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Cáncer de Pene: Una Realidad para Transformar | Rene Sotelo | TEDxPasadena

I am a Venezuelan surgeon and I remember
whenever my mom’s friends
I wanted me to be a plastic surgeon
and evidently it was for their interests
personnel were watching what
It could happen but I decided to be a urologist
and always when I say urologist they see me
as weird and they think I’m talking
of a neurologist and he really is not a neurologist
I’m a urologist
and what really concerns me is another area
biologists do not only see the area
Genital achieved logos we also take care of
of kidneys urinary tract infections
calculations we see other things but
basically associate the urologist with the
genital area like we are the
gynecologists of man
It is also important because when
we got a party and we say we are
urologists start asking the questions
and basically there are two things that happen
when you arrive at the party
the first thing they start asking you
I have a friend of a friend who has a
problem and 13
in the end you realize that the friend almost
they ask you to give a recital to the friend
that has a problem and really what
second thing that happens is that they start
appear the urological jokes all the
world audios urologists jokes or you
they start to send jokes of urologists what
that I always remember is one that after
who finishes doing the physical exam
half doctor, you are going to send me flowers
another doctor says you are going to call me
tomorrow or another after you have a while
doing the touch tells you author found
the prostate
then really the reason is because
they associate us with the urologist with the prostate and
rightly because prostate cancer
the most frequent cancer in man
even in the USA the most cancer
frequent in Latin America the most
frequent is not the first cause of
cancer death in the usa
here in the first cause the most cancer
frequent is cancer the product without
embargo in Latin America if it is the
first cause is the most frequent and is
the first cause of death in man
Prostate cancer is prostate cancer
has people who defend it like the
Testicular cancer has its own link
and has celebrity from people who talk to
favor and defend testicular cancer
the same does not happen with penile cancer
a lot of you did not even know that
the penis can have cancer because
We are definitely going to talk about
someone who unfortunately does not have
who defends it
The good news is that cancer
unlike prostate cancer and
Testicular cancer can be prevented and
that’s very important and it’s a
substantial difference because there are measures
What can we do to prevent and avoid
and that’s what we ‘re going to talk about today how
avoid penile cancer
the penis is a complex organ
where not only does urine lead through
urethra or leads the semen during
ejaculation has of course to see
with the mechanics of the penis for
penetration and you have to see of course
with sexual identity then it is not
easy to think simply that the problem
we will solve it by removing a pen and
putting another one because that is not a
we have to efficiently see what we’re going
to do to prevent him from
cancer to the penis
when people think of penile cancer
obviously they think that there will be
some degree of penile resection and it’s
You can truly start with a treatment
where we apply or burn or
we freeze an injury but according to
the extent of the injury we have to
do sections of the penis and we can have
to do a full tommy penny
even the scrotum and remove the ganglia
lymphatics of the inguinal region
then it is important because the
treatment can lead to
much more radical procedures
how many men could live a life
full without penis is a question there
what to do when we talk to a
patient we tell him that we have to
cut the penis we have to put in his
position and understand what the
challenge of being able to think about it only being able to
live without a penis
in penis cancer
it’s probably not the entities where
the doctor-patient relationship is critical
the bond you create is very important
with the patient so that the patient
understand and can digest the information
and take the time to explain what
what do you have if the patient does not stay
convinced of what he has and what he
you have to do the patient is going to go
and will come back when he really has
reason and will come back with illness
metastatic then it is very important
The doctor-patient relationship is very
important respect for the privacy of the
patient because you’re seeing the area more
vulnerable the most intimate area of ​​a being
human and is also affected
with a deformation product a tumor
which incidence is estimated 26,000 cases
in the world and in a state there will not be
more than 2,400 cases this year despite
in the USA it is one per 100,000 inhabitants in
Brazil is error of 6 to 7 per 100,000
In some areas of Brazil , cancer
penis is more common than cancer
prostate to have an idea of ​​the
dimension if prostate cancer here
it is important to imagine that in some
areas of brazil penis cancer be
more frequent than prostate cancer
or is it definitely a problem that
it affects and it’s a global problem
one of the things that most impressed me
when you see these figures is that in the usa
72% are affected and Hispanics
that’s the importance that we can
convey this this message because we
It is affecting not only us but
we affect Hispanics to Latinos
but approximately an average of 11
years where it affects us at older ages
early is not that we do the
diagnosis 11 years earlier but
that the affected population is 11 years older
young than the non- Hispanic population
this is a surprising fact when
we see that cancer survival
product to research and the
development and investment in resources
economic to do research the
most cancers today the
survival has improved and less and less
patients die for many of these
cancers unlike in cancer
penis you see as the survival in
instead of improving it has worsened all
cancers the survival curves at 5
years are improving penis cancer going
worsening is to say that despite the
science that is not invested in studying
penis cancer
nowadays they die at 5 years almost the
40 50 percent of patients are
dead who have had penile cancer
because patients are late to the
Of course health care is dependent
of each country fundamentally in these
units we saw that they were not coming late
because they did not have access to the system
health or because they were busy
working really do not go because
they are ashamed to recognize and
appear with a tumor on the penis
because they are afraid of what I can
happen or because they do not understand the
dimension of the problem and that this can
definitely affect your life
what are the symptoms basically
Any injury can appear on
everything on the tip of the penis any
injury any mass any wart
that does not disappear after a
treatment you have to be careful because
These injuries often have to be
biopsy the
what are the risk factors
infection of human papilloma virus and
hygienic habits
in the lack of neonatal circumcision and
the cigarette when we talk about the
human papilloma is very important that
let’s be clear and the idea is not to create
alarm that if you have a virus of
human papilloma will have cancer
penis the human papilloma virus is a
risk factor as there are several
risk factors what we do know is
that there is a clear relationship between
virus and cancer because in the
patients with human papilloma virus is
Six times more common penile cancer and
in penile tumors we find the
virus in up to 85% of patients
then there is a clear relationship between the
Virbac and the human and cancer do not
it means that having a virus
obviously he’s going to have cancer but if
obviously by having a factor of
you have clearly to go to a process of
take care of yourself and supervise and consult the
doctor more frequently
the vaccine for the human papillomavirus
Not only is it useful in neck cancer
uterine and is an important message the
people think it ‘s for the only
for women because they think of
Cervix the vaccine should also
be used in males
when we talk about sexual behavior all
we think the condom is enough is
true the condom protects a part
important of the penis but does not protect it
all of which is important in addition
of using the condom of course to meet
your partner
when we talk about habits
hygienic is very important because
we have the responsibility as
parents from small to children
teach how to retract the skin of the foreskin to
do the hygienic habits because
you see the sperm that accumulates and
the patient who fails to reduce the skin
can not see what’s under the penis
and therefore can not see any
injury that is growing then is
very important to teach it as a child
that the skin has to be retracted for
be able to examine the tip of the penis
and make a proper hygienic habit
it’s very important when we go from
hygiene because people say good if at
final the problem is the skin and the
problem is to lower the skin to do the
cleaning because I do not circumcise
It is very important that the studies have
demonstrated that circumcision could
avoid penile cancer only
when it is done in infants or in new
born does not have the same effect
beneficial when done in
adolescents or adults and why
because the inflammatory changes are already
got on the penis then it does not have
sense to make the circumcision already of
that does not prevent penile cancer what
unique that really prevents cancer
of penis is to start from an early age
hygienic habits
in conclusion and that Danish study what
shows that they managed to reduce the
incidence of penile cancer only
improving education and habits
hygienic is important and the
circumcision should only be
recommended when there is in that region
where the minimum hygienic conditions
can not be guaranteed of course the
cigarette like other cancers
in penile cancer is also more
common among smokers treatments
we already saw that they can include the reception
partial or the complete resection that
involve a ganglion dissection in addition
of penile surgery we have improved
tremendously in this surgery we have
reduced the morbidity of surgery
but it’s not enough we really have
a commitment we already talked about that the
penile cancer transplantation penis
it’s definitely an option we have
what to look for how to solve it
This is a picture of a group of
doctors from Brazil where basically the
doctor tobias machado where he looks
clearly as the penis has been
completely destroyed by the tumor and
even the infected patient
committed is having surgery
rescue palliative by withdrawing the penis and
the scrotum and despite these surgeries
rescue this 21-year-old patient to
the 7 months dies then
we definitely have a commitment
we have to see how to do to create
consciousness to keep talking and that the
people are aware that cancer
penis is a reality and we have a
commitment of course as a man as
doctor and as dad
we have to educate our children
we have to talk about relationships
we have to talk about the
sexually transmitted disease
we have to talk about this reality
because no one should continue to die
man for penis cancer and babies
must follow no man walking that
has been amputated by a problem of
penile cancer simply because no
We are committed to educating them to
prevent penile cancer thanks for
the invitation
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