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“If You are a GOOD Person, You NEED to Understand THIS!” | Ed Mylett

if you’re a good person this is so
important people understand this because
it took me a long time and I hope that
the next time I get asked a question I
don’t know the answer to I say I don’t
know we have all pulled a web of lies
over our own eyes and the web of lies is
what you tell yourself about what’s
possible for you and for the world rise
and shine it’s an espresso time what’s
up believe nation it’s Evan I believe in
you and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
let’s start your day off right together
grab your coffee and sip on today’s
message alter your beliefs over to you
Ed my life so there’s this Governor on
our lives and it is a governor and it’s
a it’s your identity it’s this internal
it’s what you think you’re worth it’s
what you think you deserve and the
problem for good people see we all know
someone right now in our life or we have
who’s not ethical who’s not a good
person who’s winning and you’re like I
can’t believe they’re getting it right
why can’t I I’m a good person I treat
people well I’m honest here’s a reason
why by the way the unethical person
eventually karma you reap what you sow
comes home to roost but if you’re a good
person this is so important people
understand this because it took me a
long time a good person and any endeavor
will only take from it what they think
they deserve what they think they’re
worth in other words if there was a
pizza here you’re a good person you
don’t take all 12 pieces a good person
thinks there should be an equitable
distribution later so I might take seven
or eight armwrestling
I don’t know about your moose butt but
long story short what is is that you a
good person will not take more from the
table of life than they think they’re
worth or they think they deserve and so
you have this governor on your identity
so what happens is our it’s like a
thermostat our lives get going we start
doing really well if we’re a 75 degree
or and our life gets to 85 and 90
degrees unconsciously we go we don’t
know we’re doing it we start to cool
life back down to get it back to where
we’re comfortable that reverse is also
true when things start to go really bad
and you’re broke and you’re struggling
find a way to heat your life back up to
what you think you’re worth and you
deserve so the way we alter our life is
sure we got alter our behavior and our
relationships and our circumstances but
the only way it’s permanent is that we
alter that governor that thermostat and
we start to believe we’re worth
eighty-five degrees of life 95 degrees
of life 110 degrees of life and there’s
ways we can alter that how do we alter
it a couple different ways a one is what
you just said is that you put yourself
in circumstances that are demanding if
you pass what you think your capacity is
and when you succeed at them you build a
new water line you do your you throw
yourself out there past where you’re
comfortable and you do an 85 degrees
behavior and you knock it out of the
park and you go your brain starts to
believe it repetitiously when you start
doing that you build a new line now
you’re 85 degrees that’s number one the
second way though is Association if
you’re around people and whatever that
endeavor is if it’s a sport you’re in or
if it’s a business or your faith or your
peace if you begin to associate with
people who live in that space at a
higher temperature than you through
association you get heated up yeah so if
you’re an athlete for example you’re a
70-degree athlete and you start training
all the time with 85 and 90 degrees your
identity through osmosis goes up if
you’re a person who’s trying to improve
their faith in their life or their their
personal piece about them you all know
this you’ve seen it when you start to
hang around people that are a little bit
more peaceful than you or meditate a
little bit more through that association
over time the thermostat changes in that
area and so it’s both behaving in
certain way and then your associations
yeah I believe that the fastest way to
alter your beliefs is to be around
successful people like Ed mahlet who
have done what you want to do well
that’s great Evan how do I hang around
Ed my let he doesn’t have an internship
program and I don’t live in California
that’s why you use video these are what
I call aspirational mentors you can
learn from them without ever having to
meet them they can mentor you even
though they have no idea who you are if
you want to be like Ed my let consume
him daily consume his videos consume his
podcasts consume his Instagram posts
daily and slowly not instantly not
overnight but slowly the more he’s in
your ear the more you will learn to
think like he think
having aspirational mentors is a big
reason why I started this channel
because I wanted to be around super
successful entrepreneurs and people who
are playing a much bigger game than me
and by hanging around them bit by bit
day by day the more consumed the more I
hear how they talk about things how they
see the world it seeps into me to help
me become a better version of myself and
the goal isn’t to be the next ed my lad
the next bill Gates next Steve Jobs the
next Oprah Winfrey the goal is to learn
something from them that can help you be
a better version of you and the more
that these people are in your ear the
more likely you’re gonna eat that
message and become a better version so
here’s a quick example of a lesson that
I’ve learned Elon Musk is someone who I
love making videos on because a lot of
his videos there be three or four or
five or six or seven or eight hours of
content and interviews and questions but
then they’d only be like 20 or 30
minutes of nugget of gold because Elon
Musk takes a while to get his content
out his message out and people also ask
him questions that I don’t think are
really relevant or helpful for me so I
think that’s the value of my series of
the top ten series of the mentum e
series where I condense all of the best
knowledge into one fifteen twenty minute
video instead of you having to go and
watch four to eight hours of footage one
of the messages from Elon that really
stuck with me that started to shift my
belief system was when he was on CNBC
and he basically started talking about
how AI was going to eventually kill the
world and terminators are coming in and
there’s no hope for Humanity and as they
started asking follow-up questions of
how is this gonna happen he just kept
saying I don’t know and when they
started asking him about what can we do
about it he says I don’t know there’s no
solution I’d like to just keep an eye on
what’s going on with artificial
intelligence I think there’s potentially
potentially a dangerous outcome there
and we need to dangerous potentially yes
I mean those are in movies about this
you know like terminator even if that’s
the case what do you do about I mean
what dangers do you see that you can
actually do something about I don’t know
you want to make sure that technology is
used for good and not terminate our life
evil yeah I mean I don’t think I mean if
the movie Terminator they didn’t create
AI – you know what I mean didn’t expect
you know some sort of terminator like
outcome it’s
you know like that mighty fights the
thing nobody expects this vanishing
position it’s just like it’s it’s you
know but you got to be careful so you
what you yeah you want to make sure that
there’s the irony I mean the man who’s
responsible for some of the most
advanced technology in this country is
worried about the advances in technology
that you’re aware of I mean yeah I guess
that’s why I keep asking what so what
can you do in other words this stuff is
almost inexorable isn’t it how if you
see that there’s these brain like
developments out there can you really do
anything to stop it
I don’t know well what should AI B is
for what’s his best value you know but
there’s some scary outcomes and we
should try to make sure that the
outcomes are good and not bad
yeah or escape tomorrow’s if there’s no
other option yeah I will chase this
there pretty quickly so I take from this
two things one that that’s a pretty
scary world that that is coming for us
but two I hope that if I ever go on a
major broadcast or I’m doing an
interview and I have some bold claim and
then I get asked some follow-up
questions that I don’t know the answer
to I hope that I have the courage to say
I don’t know I think Ilan must saying
that he doesn’t know is actually
courageous I think it’s really hard to
get asked a question not know the answer
and then not try to come up with some
kind of answer to it instead of just
saying I don’t know and so hanging
around the you know mosque and watching
him do these interviews makes me
stronger makes me more confident gives
me direction and I hope that the next
time I get asked a question I don’t know
the answer to I say I don’t know and so
the point of all this is you can learn
from Ed my let you can learn from Elon
Musk you can learn from Steve Jobs even
though he’s not around anymore you can
learn from the people that you look up
to you can have them in your ear you can
have them be part of your daily routine
and the more you start hanging around
with those kinds of people the more that
they are in your ear the more that they
are part of your daily ritual compared
to the negative and toxic people in your
life who are not trying to go off and
accomplish something great the more you
get rid of these people a little bit
more and the more you bring in these
people more into your life
the more you will start to have success
the more you will start to change your
belief systems the more you will start
going off and
your big goals find your aspirational
mentor and allow them to push you
forward so I’m gonna give you a 3-step
process for how to do it step number one
identify what belief you want to alter
what is the thing what is the belief
system that you have that maybe is from
your parents or from the people around
you that you grew up with that you think
is a limiting personal belief this
belief as long as you continue to
believe it will prevent you from having
the success that you want to have in
your life identify what that limiting
belief first of all is step number two
write down three places where you can
consume that new belief regularly so if
you wanted more believe in your life my
channels probably a good place to go if
you want more of something else in your
life then you want to go somewhere else
and that’s fantastic figure out three
sources three sources that can be a
consistent place for you to go back to
over and over and over again so my
YouTube channel might be a fit
Ed’s YouTube channel might be a fit a
bookstore might be a fit a podcast might
be a fit something that’s consistent
though because watching the same video
every day you’re gonna lose its
effectiveness that message is not going
to hit you anymore
and so you need a place that’s gonna
continue to every single day or every
single week give you value so that you
can digest it and take on that new
belief system write down three different
sources or places where you can get that
from and step number three is create a
schedule where you can consume a daily
you are where you consistently do you
need to map your actions to your
ambitions so look at your calendar look
at your cow look your weekly calendar if
you want to change your mindset you want
to change that belief system where in
your calendar are you gonna spend the
time to do it it’s great that you
identified you want more believe in your
life it’s great you identified you’re
gonna watch some videos to learn from
aspirational mentors if you don’t
schedule it in if you don’t make time
for it you’re never gonna do it because
there’s other things that will take over
your life if you don’t make time for it
it will never happen and so you need to
make sure that it happens I’m a fan of
putting it in my morning I think if you
start your day with something that makes
you feel bold makes you feel confident
gives you that new belief system that
you’re chasing if you do that every
single day if you start your day feeling
bold and empowered who your life will
look totally different one year from
today compared to where you are right
now and so you need to figure out a way
in your cap
to stop waking up like an accident to
schedule for success to put those
resources into your daily routine so
that day-by-day bit by bit that new
belief system that new mindset that
attitude for success is seeping into
your brain and kicking out that old
belief system but you do not want
anymore so one identify the belief
system that you want to change to figure
out three sources that you can learn
that belief system from and then three
put it into your calendar create it into
your daily routine to make sure that you
are doing it on a consistent basis now
I’ve got a special bonus tip that I
really think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that question of the day I want
to know what is the belief that you want
to alter let me know put it down in the
process of taking myself from scrounging
my couch cushions to find enough change
to put gas in my car to building a
billion-dollar business was all about
building a set of beliefs now I believe
that the matrix has us all I don’t
actually think we live in a simulation
but I think the movie the matrix is the
perfect metaphor for the human
experience we have all pulled a web of
lies over our own eyes and the web of
lies is what you tell yourself about
what’s possible for you and for the
world and once you get that web of lies
over your eyes you simply see it as
reality and you don’t understand that
each one of those fundamental beliefs is
alterable that you could choose to
believe something else in fact you don’t
Einstein as a quote it’s one of the most
important quotes in my life
the most important question any man must
decide for himself is whether or not he
lives in a friendly or hostile universe
now what I love about that quote so it’s
hiding in it is that it’s a decision you
get to choose whether you’re living in a
friendly or a hostile universe there’s
no objective reality it just is what it
is you’re gonna get what you see you’re
gonna get what you focus on and you see
what you focus on if you want more edmy
let check out the top 10 rules video I
made on him the link is right there next
to me I think you’ll enjoy it continue
to believe and I’ll see you there
most people’s will to win is for sale is
for sale most people’s will will is for
sale win is for sale they can be Bob I can’t be Bob
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