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Caregivers are the Real Superheroes | Alex Catchings | TEDxToledo

I have a question for the audience has
anybody ever met a superhero as a matter
of fact when you say the word superhero
what’s the first image that comes to
mind Superman
superwoman flash but what if I told you
that in our communities today or even
within our churches we live and interact
with superheroes every day as a matter
of fact there’s many heroes in this room
parents your child views you regardless
of the age regardless as a scenario they
view you as that’s superhero if a child
is incurring bullying in school they may
go they will go home to you and ask for
your advice if a kid is is enduring
college and needs some assistance with
from a financial perspective wherever it
may be a parent provides that and we
know as society that a solid foundation
that a parent and a family is life can
provide to a kid is absolutely essential
and we know that by being the parent
naturally you’re signing that contract
that you’re going to be providing the
most nurturing love and support for that
individual and we know that a parent and
with these younger kids that this
develops and builds a better society
which equates to a better world for all
of us but let’s let’s look at our
professional lives does your work
understand when your child is sick do
they understand that they have a
sporting event that one may
need to attend or support and some cases
yes in many cases no but as a society or
as an employer or as an employee
we truly grasp this concept but although
parents are very important and they are
super hero this is not the superhero
that I’m specifically speaking about
today you see the superhero that I’m
specifically referencing is invisible
although they do live within our
communities they may attend church with
us we may even work with them we don’t
acknowledge them because we don’t know
simply who they are the superhero that
I’m referencing is a caregiver a
caregiver can take care of anyone that’s
in their elders age all the way down to
their youth but these individuals in
many cases are invisible to us there’s
one specific caregiver that I want to
focus on today this caregiver has to do
with something called Alzheimer’s and
have to provide for someone who is
diagnosed with this disease you see alls
timers happens to be happens to be
something that touches my life
personally I myself am a caregiver and I
know that unlike a parent where you’re
assisting someone that is progressing in
their life I’m assisting and take care
of someone that is actually digressing
in life but I also know that I’m not the
you see majority of your caregivers
unfortunately cannot hold their
professional job majority of your
caregivers either can die before and/or
shortly after the individual that
they’re taking care of that may have
Alzheimer’s one of the most challenging
pieces for me to be able to wrap my mind
around is
that with the disease such as
Alzheimer’s it’s taking the most
precious part that make you and I us we
as a community people Homo sapiens
however you wanted to find it unique but
yet when we truly think about it what
makes a difference or what is the
difference between someone that is
elderly and someone that’s young again
you’re taking you’re developing for a
child who is further developing it to
our society to contribute while you have
someone that has Alzheimer’s or dementia
and they’re slowly digressing right but
they had that experience of being once
an adult they’re within their physical
body as an adult but yet their minds are
slipping back to a child what a lot of
people don’t realize is that this
actually equates to real cost I’m in a
very unique perspective which I’m in the
business world and in the business world
I understand numbers in detail you see
there’s over 40 3.5 million caregivers
that provide unpaid unpaid care each
year and by the way these numbers are
all conservative in 2015 there is a
study ramp and it equates to four
hundred and twenty billion dollars as
far as an effect on our economy
alzheimer’s alone affects our economy
two hundred and sixty nine billion
dollars and again this number is growing
so what can we do you hear in the media
you see it in the news we may have a
cure or when it comes down the kids or
anybody we want to solve world hunger
although these are very important to
focus on the big picture the big ideas
while we’re focusing on this we’re
forgetting about then the visuals that
are truly providing that care on the
local level
so geared with this additional knowledge
what can I do as individual as a
caregiver one of the most beneficial
things is just simple acknowledgement
acknowledgement that I’m not alone
because you know a lot of my day to day
operations its business it’s puppy
communications with my puppy and or it’s
1950s to 1960s conversation with the
person that I have a lot of respect for
and then the visual that I love but that
I know is not caught that I know is not
caught up to the day to day a simple hug
a simple listening ear and clear
communications with your employer a lot
of times as I’m visiting several
different corporations I simply just
have the conversation of what would
occur if your top talent was a was to
come down with this deadly disease maybe
they don’t come down with this deadly
disease what if your top talent or the
middle or any of your talent had to
actually become the caregiver how would
that affect your actual organization for
me I feel that although it’s okay to
focus on the big picture
I am confident though that where it
really truly makes a difference is that
if we start in our local community and
what I mean by our local community is
supporting not just our fellow neighbors
our fellow parents that may be going
through challenges or difficulty by
providing care but by actually getting
involved in a local organization that
truly speaks and contributes to that
local community you see because why
while a lot of people like to focus on
the big picture I truly believe the true
change true change starts on the local
level between you and I thank you
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