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Beyond the Boundaries of Time | George Atef | TEDxMSAUniversity

okay it’s about time when we’ve already

cently celebrated a new year 2016 and I

found everyone saying how the past year

just flew why some people were saying

this new year 2017 seems like going to

be quicker than the year before

did you ever have this feeling chasing


I’ve always been obsessed about time and

I thought since time cannot actually be

getting quicker then either we are

getting slower or our perception of time

is changing I had to explore since the

ever since the origin of life itself on

earth and time has been defined in so

many different ways over the ages is it

a fourth the fourth dimension is it a

direction some philosophers said it

didn’t even exist the closest definition

to our talk today was by Aristotle that

time is a measure of change but not

change itself four and a half billion

years ago earth was created and we

weren’t the first life on earth first

life was just single-cell life and that

lasted for one and a half billion years

then multi-cell life for one billion

years afterwards all of land life on

Earth lasted just four hundred million

years and finally homo sapiens

including humans are until today just

160 thousand years are you starting to

okay you can see clearly that the number

of years between each evolutionary cycle

of life on Earth is getting is getting

smaller and smaller it’s happening

quicker it’s not time itself that’s

changing its evolution jumping into more

modern history first Industrial

Revolution inventions first telephone

first radio first microchip and shortly

afterwards first personal computer and

finally the beginning of our digital age

was the first connection to the World

Wide Web

1983 now the trend becomes clearer the

number of years between each

technological evolution and the next is

getting also shorter and short since

we’re in Egypt right now wants you all

to close your eyes for a moment okay

imagine five thousand years ago the

Great Pyramids of Giza being built can

you guess how long it took to build the

Great Pyramid of Giza it took twenty

years it took a whole generation to to

build just the Great Pyramid of Giza

jumping to modern times this was the

fastest built skyscraper in the world

this was built in only 20 days from 20

years to 20 days up till this point I

concluded that by nature life and

evolution of life and evolution of

technology is accelerating in nature and

here lies our problem the problem is

that life around us is evolving more

than we are and now more than ever we

have the need to evolve in order to

survive our environment Earl Nightingale

said that success by definition is

progressive if you’re not progressive

would you say that five years ago you

had more time in your life and your day

seemed longer and you felt you could do

more with your time raise your hand if

you agree yes keep your hands up if

you’ve ever taken time management

courses to better your life okay so did

I well uh I’m here to tell you that

there is no such thing as time

management you cannot actually manage

time since you cannot change time unless

you’re faster than the speed of light

what you can manage actually is your own

these are two brothers one obviously

sleeps all day his name is Fred and his

hard-working brother his name is Ted

would you say that Ted has a longer day

or has more time than his brother of

course not that’s exactly my point today

we are all living the same time the same

days the same hours it’s what we do with

our time that matters now let me tell

you what to do first thing you need to

do is to keep your time and by keeping

your time I don’t mean just watching

your clocks all the time of course not

there is an exercise to start with for a

period of at least one week you need to

write everything you do down and write

down the time it takes you to complete

it after one week you will have

something that looks like this it’s a

time lock then you can sum up all your

actions we all have exactly the same

hours per week 168 hours is what we do

them that matters then you can see if

you’re what consumes most of your time

is that your top priority

can you give it less time or more time

to other higher priorities when you sum

your time lock for the first time you

will be amazed at how how much free time

and three hours you have and that’s the

first step

another trick I’ve learned over my years

obsessing with time was prioritizing all

my tasks into only three categories to

keep it simple category a are the

immediate tasks are to be done our

urgent tasks to be done immediately and

you can only move on to category B there

as soon as possible tasks if you’re done

with the old the first one category C

are untimely tasks that don’t have any

deadlines another thing you have to keep

in mind is high value and low value time

what is high value time high value a

time could be the last hour you have

before moving out of your house to go to

university or work the last 15 minutes

before an exam or before a presentation

like this one low value time can be the

holiday or the weekend my message here

never do low priority tasks in high

value time another thing I always keep

my personal to-do lists separate from my

work or study to-do list this is an

example of my daily – dual a personal

list always having time for spiritual

having time for my family having time

for my friends having time for my own

self and hobbies having time for

exercise and last but not least I

specify time every day to learn and read

something new writing your personal

tasks down makes them a habit

and also you will have deep

psychological benefits of accomplishing

what you’ve done every day now that

you’ve learned about the nature of our

relationship with time and learned how

to keep time now we’ll explore the sense

of time John F Kennedy said that those

who look only into the present or past

are certain to miss the future time

perspective is a fundamental dimension

in psychology that divides human life

into past present and future what you

need to be is future oriented rather

than being past oriented since you can

never change the past developing your

sense of time that’s me okay not so long

ago I was one year old when I was one

the one year was a hundred percent of my

life when I was five the phylla the one

year becomes twenty percent of my life

when I was ten years old that was my

girlfriend the one year became just ten

percent of my life naturally we lose our

sense of time the years become less and

less significant and that’s another

reason we we feel that life is getting

quicker how to develop this I found only

one thing that worked which was

meditation and I’ll tell you how I do it

we need to isolate yourself in into a

room you need to you don’t need a yoga

position the lotus position could be

hard at first just sit comfortably even

you should also isolate isolate the

sound using headphones without any music

playing or using a earplugs to keep

everything silent and finally just a

candle turn the light down and light

your candle and set a timer for just

five minutes and for these five minutes

train your mind to be silent at first it

will be hard you’ll be getting a lot of

ideas but for five minutes

only one thing exists in the whole world

it’s the flame of the candle doing this

everyday for a period of at least two

weeks after two weeks I promise you it

will get easier you will have more focus

and you will have greater sense of your


we all have internal biological clocks

but we lose them as we grow after the

two weeks you will be filling every

second of every minute of these five

minutes then you can increase them to 10

minutes then to 20 and that’s the most

you need to do but keep doing it and the

more you do it the better you’ll get

added this will not only develop your

sense of time and your sharpen your

internal clocks this will sharpen your

mental focus and doing both will enable

you to do everything you do enjoy

everything you’re doing and living each

moment of your life enjoying it and the

more focused in doing everything you do

in each second of your life that counts

the better the quality of your life will

be finally I want you all to

congratulate yourself now that you know

about time know how to keep your time

know how to develop your sense of time

hopefully soon you will be

master of your own time I leave you with

my favorite quote about time it’s the

way we spend our time defines who we are


[Applause] [Music]

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