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I’m eighteen more or less than me
they always ask the same thing
mountains how do I communicate better
online and always having done
the entrepreneur in the tech start-up world
always had these requests with me
when you ask your friend how to do it with
france trap king better in the meanders
of digital is one every time there is
responding then increases visibility
and I made sky tg 24 for seven years
requests increased more and more however
started making videos three years ago or more
less on facebook and requests addressed
they increased half complaining, however, for one
I used to put them together even though I did
put it there in half a line a day a
answer accounts but how do I
improve my presence on facebook
how can i conquer linkedin
tonici to 40 thousand passes that of which
But you realize, unfortunately, is that
when you give advice like this
free of charge one often underestimates them
I do not know why and it’s a pity for both
he who could have applied to pay a
good advice if it was good advice
both for you and you have lost time and
my cat also makes me and then a
some point to damage is two and a half years
ago I opened a private group where
I said look at if one is serious and I put
gladly show if you consider that
was somehow be useful, however,
a paid and selected community
so we take away those who then
so much they do not do anything
interested, we have now left either with 10
people 20 people 30 people 50 people
or a very quiet thing an atmosphere
very pleasant and so away community
little fun a hobby every
week I connected to do but col
where we exchange a bit of opinions of
thick but I would take that I am a magician
I give my opinion then one sees
if it makes sense or not and I’m glad that
of the year visas came out a lot of
smart people who have
made a great success in their own
psychology sector in the world of
real estate investments to those who may be
an accountant in short, many sectors
after which the voice has happened
started a bit to turn and requests
they started to increase and treat me
then, beautiful day, he told me that’s fine
you know what we do one more thing
organized less hobbies less
we called it slasher
You have an interesting name, not because
I certainly have it but because it identifies it
slash here in england slasher is a
jargon to identify what
respond with a smash not a finger
what a profession does and I do entrepreneur e
what will do the video on facebook and
when you do more things than today and today
it always becomes a more normal thing
because everyone has maybe work
main but also a series of others
activities and colored are flash and
we already have a thousand people in almost
one thousand people 960 980 because immediately
slayers has received so much interest
for various reasons the first is that it is one
paid community is not
the free group on facebook which
good moses is a stuff where you owe you
invest two direct and is selected
for really selection it is usually fake
vendeuse and ideas with I selected the
secret group is all fake to us
instead true there are some people yes
they put there and watch the tour changes and
to take off and pain in b because
our arguments are always the
same online marketing communication
improve own business
using the digital point this is that
of which we speak is one instead seeks the
course the community that helps you
walk on the hot coals to give you the
motivation to be does not for no
giving another part is not slash and
the other reason why we do one
selection that we want many types
of people inside a catta
accountant and personal trainer
the webmaster’s psychologist the student
the entrepreneur the employee who however
there is also another project and from the anti
discipline as it would say rejoicing of the
that spark is born
interesting within a group of
people and then in concrete slasher has
inside a series of interesting activities
number one is inside a community of
people for whom you have a platform that
we have developed a bathroom from scratch
crazy blood but that now works
good and continues to grow
where you have the list of all the members
maybe a partner of a collaborator
maybe you a webmaster designer a
lawyer what is the list of what
that those close to me in Turin, Rome
second thing is that you can exchange
opinions and compare maybe you want to do
video on facebook and before posting it
good public opinion of people similar to
you who have the same problems as you
sincere feedback and maybe
not even a little bit of a slash
on the other hand, we have instead
the physical bodies we did this way
we have identified a series of
so-called ambassador people on the
territory and every month practically
we organize coffee the way aperitif
to meet up among a lot of people
different from each other but united by that
spirit of enterprise differently
the same we are more we have an event
annual in an event ne of all
slash inside all that we do if not
I’m wrong this year, what else
there’s slasher inside every week
we organize a webinar with one person
that we report we have had
paolo barberis he founded from da
carlo gualandri who had made the exit
of a very entrepreneurial digital game
leg pierluigi parcel investor e
marco trombetti founder di translate ed
investor there are really smart people
in many sectors not just the world
technicians at a do that the business in
general and it’s nice there because you have 60
90 minutes face to face live
where you can ask your questions with a
guest who really knows not what you know
theory that wrote the book no
the true results fall and at that point you
comparisons and is an update
another thing we do in slash is
a tradition at the same time
week I connect yo yo mounts I do
my videocall and you ask me what
I think I try to give you my best
opinion and one the interesting currency
here is something that we do everything
this then all of these video products
we have choices pass I do not know how many 200
I may not know how many has one
tide are collected inside a beautiful
searchable archive where you can go to
see you all the topics we pull
out of the pills for which you know video i
90 minutes maybe long we have so many
pill is varied
and then you a little live a bit
video recorded a little sections you
you can train on topics that you
interest with the times you want
but there’s no time you do the other thing
let’s do it on slash and try to
condense condensate the knowledge i
tips suggestions
every week the team that takes care of the
contents of public slash of the
summaries of the best contents that
they came out by sending an email to
week and he looks at the ten things
more interesting emerged on slasher sa
I’m around here these are not so
you lose in the tide of argument or
let ‘s do some instant courses
video pills you want one learns to make one
specific stuff as you use facebook
advertising point in 3 minutes 5 minutes
an idea of ​​braking with various levels
we catalog all the contents according to
of the level in which you are an intermediate base
advanced or spider man spider ce
we have but we will add it is the last one
thing that they had added but in reality
every two minutes we add new stuff and
for books for books which are the
abstracts of English business books
just come out in Italian
included for all slashes because
because we want people to start
to read and for books is a good horse
of troia and then read whole books or
if you do not have time, you read concepts
main and provi so it always remains
updated here this is what’s there
inside slayers because according to me it has
sense to apply for various reasons the
first reason is that I do not believe in the
six months master that one does for how much
beautiful can be because unfortunately
in six months that stuff you have
studied is already all to be reinvented and
then the other aspect is that if one does the
restaurateur or do a job totally
different from a tech world you can not
claim to become mandrake of
instagram if the physiotherapist does a
other trade and then need
practical tips micro directions one
overall basis a comparison and then
few words and a lot of concreteness e
what makes the difference see if
by theme the function or not to do
all your heads in a community that
it helps you go in that direction
just point another aspect that one knows
if it enters the slash and that it is anyway
inside a place where people for
be there with been
another we will not be the tower of the
selection but at least we try
let’s try to make a good selection though
that helps because what I saw
over the years and that create a community
that works for real is an effort
an effort of people because laughing and
joking now slash are twenty
of people who work on it and
those who develop we work at
technique those who develop a part of
content the people who need to avoid
the guests that interview him
guests moderation to the community
the abstracts the guides, in short, the cinema
not laughing to put on that requires
people investments though at the end
this is what works to have one
reality where there is someone who does one
initial selection of people and it is not
always open we open once of
six months and the reason why we want
doing things for good we do not want to
flood the community with thousands and people
while a whole time this way
there is a so-called adaptation
boarding is known we keep one
good atmosphere within the group
we grow a passage to hold slasher
flash flash not to be confused with the
slash horror movies do not know if one yes
wants to run for the ride I have time up
in march I do not remember the day
look online will be the ing by some
part if instead they do not want to
I’m interested in friends as soon as we see each other
line with some other video or if in
this precise moment to the finger pirlo not
there is a problem between six months reopen
candidates are reviewed in six months
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