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If You Understand This , You Can Achieve Anything | Eye Opening Speech

whatever you are doing during the day is
changing your brain you are your your
neurogenesis and rewiring of the brain
is happening all day long
so if you do good things if you focus if
you concentrate if you learn if you read
if you study if you practice then your
brain is wiring yourself in a certain
way if you binge watch Netflix your
brain is wiring itself in a certain way
so whatever you are doing is changing
your brain so the more good habits the
more good rituals that you can create we
learned this weekend I think the term is
rituals not necessarily routines which I
really like is it’s more intentional we
can literally rewire the way our brains
work at any time of our lives regardless
of our history regardless of our of our
past regardless of things that have
happened to us regardless of our current
health status you can always improve and
change and grow we always have that
power and you transform your brain you
transform your life
it’s imagine what is possible if you
read a biography every day for 20
minutes of all the greatest people in
history and what your life would look
like in a year versus if you spend 20
minutes mindlessly scrolling through cat
videos which can be hilarious from time
to time but how would your life look in
a year if you adopted that simple
practice of learning from the Masters
for 20 minutes a day you wouldn’t
recognize yourself because the little
things done consistently or add to big
consistency company compounds yeah if
you sleep better for example you’re
gonna be able to eat better because
sleep regulates leptin and ghrelin to
hormones to control your appetite and
how full you feel then if you eat
healthier because you’re able to make
better decisions because you slept well
you’re gonna have more energy if you
have more energy you’re gonna be able to
exercise if you exercise you’ll be able
to sleep better and all of that is the
foundation for being able to be mentally
healthy in this era where 20% of our
population has depression anxiety and
other mental health challenges I
actually think we we radically need a
new approach to how we’re doing things
and I know our art community can really
appreciate this message so this is about
really it’s about synergy is about
momentum I mean that is that what the
ripple effect is 100% and when you get
this momentum when you start making
little micro wins on a daily basis 1%
gains which is 15 minutes of your day
that’s 20 calories 15 minutes more sleep
everything exponentially gets better in
your life and it
it enables you to do things you never
imagined you could do before like if you
sleep well when you sleep is when you
encode information from the day that’s
when you learn in the first four and a
half hours of sleep the first three
sleep cycles when you’re in deep sleep
that’s when the neurons grow that’s when
new connections are made between neurons
inside the brain when you eat properly
when you have healthy foods you know
fresh I believe in organic as real as
you can know press those foods you know
minimal sugars when you eat that way
your brain actually creates the
neurotransmitters that help you to
concentrate into focus when you exercise
you activate the centers of your brain
that you use to learn to be creative to
problem-solve we now know that walking
leads to creativity walking in nature
improves problem-solving one single
exercise about 20 minutes improves
mental function for fifteen hours like
why are we not starting every single
school day with kids getting physically
active well I imagine what we could do
and then all of those things compound to
help us prevent treat reduce mental
health challenges mild mental health
challenge like depression anxiety more
severe mental health challenges like
personality disorders and schizophrenia
require a very different approach but
for the mild to moderate mental health
issues this is how we have to approach
it okay so let’s break this down and
deconstruct this so what are how many
elements are here for for eat sleep move
think and then where would people start
you know quick brain really is about
those things you know it’s it’s about
cognitive performance which this
conversation is all about because this
is what controls everything it’s about
it’s about being quick because people
are so busy nowadays anyone thinks in
bite-size and then also practical so I
know you you will you know as a
practitioner you want to you know where
the rubber meets the road for those four
areas where workings what start we’re
gonna commend I surely believe that
sleep is the foundation for everything
okay so first and foremost I want people
to think about sleeping and I think the
single fastest hack to improve sleeping
is defend your last hour hmm please
please please for one hour before you go
to sleep and I create a sleep routine
that enables you to downshift to relax
get away from your devices calm down
take a hot bath meditate the hot bath
cold shower combos awesome for
triggering triggering the lease of
with sleep defend your last hour I love
that wait let suppose walk through your
last hour of the day so because everyone
has their we talked a lot about morning
routines in the first hour you today so
what’s the what’s the last hour of your
day look like three components when I do
this right the first one is hot bath
cold shower because I want to relax want
to get into an environment where I’m not
tempted to look at my phone because I’ll
electrocute myself and the hot bath
enables you to relax and the cold shower
decreases your body temperature triggers
the release have you put anything in
your about epsom salts absolutely
especially if I’ve worked out I do a lot
of in a magnesium is good absolutely
magnesium is great for helping you to
sleep and I also had my blood work done
comprehensive blood work I found out
that I was low in magnesium so it’s
actually one of the mechanisms through
which I increased my magnesium intake
it’s good absorption transdermal you
know it’s amazing it’s a lot of people
don’t realize we we actually can absorb
and release a huge amount of toxic of
minerals and vitamins and and caught
light you can move it no enormous amount
of material through your skin it’s a
huge organ it’s interesting um how long
is a certain amount of time in about I
like about 10 minutes okay and so if the
ten minutes followed by the cool shower
to cool that office wedding the decrease
in body temperature triggers the release
of melatonin melatonin is the hormone
that controls sleep-wake cycles so
naturally increasing melatonin
production I think is a really good
strategy for people look I see of your
hot bath with the epson salt you take a
cold shower
you have the contrast and then after
that meditation order this yeah so I
love to everyone has a different process
for meditation
yeah I’ve just I’m really
straightforward I just use headspace
it’s really easy they’ve got a sleep
pack that I’ve got 30 episodes we’re
good made through way through that I do
too over and over and over again in the
morning I have a different routine but
at night the the headspace pack is easy
to do if I’m traveling and I’m learning
and being coming better at it but I
don’t really need it anymore but that’s
that’s how I started and I find that
clearing my thoughts letting go of the
day stopping ruminating thinking
stopping replaying what was going on
creating a barrier between the day and
what I want to fall asleep meditation it
helps you to transition and those this
brainwave stays from beta
those lower 100% yeah you want to go
from beta waves down to alpha waves
which is sort of reflection and
contemplation and then you let that go
and you end up down into ideally
obviously when you’re sleeping beta
delta waves and then I don’t want you to
deep Delta waves so that’s the goal
amazing now do you happened when you’re
doing your meditation to fall asleep
from there
is that your dream it’s really weird not
very often there’s some reason like I I
think that I’m trying now through
focusing on breath through focusing on
releasing tension from all the different
parts of my body you know really
activating the you can basically feel
your vagus nerve come online right you
can feel your parasympathetic system
take over once you release all of that
that’s the scientist overthinking
meditation in their sleep routine but of
course you want to let that go but no I
don’t have a I don’t have trouble flying
asleep when I’m meditating the next
thing I do is I read fiction okay and
whenever I read fiction it’s either a
minute and I’m asleep or it’s about 20
minutes and I’m asleep but that’s the
next step nothing industry-related I
don’t like reading anything that’s a
learning opportunity about the point in
time I like to read something it creates
a almost like a dream state in my brain
which then makes it very easy to fall sooo quickly and deeply
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