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Bienestar y malestar ¿Es igual a salud y enfermedad? | Carlos Barclay | TEDxBariloche

what it means to be healthy or to be
the world health organization
defined as the complete state of
psychic and social physical well-being and
not only as the absence of
we doctors as well as
patients in general we settle for
the second part of the definition is the
absence of disease we have no fever
we have no pain we are healthy but what
there is the first part that there is of
complete welfare state
to that I want we can aspire in this
talk I’m going to talk about wellness and
upset on many occasions and
I want to define what I’m talking about
He related welfare with three
characteristics that have to do with
the happy
they have to do with satisfaction with
the life that we are leading has to
see with positivity and optimism
that is experienced in the person who
feels and it shows in those around him what
notice that person
what characteristics do you have in general
good mood in general energy interest
tolerance a sense of openness
that leads towards generosity towards
empathy and on the other side when
we say upset
we all recognize because these states
they oscillate in us but we have
different leveling points
there are people that we can level in a
highest state of wellness with ozil
actions but with a substrate that
gives us that support and other people who
we can be in a more state
constant discomfort and what is translated
in discontent negativity we see everything
negative in dissatisfaction with life
that we are carrying as you can see
those people are really irritable
they are complaining they have bad vibes if they have
to individualism to share little and
more behaviors
today home are this we call in
general people with bad wave
I want to join this as how can
impact on health
today we know if there is no doubt about
this is that what we think and the
emotions and thoughts impact
about our body and our body
answer manyas sending signals to
up on a path continues
bidirectional all the time I ask them
put in that place that is
recognize what I’m going to tell you
how can this these states
subjective well-being discomfort can
have an impact on something macro touch it
can touch material such as diseases and
in different organs of our body
let’s start with the discomfort the
upset people who have greater
degree of discomfort as people with
major depression or bipolar disorder or
generalized anxiety disorders or
something that is so common
today in the world that is high levels of
clearly he gets sick more and life in
less time
this about living paradoxically in a hurry
shortens our life
On the other hand this we intuit it is not
It is necessary for me to show you the papers
with the figures that goes with the welfare
I was very curious about the study
called the study the nuns published
in 2001 that religious a group
of religious in the United States
they committed to donate their brain when
they died to be studied for the
Alzheimer’s disease to them when a
an average age of 22 years is
He decided to write a story of his life
how they had lived and what they planned
for the future and someone very bright
it occurred to him to compare what they had
written with what had happened 60 years
then in terms of health and
disease and they found they found
a very high correlation between those that
projected optimism that
they projected all the features
of well-being had lived
languages ​​and they had gotten sick less
subsequent studies that there are many with
better methodology go in this line
clearly welfare is associated with
health as we intuited
one wonders from the medical what
are the ways such as
mechanisms by which to feel good
makes us healthier in the long run and we
longer ago there is a way that is
indirectly and again put yourself in the
place when we feel bad when
we feel that malaise in quotation marks that
we make
we eat fat salt sugar we sit down
we do sap and we do not go running
we smoke more we drink more alcohol we
we isolate when we are good when
we are full see this that overflows
moszy that we do in general we
we hook with the salads the fruits
we worry because if you have a lot
salt or little salt how many calories has
a sausage and so on etc. and so on
and we went running and we called to leave
to chat with our friends do
programs together that we do all the
those I’m not going to enlighten you that
this is the background after the
Overweight of problems
cardiovascular events associated with
sedentary lifestyle with high cholesterol
high sugar et cetera etcetera
etcetera that’s what it is before
what the cardiologist is seeing
later when you cholesterol
there is a newer way that is a
direct way and what can be that way
direct say when we are good
apart from the habits that happen more than
more happens to us and things happen
tremendously interesting at least
for me there are parameters
cardiovascular diseases that are modified low
the heart rate lowers the pressure
arterial increases the vagal tone that is a
health parameter that does not now
I can explain extensively change the in
issues in immunity
they have to do with what when we are
bad and we have that discomfort
we activate an inflammatory pathway that is
the background of many diseases by
example the disease but claire
atherosclerotic and also makes us
more vulnerable to infections and there are
one way the third way
and remember these three because I’m going to
return to the end that the way
neuroendocrine us with what
we think or what we feel almost always
automatic and non-conscious way
we shoot behaviors we shoot a way
biological our body which is the way
that made us survive throughout the
story when we were being run by a lion a
tiger we shoot the hormones
of stress adrenaline and cortisol because
we had to climb I have to run
because they ate us today
ancestral mechanism from the origin of
the humanity that made us survive
pathetically modern man what
can activate chronically
prolonged does not lower it when we’re
sitting looking at the lake thinking
ruminating many times in
unconscious or when it does not brake a
red light and we have many cars
ahead, that’s what we do
today every day that is logical
think that it has repercussions on the
what repercussions does it have on health
for example , it alters our mood
clearly that background makes us
more irritable there is clearly associated
with major depression and with
generalized anxiety disorder that
happens at the cognitive level we accelerate the
cognitive impairment
if we are losing attention we were going
losing the memory and we’re leaving
deteriorating cognitively at the level
cardiovascular first cause of death
in the world
acb myocardial infarction
if associated that answer with these two
elements that happens at the level of
infections that is my specialty makes
one time I read a job that
it looked exquisite
a researcher called sheldon
cohen than in volunteers who
approached knowing that they were going to
participate in this type of study they
They gave a few droplets for the nose that
had in rhinovirus that is the
most frequent virus that does not produce the
common cold turns out that it was put
the droplets and not all were infected and
then the study that differentiated
those who got infected from those who did not
infected and this what shows if
look at vertical colds in
horizontal in this case stress to
older three seniors cold clearly
look at that curve
look at the second number of contacts
social networks with fewer contacts
social infections plus infections and finally
notice that it is a dream, although those who
They slept less than five hours what
they slept less than six hours a day
if each of these associated elements
also to depression and feeling
of solitude increased between two and three
times the possibility that it
sick these patients I do not see it in
the office the studies
immunologically and I can not find anything
macro but this is happening that is not
measurable with our macro tools
the person is not feeling as well as
we come to these states
obviously this is this is the way
biological that how do we get to this
situation that stabilization in
predominantly in welfare or
predominantly upset with the
vagaries of life as always
yes obviously there are many causes and
these multifactorial complex like the
reality that we try to
understand a simplistic way
we have the genetic load that has
importance and equipment has to do in
where they raised us as they raised us with
violence with abuse the mental health of
our parents made us bullying in
the school does not and then there are factors
social factors that have to do with
public health and with the economy
with the policy that is that of the
distribution of wealth and income
per capita the access that the
education and health
the degree of violence and discrimination
what’s in the society where I live
all that makes up a combo of which
is our pattern if we are
attuned to the well-being or the
upset about that is always I find
very appropriate the metaphor of the seed
is the seed with genetics with its
potential and the ingredients depend
that we put inside the causes and
conditions as expressed
can be expressed with light and shine is
the concept of flourishing in the
positive psychology or we can not
wither go gradually ruining
throughout life
there is a sentence that is sententious and
stronger than I’ll tell you now but
I find myself tremendously motivated
now it’s a phrase from a writer who
call chas vukovic who said
we are born for geniuses and they bury us
so what are the solutions one
Once we know this, I propose
four goals that are not mine what
says richard davidson a specialist in
neuroscience center director
healthy mind in wisconsin says a
healthy mind has four
characteristics that I can measure in
the resonance in different with different
elements that is attentive
yes I am attentive to what is
happening I am in the present
recent studies very commented in the
medical field show that almost 50%
of time we are on autopilot
we are not living what we are
doing and when they interrogate us when
we were and two and they ask us how
you felt when it was has been the
most of the people answer me
I felt bad was not good that other
three characteristics one mind
healthy is positive
a healthy mind is resilient is
able to recover quickly from the
contrasts of life and finally a
Healthy mind is more empathetic
tends to compassion and finally
in the face of pro-social actions
the novelty is that these four
characteristics there is evidence that
they can be cultivable
we are not condemned to always finish
worse to say but I am like that
I am like that and now everything changes all the
we can also change to
from the discoveries of the
neuroplasticity that we can generate
new connections and develop new
cells in our brain and starting
of epigenetics that our genes are
express or shut off
according to the stimuli that you
we put this is cultivable like going to
gym like in the gym of the mind
and that is associated with well-being that other
things can help us being of
the abc diet the diet has
fundamental importance not only
for weight and aesthetics but for the
heart for our brain and for
our humor as they show works
recent from australia and new zealand
what other things exercise the
exercise is phenomenal because the
Exercise not only has an effect
cardiovascular but also on
our brain and it makes us release the
hormones and neurotransmitters that do not
you generate well-being
anyone who has done sport
recognizes how you feel after
have left to run and studies
Recent shows show that going for a run
presence of water mirrors as they are
privileged in this place in better
still if the dream the dream is key
for our life a lot of effects
about health
also about humor and also about
the infections
this I told him that at least there
have to sleep six hours around the world
you are seeing that people every time
sleep less in Argentina 55 percent
of the population sleep less than six
well this is the situation with this
é a special paragraph for other things
that maybe less known than
They are related to
other elements that we do well
social relations the music that’s why
that is being rescued as the
music therapy for certain certain
pathologies and a great for raffo for
body mind practices
practically body like tai chi
like yoga as different practices
meditative I wonder why it is
have been doing for more than 2,500 years in
the world because it does well because
modify biological correlates has
impact on each one in greater or lesser
degree of what I told you before
about the cardiovascular aspect
on the inflammatory aspect and on the
neuroendocrine aspect this idea
positive shows this that I want to show
something that impacts
this is bp antibody titers
can flu vaccine in the controls
and in the meditators notice the
difference of the curves that is
statistically significant
and this is shingles vaccine
against herpes zoster in practitioners
and not practitioners of tai chi that is to say
I want to take you to this correlate
biological that is what is happening
in the world we are wrong
yes yes I show you data of the world there
300 million people in the world with
diagnosis of depression
8 percent of the world’s population
have depression or disorder
generalized anxiety in Argentina
two drugs like alprazolam and
clonazepan are among the ten most
sold with prescription at no Argentina
listened in social areas
you are stressed you are anxious because
do not stick a clonazepan if that does not
it’s fine no it’s not the way it’s the
short way but it’s not the way of
good final results then this
it has to be taken as a policy of
public health what has to do with
what I told him about society
et cetera etcetera but we have a
individual travel and in and in the era
of the anthropocene if the human being was
able to modify the planet
to such an extent to modify the climate as
do not
we can know this to try
modify the paradigm that is
getting sick of how we are living
then he invited them to leave the
discomfort swirl
I invite you to walk towards wellness
and the utopias as I wished oscar wilde
they are progress are realized utopias
then let’s go towards that which is a
decision in a moment is a decision
that we have to execute and it ‘s a
developable skill and maybe
we can live more wisely and die
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