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Artesano de lo invisible | Luis Vedoya | TEDxUCA

I’ll give you two stories and ask him
give me two concessions
The first news is that in Argentina
we double the number of children
and youth who they are in the
The second news is that our country
education is public and free in
all levels
This means that they would be given
the conditions for any boy
starting first grade can
But let me turn pro
tell the side b of these two
Argentine news every twenty
starting first grade boys achieve
finishing high
only half of them and those
days to finish high school
only two understand what they read
This means you can read a
Text turn around and tell other
of these 10 had high
three manage access to education
superior and these three only one
becomes professional if they were
under the conditions for 20
they are professional because it is achieving
only one of them and we have to
wonder why this happens and
we can come to think that they went to
live in Singapore to South Korea or at
Finland is to finish school
because secondary education quality
already the best in the world or are
young technology entrepreneurs
They leave school and is putting together a
Venado Tuerto valley and are not
I think we are losing not passing another
in this example do x
I assure you here is this guy
He is a genius who is doing what is
a desperate cry is telling
their teaching her teacher that her teacher
is boring it is for something else
he is not interested do something x
is it is going
I ask the first of my conceptions
I’ll tell you a personal story
this is me I was very bad at school
leading all subjects all
years and always May or June
It was invariably the edge of the
expulsion every year
proton third year when I repeated me
I changed school a school very
and yes again like third year 4th
5th and finish school but ended
Just imagine the last day of class
one sitting in the front row crying
the emotion
I with flag in hand thinking the
proud he was in love with me and
how to finish the act down to receive
kisses hugs and praise
constrict Obama looks at me and tells me
Why you not study before
but at the same time it was like a little
accelerated education because I never
He had asked that question and that
when I realized that there are a lot
invisible variables that were
and impinging impinging on a project
education in a life because
the first school the teachers
was you really distant
knowledge carriers coming
did his thing is fixed if you knew
settle the xy carried in the second
School was generated voices
link knew you were interested in
What were you could talk to other
things and for me that was the big
Unlike in school and you
repetitive misbehavior in
flagman school and then voice
I decided to become a craftsman of the
Invisible and work for others
can be overcome and develop their
life projects and the other
and I think I have more
This capital need is the
education are people living
under the poverty line because when
a neighbor of the villa 31 decides
Counter become a lawyer one
social worker represents a group
family with profound vocation
upward social mobility mobility
and relative social cultural vocation
definitive work in progress
integrated foundation where we believe
when a person is questioned her
future wants to be professional but not
They have the means other socioeconomic
to do so must be supported at all
Today accompany 350 young people
neighborhoods like cava the villa is hidden
31 young people who have grown up in
It has finished high school
there young people who are often the
first in their families to finish
school without doubt the first
of the whole block to become
Professional and one in each
one of them a profound vocation
maternal in men also because
no one comes and says I want
study business
because I want to be yes or a
multinational or want to study says
Medicine to win the Nobel Prize
They decide to study to give a better
present to his family and to give your
children an incredible full future
opportunities which they did not have and
They know they do not have it easy
They know there are villeros out
with all the social prejudices
this implies
they know that to do so they have to leave
of the comfort zone because the villa
there is also the comfort zone this
Fernando Maldonado grew up in the
Villa 21-24 barracks
and he finished high school and
when he received was to speak to the
Caacupe parish priest and
He said I want to be a journalist
The jury looked seriously secured
response was just as serious if the priest
He told us it will integrate ZANFER
and asked what you want to study
where you want to study and because you want
study and not once ten times
We ask five different people to
Soon he was studying was
Journalism and to receive input
economic foundation involved
workshops and activities on life
university and work as most
receiving important accompaniment
a tutor
Meanwhile she questions
coming because teachers wanted
tutor know how much knew already
It was like it was December 2015
Finally end
photo fer is a journalist
in March 2016 the cell phone rings
Zaro integrated foundation and these
Now I will ask to do
to say the meeting in the office
art with President Obama
five days later fernando maldonado
defined the villa was in the 21 to 24
art kitchen sitting among
only 100 thousand young people
They participated in the meeting with
then president of the United
Barack Obama’s new Lusa map
with you and takes broke
He played locally and we are all
then be a fully captivated
half an hour began to rúa questions
1 2 3 and at every opportunity to
raise your hand because the journalist and
he wanted to ask a question but
every opportunity was competing against a thousand
60 five hundred thousand hand can be
raised at two and were jumping in
Instead everyone is a question
After answering a question about the
conflict between Palestine and Israel obama
leads to a new question he felt
that was the last look for
side notes and index finger
the President of the United States
points directly to the face zarra
hope microphone and told the
It was time to put up the
value table questions
uncomfortable to be located is more
afraid effort
and at that moment a silence be
mixed to a question about donald trump
She became more silent
the translator took to soften the
question I will answer any
nothing else to do he could do
roast question was raised because
hand journalist does not want to
ask a question to the President
United States raised hand raised
hand when finished school
secondary in the village barracks 21-24
He raised his hand when he decided
become a professional lifted
hand when he paid his partial the
end and lifted recuperatorios
hand whenever joined with the tutor
planning for the immediate future and the
long term
He raised his hand what he had to recursar
He raised his hand when left
studying instead of hanging out with their
friends and raised his hand when
He received and returned home with
obama title did not answer the
asks why the question was not
making life easier neither was
easy and its main poverty is not
the main economic poverty fa
It is social and cultural capital and its
Wealth is to have realized that and
Having decided to leave the area
comfort the villa representing 21 to 24
for him and work with his tutor was
an amplifier of experiences and
integrated work representing you
a network of contacts that enabled him
sitting in the chair clearly
It was not meant for him the rest
fa he made but nobody wants what not
He knows the sun or not reached
once you know you can start in
to desire
his aspiration grows easier
would think that these problems
access and quality of education no
my problem is someone else ‘s problem but
What happens when your neighbor is wrong
educated happens when the teacher
your children are rude passing
be bad neighborhood police
educated is a problem of the whole
community your family what if
our intendentes our
our presidents rulers are
poorly educated is a problem of all
then yes that’s my problem
I have one grant and will use
now I find another story
my wife and I both come from
religious families and are
accustomed that we know
before dinner but a prayer
a formula that repeat at the time
where we stop and discuss what we
He puts what worries us happy
We ask for something and we thank our
guadalupe oldest daughter always participated
state but quietly
He began the hurt never stopped talking
only at the moment of each house
at every opportunity from the year
good boogaloo pp mean something to
three years when I was three
We are grateful to dine ask
forest guadalupe something if I say something
woman said we are to live something
grosos will speak good god
means serious
I want to ask to run on balls
us at this time we could
because the queen rave more
Lifetime religiosity be imagined
first talking to God in front
parents their parents will laugh at
the face but do not look with my wife and
We understood where he was coming thing
three years he was leaving
diapers then I put the
dirty diaper changer highlighted the
He threw grab the new was no longer
He is running around the house in good and
At first it was a game and seek
the run was we returned the
changer week the game started
be like a nightmare for me then
I began to repress and against censorship
Father and fear never
replayability found this place
perfect place to ask and convinced that
He was going to give again left me a
lifelong learning
it is important to identify what
you do not want to not only identify
but also able to express and also
He is expressing as it did my daughter but
Imagine if martin luther king said
I have a dream but I am ashamed
share what we really
we lost something
My greatest desire is to always leave my
comfort zone and move to me are
insatiability to share my
wealth and associate my purpose of
many others because we are very rich in
social and cultural capital and all
these riches we have the
incredible power to transform lives
We all have a purpose
identify them carrying the banner is
of corajudos associated with other
this path is to become a craftsman
of the invisible
thank you very much the
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