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your brain is like a supercomputer and
your self talk is a program it will run
so if you tell yourself you’re not good
at remembering names you will not
remember the name of the next person you
meet because you program your
supercomputer not to it’s so important
because your brain controls everything
every single person that’s listening and
watching this could do that and a lot
more oh my god the thing is we weren’t
taught and my goal for everybody who’s
watching and listening to this is that
they’re smarter than they think it’s
just we weren’t taught how to do these
things and when you’re in congruence and
in alignment things happen your natural
superpowers if you will just come out
we’ve discovered more about the human
brain in the past 20 years than the
previous two thousand years combined how
what we found is we’ve Percy us under
estimating our own potential our own
capabilities and that’s a thing it’s
just because we weren’t taught and I
really think the nature of the work that
you do that I do that our community is
really backing is about transcending
means about ending the trance trance end
and the trance ending this massive
gnosis in media and marketing that’s
telling us that we’re broken yeah that
we need to be fixed and then we’re not
enough mmm and I feel like that is
what’s holds us back
you know this disillusion if you will
our brain they say we use such a small
potential of it you use all our brain
but some people use it more efficiently
than other people people don’t realize
this there’s a learning curve but
there’s also a forgetting curve the
science is saying that within two days
just 48 hours of listening to a podcast
reading a book going to a conference
getting a coaching 80% of it up to 80%
is lost
incredibly and that’s you know as
somebody who’s investing time energy
treasure into something through to lose
all that you know so you want to be able
to to hold that on and so one of the
ways of doing is by taking notes and we
did a whole episode on proper
note-taking and really one that’s more
brain friendly most people then what
they found is the worst way of taking
notes actually is verbatim which is the
way I take notes yeah for being a useful
full transcription and they study this
you know at you
Versa T’s because they test people that
people take word-for-word and one of the
reasons why is because there’s just so
much information I do have 18 pages of
you don’t even know what’s most
important but they found the best way of
actually taking notes we’re more on
keywords and and relevancy so for
example one of the ways of taking notes
that I recommend is taking a piece of
paper and putting a line straight down
the page good and on the left side what
I’m doing is I’m capturing information
capturing so we could talk about how to
remember names and how to read faster
and how to learn skills from any danger
habits now beyond the left that
left-hand column you’re capturing
information but on the right side
instead of capturing you’re creating
what does that mean it means that you’re
right you’re creating and you’re
building on this you’re putting your
impression so essentially on the left
side you’re taking notes but on the
right side you’re making notes and
there’s a clear distinction right
between just capturing information and
actually create the creative process why
is that matter maybe it matters because
if you’re first of all for focus a lot
of people’s when they’re listening
something their mind Wolffe go somewhere
else they’ll get distracted so here
instead of it going somewhere else it
goes on the right side of the page which
is let’s say left side right brain and
brain look at rain right brain left
brains more logical and words and
language and and linear but on the right
side is your imaginations your
creativity right so your creativity go
there the other thing is it forces you
to ask questions
I believe that questions are the answer
I think it’s the essential for
understanding for critical thinking for
focus you for learning if you ever want
to read something to you let’s say
people feel absent-minded they forget
where they put things their wallet the
purse their there their keys or if not
their keys something larger like their
car you see the people in the funny
because they forget they parked their
car but I read a page in a book at the N
and forget what they just read you don’t
get a name from somebody and they’ll
just forget it right away yes one of the
ways to insulate that just ask questions
right to ask questions about something
so for example when I’m taking notes
I’ll capture information on the left
side but on the right side I’ll write
questions I have about one
mmm I’ll ask myself questions like
Helmut applied you know what might the
biggest challenge I have with the
self-help personal development industry
is that there’s this massive lie that’s
being spread saying that knowledge is
yeah thinking is the process of asking
and answering questions to yourself I
remember I was doing a training in
Silicon Valley and after I was done
somebody comes up to me it was Bill
Gates and I asked him like if you have
any one superpower would be like Jim’s
ability to read faster and Warren
Buffett was like I wasted probably ten
years of my life reading slowly that’s
that’s why reading and speed reading is
so important because people spend about
four hours processing information today
you think about all the emails the
business plans and the books I mean all
the stuff you have the process yeah if
you could just double your reading speed
and go from four hours to two hours you
save two hours a day what’s two hours a
day over the course of a year actually
let’s say you just save one hour day
that’s 365 hours a year credible that’s
how many 40-hour work weeks nine nine
two months over Ottertail more than two
months productivity saving one hour
dance something ubiquitous like you’re
like reading that’s why we do so much
like four people are you watching
watching this I know a lot of people are
our entrepreneurs they have teams the
biggest line-item right is human capital
yeah right hey Rocher and but if they’re
reading four or five hours a day that
means half of their salaries being paid
to read right so if someone’s getting
paid eighty thousand dollars forty
thousand just to read that’s why we
train at Nike and Google and General
Electric and all these individuals
because that sets the faster you could
raise the collective intelligence of
your a team you know the more that they
could be competitive right yeah so going
back to this the M is motivation so I
would always say if you want to learn
something new
check in with your motivation because
here’s the thing all learning is
state-dependent all learning
state-dependent this is the thing
information combined with emotion
becomes a long-term memory we know that
and we’re we know this because
ultimately the experts not always the
person on the podcast or on stage you
are your own expert so genius leaves
clues genius leaves clues all the time
so when somebody is exceptional in some
area there’s a method behind the magic
including for your own self so you don’t
remember all names but you certainly
don’t forget all names
now Rico and deconstruct that decode
that usually the names you remember our
names you’re motivated to or somebody
that is attractive to somebody somebody
that can be good for their business
right so there’s emotion there so
emotion tied to information becomes a
long-term memory because here’s the
thing you when is there like a song or
fragrance or food that could take you
back to when you’re a kid absolutely
because information tied with that
emotion becomes a long-term memory but
here’s the thing back in school back in
school what was the primary emotion we
felt boredom right but half the room is
bored the other half is confused but on
a scale of zero to ten what’s boredom
zero zero information times emotion at
the emotions zero what say anything
times zero zero and you wonder why you
forgot the presidents does their capital
is that the periodic table all the
things you learned in school because the
emotion level is very oh wow right
that’s why entertainment is so is so
powerful if you just do the easy things
in life you procrastinate you put things
off right the life is hard
mmm but if you do the hard things in
life your life becomes easy and that’s
and because you’re building those
muscles and what I’m saying suggesting
is mental fitness is as important as
mental intelligence the X is exercise
exercise and here’s the thing physical
exercise good for your brain we know
this across the board Circle it but ask
so people who are more mentally who will
work out they’re more mentally fit or
you’ll do better better on focus mental
acuity memory tests and they create you
know when you exercise you crave
brain-derived neurotropic factors which
is like BDNF utilizer for the brain okay
which promotes neurogenesis and
plasticity or new brain cells new
connected people say like when they
listen to your show if they’re doing on
an elliptical something rhythmic are
they going you for walk they retain it
better Wow right which is so powerful
just in being creative you’re going for
walks like Steve Jobs all his meetings
were wall meetings that’s right because
that’s where all the creativity is
coming out so at movement because we
live such a sedentary in the arms out to
me by learning of state-driven
– exactly because movement changes your
state your physiology affects your
psychology and we live in a culture
where sitting is the new smoking we’ve
all heard this or not
moving the primary reason why you have a
brain has control your movement people
don’t realize it number reason you have
a brain and as your body moves your
brain grooves that if you want to win
the day you got to win that first half
an hour or the day but the worst thing
you could do everybody you know has
their to-do list you should have a not
to do this and the top thing that’s what
successful people do because that’s the
thing as you become more successful
there’s this opportunity stress yeah you
get more and more invitations to do more
and more things so you have to have say
no to good so you can say yes to great
and what helps is having a not to do
list and on top not to lose I would
suggest don’t touch your phone the first
half an hour or an hour a day you’re in
the last half an hour and now or a day
or why because when you wake up first
thing morning from a brain your reason
you’re in this alpha theta state you’re
extremely suggestible that’s when your
most creative right and you’re creepy
you’re incredibly suggestible if you
pick up your phone you’re rewiring your
brain for a number of things number one
you’re training it for distraction every
dopamine like every like share comment
cat video you can give you a dopamine
flood and you wonder why you can’t focus
because you’re trained to be distracted
here’s the thing I have a technology
when you pick it up out of habit like
not for purpose but just how to have it
technology is a tool you’re supposed to
use right like you like exactly and when
and when it exactly when technology is
using you who becomes a tool right so we
can we become the tool yeah and we and
here’s so number one you don’t pick up
your phone first thing you trained you
to be distracted number two when you’re
in that pressure estate is what you talk
about it change it be reactive trains
you to be reactive you know you saw the
sudden you get one email one mess
voicemail message it means your day and
we’ve all had that yeah you know it’s
just you’re fighting fires and you’re on
the defense and I always tell people
when they come to me and they say I’m
not smart enough I’m not good enough I
have a horrible memory I always say if
you fight for your limitations you get
to keep them or if you fight for your
limitations you argue for your limits
they’re yours right here’s the thing
your brain is like a super computer and
your self-talk is a program you’ll run
so if you tell yourself you’re not good
at remembering names you will not
remember the name of the next person you
meet because you program your
supercomputer not to they say them with
two most powerful words in English
language also the smallest I am because
whatever you put after that complete
that sentence with is gonna determine
your destination your to me
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