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This Simple Technique Can Change Your Life | Wim Hof Breathing Method

life is no challenge if you just go with
the with everybody you’re actually being
played with and for what for being to
fit in a system into daily life
stereotypical be go throught and path
and never explore something newly how
how beautiful it is if every day is a
new day
opening up the cells to something you do
not control you do not understand yet it
is so beautiful
I hope into esoteric disciplines
languages cultures religions
philosophies and all that couldn’t made
that connection until I found myself in
freezing water one day in the morning
and the call really is merciless but
it doesn’t feel cold at that moment at
all it felt like that this is it a voice
deep from within not from the brain from
deep within agreeing with that moment
came about engulfed me and said that was
the life that was the connection I grew
on the most beautiful spot in the whole
universe and that’s the earth my birth
was traumatic my mother told me later
I’m one of the twins and they never knew
there was a second one so I was born
suffocated and I came like blue purple
nothing yeah
no reference brain reference so what
happened my mother really told me and
she knows she’s a good mother there she
so almost too late I was born so
traumatically and my mother she invocate
it Oh
let this child live Oh God let this
child live I make him a missionary from
that moment from the birth I was always
different and it challenged me to go and
look for this connection with this drama
and the coal brought it about because in
the cult you gotta be effective
there you go past the pain you go past
his trauma that’s a way we are able to
connect with the deepest of our
physiology chemistry so right now I’m a
missionary and the challenge in life is
not to climb Mount Everest in short
that’s a way that’s good for to attract
attention but to bring about the wisdom
of nature itself and the psychic imprint
which I had when I was that little baby
that made me different of my identical
twin brother they asked the professors
and all this scientific world what’s
happening with this guy because this is
not possible they’re genetically the
same imprint my brother and they see he
is not capable of doing what he is
capable of and why because I just dope
it’s by breeding if we just breathe more
deeply change the chemistry inside not
shallow breathing deep breathing slowly
but surely this is what you do
consciously can you do this 30 times the
chemistry in the body in the tissue is
changing and it’s changing so that the
body is becoming ox energized alkaline
and then suddenly the brain-body
connection is possible by pressurizing
once you begin to have that connection
with the body then you are able to
connect with it in the brain and that’s
what we do right now with Stanford
University to get rid of PTSD fear
trauma and depression to learn to expand
consciousness and together with
breathing you create the right chemistry
and then the neurons they channel up and
thus your perception your consciousness
is gonna be you smell more you see their
colors brighter you experience deeper
and that’s the brain and then connecting
once again with all the cells makes you
and thus the mind can still be stilled
and that is that’s what I want to reach
because we gotta get rid of this
confusing in the world it’s
happening so much that’s why we have
Wars and money graving and power graving
and dominating and and all that
that stresses us up and it takes away
the most important within us own
happiness strength in health not an
the goal of what I am teaching is it’s
not mine I found it it’s a river
we all are thirsty and I found the river
I quenched my thirst but there is a lot
and you can do with it whatever you want
I don’t need to convince you it’s here
there so that’s the way I use science
hand it over and you can make your
choice you don’t need to but I love you and this is the way I present it to you
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