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The Motivation You Need for a Happy Life ! Choose to be Happy ! Happy Motivation !

a lot of people always ask themselves
what can I do to be happy do everything
you can to set up habits and taking care
of your mind in such a way that you
generate more happiness no matter who
you are what walk of life you’re in
number one you have to own your own
happiness and take it away from other
people demanding that they make you
happy happy beautiful people you’ve
heard it right you we’re to be vibrant
people we’re to be happy people we’re to
be joyous people but that doesn’t happen
by itself what we have to do is we have
to try and the reason we have to try is
because life gets in the way
all of us have within us this amazing
capacity to manifest and attract
anything that we want into our life
you’re a seed you are full of gifts
talents potential but if you plant
yourself in unhealthy soil if you hang
around friends that compromise pull you
down if you’re in an environment that’s
limited with people that tell you what
you can’t become you won’t see the
growth that you should you are loved you
are divine put that into your
imagination I am I am well I am happy I
am content I am fulfilled even if your
senses tell you that you’re depressed I
have the power I have the power to make
this happen I have the power to create
this I have the power to attract this I
have the power to save my relationship I
have the power to build an unstoppable
business that serves people all over the
world I have the power to write my next
book for my first book so by placing
into your imagination what you want and
assuming the feeling of that wish has
already fulfilled you go through your
life feeling that when enough of us do
that we will we will transform this
planet I’m telling you it can be done
when you know you can you escape the
prison of limiting beliefs when you know
you can you reclaim your power your joy
and your freedom as you free yourself
from the prison of limiting beliefs by
choosing empowering beliefs you truly
can be and do and have whatever you
your personality creates your personal
reality that’s it it’s that simple and
your personality is made up of how you
think how you act and how you feel what
you think and what you believe is what
will come true for you your thoughts
create your life it’s that simple
and when we can get that we can make
enormous changes you’re not supposed to
go around solemn serious all the time
burden down by problems taking time to
laugh to have fun that reenergize is you
it helps keep you in balance if it’s all
work all stress all dealing with
problems that’s going to weigh you down
you need to start giving the vocabulary
of happy to your families you have to
start giving you a vocabulary of happy
to your teens
but too often we used to laugh when we
were dating we used to have fun we used
to enjoy each other but now we’d let the
pressures of life cause us to become
more solid we don’t have time to laugh
we have bills to pay we have children to
raise we’re dealing with problems we
don’t see eye to eye on every situation
but the joy is what’s going to help you
get through the tough times laughing
together having fun that’s going to help
keep you together you have a life that’s
better than 95% of the people in this
planet most of the people in this planet
do not have the luxury that you have
right now to watch somebody on a video
on YouTube and be able to benefit from
that and receive information that could
actually improve and better your life
most people don’t have that luxury most
people do not have a freaking computer
and the Internet where you can have
access to this most people don’t have
the chair that the the roof that you
too many of you are sitting around
waiting to feel ready you can still move
forward when you’re not ready too many
of you are waiting to feel like you
deserve to make six figures it’s about
the action your mind your history your
past you will always have a million
excuses not to do it not to feel like it
not believe in yourself you are a master
creator constantly creating your life an
exacta board with your thoughts and
feelings you are an external being
worthy of anything and everything you
deserve if you wanted to create a new
personal reality that on a fundamental
level you would have to change the
thoughts that you are thinking the
behaviors and habits that you’re
demonstrating and the emotions that
you’ve memorized that’s become part of
your identity
and most people try to create a new
personal reality as the same personality
and it never works we have to become
somebody else [Music]
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