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An interactive lesson in flamenco palmas | National Institute of Flamenco | TEDxABQ

hello my name is sage Wahlstrom and I’m
a student at the National Institute of
flamenco and this is the youth
fundraising council and we are here to
bring you into the world of flamenco
now flamenco is an art form originated
in end of the sea of Spain and it
consists of singing guitar dancing and
now five months is just hand clapping
and it helps accompany the dancing and
the guitar just to keep everything
together and that’s what we’re going to
be showing you today
my name is Liv Elliot West and in
flamenco there’s this whole tree of
Palos kind of like that tree right and
it all makes sense now I’ve got finals
now and I think of it but five us are
like these rhythmic patterns and it can
get kind of complicated with like where
the beat falls and how many beats per
measure but the pattern that we’re going
to show you is a 4 4 pattern which is
four beats per measure and it’s common
time and so it’s called Don Luis and
that’s one of the big main branches of
flamingo which is this huge tree so
today I’m going to be teaching you guys
a tangos pattern of Palmas it’s pretty
simple I’m going to do a quick
demonstration with these guys right here
and then I’ll get on to the teaching
part five six seven eight
it’s pretty simple right so what I want
everybody to do today is just stand up
from their seats you don’t have to go
too far perfect
stretch it out okay so what I want
everybody to do the first pattern is
pretty simple all you’re gonna do is
just stomp your foot stomp your foot
there you go
doesn’t matter which one whichever you
prefer it’s perfectly fine and perfect
so after you stomp your foot you’re
going to hand clap you’re going to clap
your hands three times it’s going to go
something like this
foot clap clap clap foot flap flap flap
foot flap flap flap foot flap flap flap
foot flap flap and hold perfect so you
guys did really good actually so now for
the second part this is called ada
muffin and Ramat days are used to close
out a pattern so let’s just do a quick
demonstration of that really fast so
five six seven eight together hot
together I clap together together it’s
pretty simple so basically what you’re
going to do is you whenever I say
together you’re going to clap your hands
and stomp your foot at the same time so
together together together together
together together together and hold
perfect so every single time I say clap
you’re just gonna on it’s pretty
self-explanatory so so basically we’re
gonna go pretty slow it’s gonna go
together clap together
clap clap together together one more
time together clap together
clap clap together together you guys are
doing really good good job good job okay
so now all we need to do is just put
everything together so we’re gonna go
five six re head let me explain so the
first pattern you’re gonna do four times
and the second pattern you’re only going
to do once that I think says so five six
and split clap-clap-clap foot stop
trap-trap foot cut cut cut
foot chop chop cut together cut together
flap cut together together really good
really good
good job so let’s do it just a couple
more times so you guys can get the
little rhythmic the gist of it
so 5 6 7 and foot flap flap flap foot
flap flap flap foot hop hop hop foot
clap clap clap together
clap together clap got together together
that was really good ok so we are the
National Institute of flamenco youth
fundraising Council thank you guys so
la la
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