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This Is How The Brain Works In The First Years Of Our Life – Dr. Joe Dispenza

the first two years of a child’s life
their brainwaves are basically in Delta
and as they begin to interact with our
environment their brainwaves change to
theta and theta is kind of like that
twilight state where you have mystical
experiences but the first six years of a
child’s life they’re completely in their
subconscious mind because that’s what
those brainwave patterns do and as a
result of it all of their attention is
on their inner world feelings so they
have experiences that happen to them and
when the experience happens they pay
attention to their feelings that’s the
primary modus for them and then when
they feel altered they begin to look
through their senses outside of them to
see who or what caused it and that event
in and of itself is called an
associative memory so for the first six
seven eight nine years of our lives as
our brain waves move into alpha and then
ultimately into beta when we get to beta
we’re pretty much developed an
analytical mind and the analytical mind
then serves as a filter or a barrier to
separate the conscious mind from the
subconscious mind but that experience
though is encoded in a memory system
called an implicit memory system it’s
stored in our subconscious so then we
don’t know why we behave the way we do
the rest of our lives because the events
that have happened to us but we’re
operating at a very fundamental level
equal to the emotion that we’ve
experienced another way to say that is
the moment you get in situations that
bring up similar emotions that have
branded you from the past you return
back to that 7 year old child and you
behave in very very very limited ways
because that’s all you know right no one
ever instructed you how to to to learn
and to grow so then people do all these
psychoanalysis and they oh there’s all
these different types of therapies and a
lot of times it never gets to the core
of it because they never get bit beyond
their analytical mind
make those changes does that make sense
so there are techniques in ways to begin
to lower the volume of those emotions
that literally are stored in that system
and as you begin to lower the volume of
those emotions within that system you
begin to restore the system and the end
product is called wisdom because a
memory without the emotional charge is
called wisdom and that’s how we grow and
learn now in the work that we’ve done
over and over and over again that most
people what they do is they have an
emotional situation that happens in
their life
emotions are record of the past they
analyze and think within that emotion so
they’re thinking in the past are you
with me when we studied their brainwaves
and we studied their brain functionally
when they’re doing that their brain
always gets worse their brain gets more
out of balance because it’s a very very
hormones of stress that begin to super
aroused or cause the brain to become so
aroused os– a heightened and when the
brain is heightened is I’ll talk about
this weekend
when you’re facing a threat or something
in your life that’s potentially
dangerous the moment that happens you
begin to anchor consciousness in the
body you become very aware of your body
because their danger out there you
become super aware of objects and things
in your environment because there’s
something dangerous out there and you
begin to obsess about time and now when
you do that your brainwaves change B and
all of your attention goes on the outer
world because that’s where the danger is
that make sense so seventy percent of
the time people stay in this state
that’s a scientific fact so then when
we’ve studied people in altered states
we saw that when they’re analyzing their
life you know what do i do should I do
this should I do that within the emotion
of whatever it is that keeps them
anchored to the past they never really
produce a change but we’ve seen without
a doubt over and over again
that when a person goes into an altered
state when they go within and they
become nobody no one no thing nowhere in
no time
that’s the moment they become pure
consciousness that’s the moment they’re
no longer associating in this space and
time and they just walk through the door
to the quantum field now in order for
you that means that in order for you to
change your body if you have a disease
you got to get beyond your body in order
for you to change some aspect of your
personality you got to get beyond the
personality in its program you’re beyond
the someone if you are going to create
something or change something in your
life you got to get beyond your
association to known things and places
in your life and if you are going to
create some novel event in some future
time you got to get beyond the
anticipation of the future based on the
past when people actually do that when
they are pure consciousness that’s the
moment the brain literally can change in
a matter of seconds because now the
operator is no longer immersed in matter
the operator now is beginning to
manipulate matter from a different level
of mind in so people can heal their
inner child by doing their inner child
work by overcoming emotions and it
requires a certain amount of
consciousness and awareness it requires
a certain amount of metacognition or
mindfulness to observe who their being
and begin to modify their behaviors and
create new experiences and begin to
overcome some of those emotions that
keep a banker to the past but in order
to do it in a very quick way we’ve seen
this over and over again that people
have to get beyond their body their
environment in time that’s when they all
of a sudden consciousness becomes the
epiphenomenon of matter and a person can
have an instantaneous experience that
changes them because they’re now already
in the operating system and I’ll show
you some brain scans that will probably
floor most of you because these are not
nuns these are not Buddhist monks these
are not academics these are not
Kabbalistic Rabb
these are common people just like you
doing an uncommon thing and the amount
of energy that we’re capturing in their
brain we have never seen in a scientific
experiment to date which means that
person has having a full-on inner
experience that’s transcendent of any
past experience they’re having such a
transcendent moment that the experience
in that moment is reorganizing the
circuitry in their brain and the end
product of the experience is called an
emotion they’re feeling aw and wonder
and love and joy and they’re signaling
new genes and new ways and that’s the
moment the past is literally washed out
of the body and we’ve seen tumors change
we’ve seen you then fibroids go away
have you seen anxiety depression we’ve
seen MS lupus we’ve seen a change in one
instant when the person literally
connects that deeply to the power within
them and that’s the moment that the
rewiring process can happen
now that doesn’t always happen that way
other times you got to stay on it people
who have done our work have done their
meditations for three years it took them
three years to heal their condition but
you know what they wanted that healing
more than their sleep they wanted that
healing more than their social
engagements they wanted that healing
more than their morning coffee they
wanted that more than anything else and
they wanted to connect with the divine
every single day and they wanted to
drink from a deeper well and they said I
don’t want breakfast I don’t want coffee
I don’t want my cell phone I don’t want
my internet I want you
power within me we have a date and I am
going to commune with you and I’m gonna
connect with you and there’s nothing
else that matters more in this moment
than that and every day they overcame a
little aspect of themselves surrendered
a piece of the limit itself to join the
greater self and sure it was hard I’m
sure they had doubts and sure they were
uncertain and sure they didn’t feel like
it certain days because
facing a very serious condition but
everyday they did it and after a period
of three years and they overcame that
disease or that condition or whatever
you asked that person what about that
condition or disease they’ll tell you it
was my greatest teacher what about your
father who was an alcoholic and it was
abusive that was my greatest lesson
because what if you think about your
father now do you have any charge no and
I’d say well now you have wisdom because
the memory without the emotional charge
is wisdom and if the soul’s job is to
embrace the unknown and create new
experiences if we’re living by the same
emotions addicted to those motions
everyday how can the soul go on an
adventure into the future if it is stuck
emotionally to the past so then positive
thinking doesn’t work if the person is
literally anchored to the past
emotionally and so when people begin to
open their hearts and Greg will talk
about this and I’ll talk about it and
we’ve we’ve got enormous amount of data
to show how powerful you are and how
connected you are to the person on the
other side of the room when you open
your heart how it affects that person
we’ve measured this that you are bound
in an invisible field beyond space and
time but not when you’re feeling anxious
not when you’re feeling angry not when
you’re feeling frustrated
not when you’re judgmental you’re not
doing that you’re actually drawing from
the field around your body and turning
it into chemistry and your field shrinks
but when you open your heart and you
begin to breathe through that Center and
it’s safe to open up the field around
your body can be 9 metres wide that’s
science now now you’re more energy and
less matter and that non local
phenomenon begins to have an effect and
everybody that you’ve ever interacted
with so then we know that when people
begin to unmemorable States and they
lower the volume to them the emotion is
what’s signalling the gene in the wrong
way and if the emotion is a record of
the past
the moment the person overcomes that
emotion they’re free now to create a new
future and according to the religious
model they’re born again in the same life
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