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Know your life purpose in 7 minutes | Neale Donald Walsch | Motivational Video |Reminder who you are

there’s something quite extraordinary
going on here most of us don’t even know
what it is we don’t know what it’s about
we don’t even know it’s happening but it
is happening every moment of every
minute of every hour of every day it’s
happening it’s life happening all around
us and here’s what not very many people
really fully and deeply understand much
less appreciate it’s happening for a
there’s a purpose behind it there’s a
mechanism in place there’s a process
that’s being undertaken in life by in
life itself and that process is the
process by which we as the livers of
this life as those who are living into
the experience create the experience we
are living into as a means of
experiencing and expressing who we
really are that life exists in all of
its forms the beauty of the night sky
the wonder of a garden of flowers
the incredible expression of humanity
itself the feeling of love and the glory
of a great idea which has just come to
someone and exploded within them and
awareness of something that they can’t
even nail but they can feel ah they say
that’s me even as they see the night sky
they see a part of themselves there
there’s a way to relate even as they see
the flowers in a beautiful garden they
can see themselves there that there’s
something of beauty in me too and to
look at this I’m merely looking at
myself in another form and even as we
look at other people we can relate and
we say there I go being human being
wonderful being glorious being divine
there’s something quite extraordinary
going on here it’s a process not only by
which we experience ourselves as divine
but by which we define what divinity is
to us
can you imagine a process like this
we’re actually creating God through the
process of being God as we are choosing
to create it that’s what’s happening
that’s what’s going on that’s the
miracle of life itself flowing through
you in you as is you and once you
understand what’s going on the purpose
of all of it the divine process you take
part in it in a brand-new way not
unconsciously but consciously not
unintentionally but intentionally
not accidentally but on purpose and you
see every golden moment of no as an
opportunity to recreate yourself anew
in the next grandest version of the
greatest vision you ever held about who
you are and if you do that only for a
short time for an hour a day an hour a
week an hour a month your whole life
will suddenly make sense to you
and you will touch the world in a way
that brings sense to the world that’s
how life itself changes and becomes the
miracle it was intended to be when you
decide to be
so peeled
when you wake up tomorrow the canvas of
your life is blank you can paint a
completely different picture tomorrow
than you’ve ever painted before your
past does not equal your future
you can hit the reset button to your
life at any time I want to suggest that
you hit it today
I wake up everyday and say I want to be
a little bit better than I was the day
before I think if you’re successful the
money will follow get up in the morning
and invite good things into your life I
am blessed I am strong I am disciplined
I am focused I am prosperous when you
talk like that talent gets summoned by
Almighty God go find that person health
strength abundance discipline it starts
heading your way but how many people
when they wake up in the morning look in
the mirror the first thing they say I am
so old I am so wrinkled I am so worn out
you are inviting illness you’re inviting
fatigue you need to focus on your future
now whether you’re talking about past
successes or past failures you’re
talking about the past it’s done
do I want my attention on the defeat or
do I want my attention on where I’m
going I want my attention on where I’m
going so I pulled my legal pad out I
don’t look at the defeat I look at hate
where I’m not going where do I want to
go in life when is my destination if
you’ve ever been in a car a windshield
in a car is that big right how BIG’s a
rear-view mirror it’s about that big why
you think that is because you want your
attention on the future on the potential
on where I’m going if you want to be
successful you’re going to have to
accept that your beliefs are decisions
you’re deciding to believe that negative
things you’re deciding to discount
positive things that’s the decision so
you can decide that you can get good at
anything or you can say no there are
limits whichever you do is the famous
Henry Ford for whether you think you can
or you think you can’t you are
absolutely right life is not fair it’s a
battle at the mound it’s a bottom of
your heart it’s a battle of your wish
it’s a battle for you and her soul but you have to fight for your life
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