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Один в поле воин | Ара Рейзис | TEDxSadovoeRing

I came to defend the idea of ​​the old as the world
protect from the point of view of the doctor to me
it seemed that it was time and that I have on
this certain right was not born long ago
I was seven years old when the war began
the Germans were standing near Moscow with my mother
ran to the bomb shelter under the tracer
bullets and bombing then was terrible
cold death hunger and disease and I wrote
my first poem in life i be
I want a doctor of people I want to treat and people
all in Soviet suffering ease and
These naive lines have literally become
Here is my life I became a doctor and
the profession does not let me to this day
for 60 years now and for these 60 years
say that medicine has done some
incredible jerk
she just became unrecognizable and
it literally brought a new era and I
so happened became involuntary unwitting
living history this war can be in
to some extent I dare to hope and
medicine today is powerful
hi-tech industry with all
the pros and cons of this one’s
industrial state and it seems to me
that now I will translate some
education she is called daisy and
worth at the institute of eye surgery what
she unusually bright demonstrates
this is this industrial condition
the medicine
imagine a huge over
it has a rotating conveyor in it
the perimeter conveyor like petals
located bunk she these bunk lie
living people when actually move
the pipeline one surgeon will do one and
same small operation such a notch on
eye cornea to reduce the degree
myopia chirk next chirk
the next and generally remarkably comfortable
quickly cost is not cost people take off
cars just can not imagine
but I would like to ask you
any of you would like to lie in such
daisy here me for example somehow strongly
I do not want to and the one who stands there and picks
he is a doctor and those who are there are in these
of this chamomile are they people or are these cars in
which something has spoiled a little and
need a little tweak but in general here
this is all the action that takes place there
this is medicine
or is it maintenance I have nothing
against maintenance is wonderful
and let it be perfect in all
areas and in medicine too i only
equal sign between maintenance and
medicine back in the 12th century
the great Judaic doctor and thinker
Maimonides says never forget that
the patient is not just a carrier of some kind
certain disease is close to you and
suffering creature and we forget we
in our 21st century
completely forgot about it and forget what
further the more time is money yes yes
the number of patients taken per hour is
today the measure of the successful work of the doctor yes
God forbid a lively thinker and
compassionate doctor is actually the point
counting in medicine is the only thing
the only possible and only on this
points can be solved and need to decide what
how fast and how fast
must apply all those wonderful
new medicine opportunities that we
we have a prima depends on it
patient’s future
and if this is a child here I hear
familiar voice so here if it’s a child
then I am a pediatrician
sometimes literally all life and fate and me
it seems that I somehow tried everything
60 years of your beaver the black way
Well embody this thesis
this idea to life is just work and
today I want to give you a few
not invented stories in defense of this
thesis which now requires protection
Annas are selected here this deck
selected from a huge number of similar and
with great difficulty, well, for example, one
one of them in our apartment right
opposite the front door hanging some
simple picture embroidered satin
quiet such autumn landscape all who me
affected by degree
how much is it outside of mine
my artistic taste
artistic preferences now we sit on
any therefore there is a big one behind it
a remarkable story that I want you
tell the beginning of the 90s I was offered
asked me to treat for hepatitis c
the oligarch of one of the big
bankers actually him my contingent but
it happened and then the treatment of hepatitis c
was very difficult she was very
dear she was very long not
less than a year it was complicated by the whole
near adverse side effects
medical complications and moreover she
was very far from 100 percent
effect in adults from 30 to 50 percent
and here in such a way we are with this
the bankers started off
Thank God, they safely passed the reef
had this swimming
my banker recovered and we are with him
parted well and I think that on
this story is over
it turned out that there is no after some time
about medical quite
democratic institution where am i then
took appeared rich tuple with
out from there this oligarch appeared at
me in the study and said or the novel I
I come to thank you well, I strongly
tensed I do not know how I do not like to take
dear gifts oligarch as me
it seemed other gifts do not
maybe it turned out maybe he said
literally the following I know what you have
there are patients especially children who need
treat and who have no money for it
Here you are for your choice I will pay
medication for one of your patients
and left I was left to choose choose
it was difficult for such patients there were many
but I was especially seated with me
a pain in the heart it was a boy from
Russian hinterland
brought it to me some time before
This mother herself is a pediatric surgeon.
which at an early age missed u
his son’s appendicitis is in general to
unfortunately not uncommon abdominal pain
children is a whole cosmos and still not
solved problem
largest french pediatrician more fan
even once asked to write on
his tombstone died of pain in
abdomen in children
I agree with him
I understand him well so here’s mom
missed appendicitis as a result
peritonitis as a result of multiple
transfusion injections and hepatitis c
and treat it no matter what the surgeon
Children’s small district hospital and I
I realized that here and I should first
turn to present this oligarch
because I imagined what
her every day when there is no day and hour
so that she does not care
and didn’t blame the baby
it happened it can not do anything but
it turned out to be difficult in taste feedback
there was no connection
literally the entire file card the whole archive
facility where I worked to find find
his card and there was an address and telephone
I called them to Moscow I presented them
this oligarch he paid for treatment
boy and I were treated for a year
thank God everything went well
the boy recovered today is also an adult
the man has two children of his own
thank God it’s great it’s embroidered
This is a gift from his mother and I think that
such a picture is like a prayer icon
she absorbed so much good
human well, I’ll tell you more
story from this deck
well about how important it is sometimes how proper
only this is important namely
confidential conversation and only she can
solve the hardest medical riddle on
accepting a 15 year old girl so
discharged from hospitals
where lay with severe hepatitis from
which is a little not actually
gone but the doctors failed to find out
what is the cause of this hepatitis was her
very well examined in modern
level but everything is negative where does this
hepatitis was not known and and
sent me talk in detail
trying to find out maybe she is something
took before she got sick
Hepatitis may be some kind of weed
saw can be saw some
drugs for weight loss and something else
a teenager after all
was deny there might be medications
some saw no mom says this
the girl says no ill and no
she took no medication in general
clues but also
and see that the girl is tense here she is
that wants to ask or to say, well,
I say let’s tell it like it is
she says you know me since so
I did not find out where I got this hepatitis
and some kind of hepatitis
I’m very afraid of infecting my boyfriend
I’ll go my dear and we have a boyfriend
15 years old but this is not so much now
there is rarity
and how do we defend the male condom she
says not only the fact is that to me
The gynecologist said that at the age of 15
there is little to insure and
take contraceptives i
I say that I was silent and you say
took no medication
it burns so it is not medicine in general
everything fell into place immediately by dates
lined up when she started
take these drugs when divorced
hepatitis how everything was clear
quite obvious as a note
what is this drug hepatitis is
known especially in adolescents this
dangerous and imagine for a minute me and
I say darling you he is absolutely not
contagious can you absolutely not afraid
for his boy only
please do not you ever, my God
you can not drink these drugs one more
even more mysterious story where
proper conversation turned
enough to solve
medical mystery
three grandmother go mom and boy 10
years old wonderful boy
chestnut hair and perfect
unthinkable story tell that
last years each
after summer he loses his hair
that is, hair falls out completely
and then by spring little by little again
grow after the summer with the inevitability
sunrise and sunset fall out again and
so few past years like you
you know already behind all imaginable
medical facilities every imaginable
doctors of all specialties all
surveys that could be done
including salt toxicology
heavy metals and so on so on
all poured expressed were already at
psychics no intelligent
the family is obviously already ready
believe in the evil eye and evil spirits and
come to me and need to somehow
Help asking
that boy may be sick a lot than
sick no well maybe some
behaviors to wonderful
says boy learns well know
only grandma says he has one
a very bad habit of which
can’t wean it nibbles dry
here is not to look so he can chew
a whole pack that’s it that one nibbles
dry pasta another bites nails
3 blinking eye 4 and pulls it’s neck
neurosis and when did it start saying a
started 3 years ago and what happened 3
a year ago both died in tears
father of this boy again everything
starts lining up i’m asking how
and where he spends the summer he spends the summer
grandmother at the cottage absolutely such here
conditions well and maybe he is something
besides pasta gnaws such children often
gnaw the earth gnaw and stars q in the stem
some plants here says grandma u
I’m there all planted phlox
he flag congress that’s the solution and phlox
certainly very beautiful but they are not for
nutrition and they are known
there is a vegetable pretty serious
I say grandmother clean phlox
inherits grandmother phlox fell to
uniform on your site for the next
summer and autumn they brought me a boy with
luxurious brown hair
which no longer threatened
well it
this to how important words are like here
no best best
wonderful and latest modern
the possibilities of medicine cannot replace
confidential conversations and and medical
brains last probably and most
a young woman enters for a snack
likable and talking about romance you don’t me
remember and you were treated at me yes and
how old were you eight and how old
you are now 27
and what we cured hepatitis c cured
she says it looks like yes but I have all these
years, I did not show itself only here
checked like everything is in order and everything is
what now led you i’m getting married
and I’m afraid here might be something with this
somehow wrong with me and I came
consult with us in the general rule
she had a full consultation
in sheer order i’m talking darling
my everything is great we are for this
you were treated so that everything was fine with you
forget about sleeve hepatitis
to pro migrated chickenpox and forth
marry ditenka and everything will be fine and
she leaves then literally from the door
turns around and says the following are a
roman on
keep in mind that today in the world one
happy man has become more like you
think my dear listeners one
the happiest person in the world anymore is
little here it always seemed to me that this
more than enough and I will say finally
one people try to build socialism with
human faces
capitalism with a human face
It does not work out honestly but here
medicine with a human face is required
be and stay another medicine just
It can not be moreover it does not concern
only medicine it concerns progress
in all areas of human life
let him be
he is great and not and does not stop progress and
we are all his plans for fruit
joyful grateful use only
Let’s not give him something in return
the main thing is human in us what does
us people
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