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A Technique to Eliminate Math Anxiety | Dr. Katie Nall | TEDxOcala

like many other couples my prom date and
I stayed out late that night to fool
around and you know I mean by solving
math equations since I was a small child
I have always loved counting things
finding patterns solving problems I love
math from research and analysis to
finding the solutions to most
importantly sharing my newfound
knowledge with anyone who’ll listen I
teach college math many of my students
don’t appreciate math like I do
and sometimes that math can be a
roadblock to their future some of the
students have failed the class many of
them have felt it more than once these
same students have earned A’s in other
rigorous college classes they didn’t
fail because the work was difficult they
all had one trait in common they hate
math they hated math so badly that they
wouldn’t even want to take a class I was
wondering could I help them can I help
them be successful in math by overcoming
their anxiety about math hmm a word
solving a word problem like this is
going to require a different kind of
research for you see all the research I
had said that to be successful in math
you had to have study tips study tips
were not going to help students who were
crying in my office or vomiting in the
trashcan just at the mention of math I
had to find something different for them
I had to find something that would help
them overcome their anxieties after
months and months of research nothing
was going to solve this until I finally
decided what if I was asking the wrong
question instead of asking how to help
students overcome anxiety about math I
had to step outside the boundaries of
math and ask how do people overcome
anxieties about anything it’s ironic how
a small change like that can make a big
difference for me it was three three
little letters EFT EFT stands for
emotional freedom technique or tapping
the students were going to need
something different I wonder was this
going to be different enough well it was
going to be worth the risk they all had
to have the class to graduate I looked
and found some research on it and it
turns out the EFT had a 30 year history
starting with Stanford educated engineer
Gary Craig he understood electrical
circus and using this knowledge of
circuitry he streamlined the work of
psychologist dr. Roger Callahan who made
use immersions to help his patients
Meridian’s are twelve pathways in our
body that are defined by traditional
Chinese medicine and commonly used by
acupuncturist what do meridians have to
do with
and anxiety well it turns out that
Auburn University Research has recently
released a study showing that there are
micro structures in our body that mirror
the pathways of the meridians these
micro structures may provide an answer
on the connection between the meridians
and reducing stress and anxiety it was
worth a chance to find out if this would
work or not I mean if I was willing to
risk appearing a little odd to the
students if they were willing to risk
trying something out like tapping so
what does tapping consist of basically
tapping on different pressure points on
your body while repeating statements
usually negative phrases studies have
shown that one or the other is not as
effective as a combination research and
this has been done worldwide there is
over 40 outcome studies showing
ninety-eight percent effectiveness using
EFT to reduce stress and anxiety so I
offered this to my students those who
are open to tapping and will agreed to
tap went move forward some of different
students with different emotions
required a different number of sessions
but I bet you you’re dying to know what
this looks like right so I’m going to
invite you to tap along with me and
we’re gonna pretend like you’re a math
student so start on your side of your
hand and repeat even though I have this
fear about math right here right now I
feel safe even though I have this fear
about math and I feel it my stomach
right here right now I feel safe even
though I have this fear about math and I
don’t want to take this math class right
here right now I feel safe top of the
head this fear and the edge of the
eyebrow this fear about math inside of
the eye this fear and then under the eye
this fear in my stomach and then under
the nose this fear I never lips this
fear and then on the shoulder blades
this fear about math and then about four
inches under your arms this fear take a
deep breath in then we waited finally
the grades started rolling in for
students who had failed the class in the
past all past
– or in degrade ac1 earn to be and one
came the closest to an a she’s ever been
in math they all had smiles a relief for
students who had once thought that math
was difficult and they were able to
continue on one student who had
continued on came back and dropped by my
office unannounced it was Scott he was
as tall and as wide as the doorway I I
could feel his energy as he entered as
he came in before I knew it he had
swooped down grabbed me in a bear hug
and said if it hadn’t been for that
voodoo stuff you taught me I never would
have gotten my bachelor’s degree many
students were able to continue on
because of tapping I’m going to invite
my students from here on out to continue
tapping as they go through math I have
found the students who are open to
tapping and tap about their emotions
about math are way more successful than
the students who struggle with math and
avoid tapping one student in particular
came up to me a chance encounter and a
restaurant after the class had been
finished she timidly admitted to me you
know I get it now EFT not only helped me
get through your math class it helped me
in other areas of my life for you see I
found that EFT has been practiced
worldwide not only does the Duchess of
Cornwall tap for her fear of flying
attorneys tap for clarity and some
Olympic athlete stop before their event
eft practitioner steve wells in perth
western australia reports
transformational changes in his business
clients an australian managing partner
of a top
ten law practice recently admitted after
tapping with Steve I could feel the
knots in my chest and the worries just
dissolve as we tapped entire schools
have adopted tapping Pacific Grove
middle school in California teachers and
students tapped for six minutes a day to
relieve tests and stress anxiety they
have found that behavioral issues have
decreased tests and test scores have
increased and even they’ve noticed that
special-needs children are
self-regulating better
so you see anxiety isn’t an isolated
issue anxiety affects not only our
ability to learn but also our ability to
work to relate and our health study site
eighty percent of medical visits are
stress-related imagine what a difference
this little three-letter EFT can make
has already made on a four letter word
of ma th math can you imagine that a
three letter word of EFT what an impact
it could be on a four letter word of
fear I’m going to invite you to find out
more about EFT you see when I became a
certified practitioner I found all the
mistakes I had made as a self-taught one
it turns out that EFT is way more
effective working with one person on a
specific event and much more effective
with a certified practitioner now as I
continue my journey to become a trainer
I had to deal with some of my own fears
it was hard to choose just one
but I decided on one that had plagued me
for years and annoyed my family
it was my deep paralyzing fear of
after a full day of tapping I found the
source of my anxiety turns out as the
eldest child of a single mother who
moved every six months I was in charge
of cleaning cleaning meant we were
moving at least in my subconscious today
I no longer have fear or anxiety about
I still don’t clean
I just don’t worry about it anymore so
you see my math truck doesn’t have
anything at all to do with mathematics
but I do have this three-letter solution
for you for each one of your four-letter
fears I’m going to invite you to tell
everyone you know about this amazing
amazing technique emotional freedom
technique and I’m going to invite you to
take control of each of your fears EFT
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