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Brand Yourself: My Wikipedia Fail | Emad Rahim | TEDxYouth@ClintonSquare

a few years ago something crazy happened

to me and it happened to be in the

morning right so normally I wake up to

an alarm clock right how many you have

an alarm clock on your phone

like a rings what happens when it rings

you often like it the snooze button

right so so I hit the snooze button and


go back to sleep and then another long

happen right so I’m like okay I put

snooze what’s happening and then I hit a

ping then I have multiple pings right

usually I get emails in the morning so

here’s you know a ping and I had another

thing and another ping and another thing

and now I’m like oh snap what’s

happening right so I jump out got my

boxes on grab my phone looked at it I

was like oh my god Oh dozens of eveness

Huffington Post uh Washington uh the

Chicago Tribune is like and it all said

Ahmad versus Wikipedia like what the

blood clot right so now I’m on I get on

my Twitter feed and I’m trending

I am trending but not the way I want a

trend right hashtag Ahmad versus

Wikipedia hashtag Ahmad selling brands

selling brands selling his brand to

Wikipedia and I’m like and people are

debating people arguing people are

questioning my integrity and I had no

control over it so the one day I could

do is like shut off everything shut off

everything jump right back in my bed put

my you know a blanket over me and I’m

hiding unsure what to do next I was like

what the hell just happened like how did

we get here I’m lying I know exactly how

he got here so um a few months back from

this date I was having lunch with a

friend in Chicago my friend is pretty

famous you know he got he got a few

international bestsellers I mean this

man travels very well and we started

talking about branding

know what you mod you need to be a

Wikipedia I do need to be Omega video

right so I started doing some research

it’s hard to get a Wikipedia they gotta

find you right you just can’t like

submit an application they have to find

you would acknowledge you I don’t like

they should have found me already I’m

famous so I started asking people in my

network people that have a wikipedia

profile and we’re talking about people

that are like New York Times bestseller

like endowed chairs and professors and

Dean’s and all them said the same thing

there’s a company they work with this PR

company that helped them get on

Wikipedia so I’m like okay so I did some

other research about this company they

seem legit like they worked with some

big companies they work with Expedia

Viacom right so they work with some big

companies they work with Naomi Campbell

Naomi Campbell right so I called this

company and some research on them spoke

with them right we went back and forth

back and forth and then finally they

created my profile I had to pay a few

G’s I had to pay a few can you say a few

G’s a few G’s right so boom my profile

is up and they got the good picture up

there yeah they got the good fiction

right and all of a sudden my you know

the Google Analytics are hitting my

websites hitting and then within like a

week I get flagged like flag like my

name is in red and Wikipedia is

questioning my profile they’re like who

the heck is this dude who put them up

here and there’s like a debate happening

like a debate that I have no control

over you know what they started calling

me someone called me a sock puppet what

the heck is a sock puppet right another

dude said he was gonna soak my name salt

my name I called this company up I’m

like no this is the man people are

calling me sock puppet I don’t know what

that is but I’m ready to fight somebody

hey and what he told me was that it

happens it’s normal right your profile

goes up

they question it they debate right to go

back and forth and it gets back up

it didn’t happen they took it down boom

so we’re back I said what’s going on

they took it down I want money back I

wonder he fun said like no no no we

would get it back up it happens right so

within a few days boom it’s back up and

they got the good picture again right so

I’m happy

things are moving I put on my LinkedIn

profile people excited and it happened

again this time I swore is like you know

when you’re when your teacher takes out

that red marker and like writes your

name you know like highlights it I swear

they highlight everything I’m like oh

this dude is dude this dude right and I

went back to the company I said listen

what’s going on here and they said that

your profile has been hacked

why did my profile get hacked they’re

like no what happens it’s natural you

know it gets hacked you know we’re going

back and forth I’m like I’m not a

Wikipedia person but what if somebody

hacked my profile out of you know the

millions of profiles that out there and

and they said it happens they put my

profile back up and this time it was

gone didn’t even debate they like took

off so now I’m going back and forth with

this company and they told me that if I

want my profile back up there I have to

hire a PR company that they also work

with so I know what’s happening there’s

like a pyramid scheme right it’s like oh

in order to is you don’t you want

something extra here isn’t we need more

money we need more money we need more

money right so I went back and forth

back and forth with them and it finally

you know what I’m gonna get you I’m

gonna get you right so I started calling

around and I connected with Vice

magazine hey bye no Vice magazine so

Vice magazine did an entire profile on

this situation right and that’s what set

it off right but here’s the thing Vice

magazine never got my side of the story

correct they didn’t get a chance to let

me look at the story they posted without

me responding to without me looking at

it and then basically the world took

that magazine and went it went viral it

went viral

I had bloggers going after me

I didn’t know what a blog was at the

time right I had wiki guys going after

me so I felt like everything was going

out of control and I had no control over

my brand my brand was being ruined my

brand was being tarnished right and I

realized something that these bloggers

these people that were writing about me

did not know me they only know me from

what they read right they only know me

from what they saw in social media so I

did something that was revolutionary but

it was actually honest I actually

connected with each of these bloggers I

found their contact information and

called them and explained my side of the


got them to know me as a person I got

them to know my situation instead of

just looking at a social media you know

post instead of reading something that I

really didn’t have no influence over and

all of a sudden these bloggers started

coming my way

many of these bloggers took down their

posts right many of these bloggers

started defending me all of a sudden I

became their friend they started

realizing that I was not an opportunist

in this situation I was technically a

whistleblower right and they started

writing good things about me like the

type of things you want something right

about you because they know about you

they know your true story right so what

I learned that day is that in order to

create a true brand if you truly want to

be famous

turn off your computers turn off your

phone do more they connect with people

on social media reach out to that person

get them to know you create meaningful

relationships with people right don’t

just don’t just highlight those things

you want people to see it shouldn’t be a

gallery of your life when it’s only good

right you need to connect with people

you need to get to know who they are and

they need to know who you are and what

you stand for

thank you very much for your time anyone

you [Applause]

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