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Simple Things to do to Break Your Bad Habits … Motivational Video for Success

did you find yourself putting off
important tasks no matter how close the
next deadline is looming or how stressed
you’re becoming one of the most common
causes of wasting time in
procrastinating on important tasks is
bad habits
when bad habits have taken over your
life it will cause you to lose sight of
your goals every single one of us is a
victim of this there’s not a person on
this planet who doesn’t occasionally
struggle with their own bad habit or –
fortunately there’s an easy fix to this
though you have to put in some effort
first of all you may be under the
impression that – in a bad habit you
have to just get rid of that behavior or
together for example if the bad happy
you would like to be free of this being
able to stop browsing front web sites
such as social media news sites while in
the middle of work you might just tell
yourself not to go to those sites
however you will probably find this
increasingly difficult you may even find
yourself navigating to those sites
without realising and until you’re
posting your fifth social media status
update of the day this is because rather
than just trying to stop a bad habit you
have to replace it with a good habit
this will help you stop wasting time and
stay on track for whatever tax you need
to get done an excellent method is
staying on track while practicing good
habits and not wearing yourself out is
using the Pomodoro Technique this is a
simple system of alternating a set
amount of work time with a set amount of
free time for example you may work
diligently for 20 whole minutes and then
take a break of 10 minutes where you can
go on those fun sites or stretch move
around before returning to important
tasks the amount of time that you set
for work periods and fun periods can be
100% customized to you and your needs
this way you can get a lot of work done
while still having a bit of free time
another great way to keep bad habits
under control is to keep a planner or
counter will you log in how much time
you’ve worked and how much time you
spent slacking off this will help keep
you accountable for any time that you’ve
wasted and it will help you also see how
much time you improved as you stick to
your new more healthier habits as you
can see it is so very simple to tweak
your bad habits by replacing them with
good habits to stop procrastinating on
your important deadlines and tasks using
a for Maduro technique or planner can
help you stay on track and accountable
and efficient in your day to day life
even though it does take a little bit of
effort to build these new habits every
step of the way
along this new path to stop wasting time
will be worth it once you’ve increased
your productivity and finally taking
full control of your life [Music]
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