lately from your

network than from your skills the

decisive things are your relations the

new structures work our dynamic

communities continuously organizing

themselves around shared context shared

interests and shared practices practices

of learning and value like the kids did

at school the focus of industrial

management was really on division of

labor and the design of vertical and

horizontal communication channels the

focus should today be different it

should be on cooperation and emergent

interaction based on transpire

see interdependence and responsiveness

the question to ask that might help you

are for example when you begin doing

something who knows about this who could

help me here who is interested in the

same topics I am interested in and for

all of us it is about the new key

competence how we are present and how we

communicate the good thing is that you

don’t need to be present in a factory or

in an office anymore but you need to be

present for other people the individual

experience base then is by default to

narrow a starting point for efficient

work in any case experiences can be a

huge asset but experiences can also be a

liability creating repetition where

there really should be innovation work

is thus not performed by independent

individuals but by interdependent people

in interaction what I claim here is that

work is interaction between

interdependent people in a way a new way

of understanding work and competencies

is unfolding in the zero distance world

of the internet knowledge should be

understood as network communication a

very different approach and this

requires us to learn new ways of talking

about education competencies and even

work itself what is also needed is to

unlearn the reductionist organizing

principles that are still the mainstream

at work today work is communication and

the network is the amplifier of

knowledge and value the collective

intelligence of our societies depends on

the tools that augment human

intelligence we should really welcome

the fact that people today are smarter

in large measure because they have

invented and used smarter tools the

tools we have in our pockets the new

machines the new factories

making tools is to support the soil

problems is what human beings have

always done so it’s not different but

what the first Industrial Revolution did

was to democratize consumption too much

much lower prices than ever before what

the present revolution is doing is to

create a revolution what comes to

production too much much lower prices of

our tools the factories we carry in our

pockets the production capacity of a

smartphone caused over 1 million 10

years ago the price was 10 million 20

years ago no it is here in our pockets

the interaction between our tools that

human beings are so complex that it is

very hard to try to draw a line between

humans and technology now there is it a

zero-sum game where the human brain is

losing out to technological intelligence

but as technology changes people and

what people do r is a surly change and

this creates totally new opportunities

for technologically Augmented human

beings we can now rethink what work is

the automation work we see around us is

not part of the digital revolution it is

the last phase of the industrial era the

first phase of the new era is technology

helping and augmenting human beings to

do things in a more intelligent way and

there are a lot of similarities between

work and learning work starts from

defining problems are learning start

from asking questions work is creating

value a learning is creating knowledge

both work and learning requires the same

things interaction and engagement with

the help of other tools we can create

new ways for very large numbers of

people to become learners and thus new

workers what we need to rethink some

familiar concept learning itself has

changed it is not a matter of first

acquiring skills and then utilizing

those skills at work post-industrial

work is by definition learn

now success in life has been seen as

being governed by two concepts Kilson

effort how bright you are how hard you

work recently researchers have claimed

that there is a third and decisive

concept it is the practice of lifelong

curiosity knowing what to do when you

don’t know what to do as Piaget put it

that is the essence of both work and

learning today it is easy for us to see

work as learning the harder thing is to

understand the learning so should also

be work work that you get paid for but

anyway the most inspiring and energizing

future work may be in solving problems

and sporting opportunities in creative

interaction with your customers with

your network your network periods like

the young kid story did at some schools


[Applause] [Music]

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