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How to Stop Being Lazy and Get More Done – Powerful Motivation

we live in a world where focus is more
valuable than even your intelligence how
many hours a day you waste or how many
hours a week you waste and the classic
answer is something like 4 to 6 hours a
you know inefficient studying watching
things on YouTube that not only do you
not want to watch that you don’t even
care about that make you feel horrible
about watching after you’re done that’s
probably four hours right there no you
think well that’s 2025 hours a week it’s
a hundred hours a month that’s two and a
half full work weeks it’s half a year of
work weeks per year and if your time is
worth twenty dollars an hour which is a
radical under estimate it’s probably
more like 50 if you think about in terms
of deferred wages if you’re wasting 20
hours a week you’re wasting $50,000 a
year if you look at many of the most
creative and productive people on the
planet they are doing and working in
such a vastly different ways because if
you want to achieve the results only 5%
achieve you’ve got to think and produce
and behave like only 5% of the people on
the planet and the best people on the
planet in terms of creativity and
productivity are not spending their
finest hours addicted to distraction
they are doing work that matters they’re
not doing fake work they’re doing real
work and so if your life isn’t
everything it could be you could ask
yourself well what would happen if you
just stopped wasting the opportunities
that are in front of you you be who
knows how much more efficient 10 times
more efficient 20 times more efficient
that’s the purrito distribution you have
no idea how efficient efficient people
get it’s completely oh it’s off the
it’s a constant storm to try to figure
out what you’re about and you change at
26 you’re all about the hustle you’re
gonna be a billionaire or this and that
and then you go to the bar one night and
you fall in love and it changes what you
care about right and then you have a
child and then this happens and then
that happens things change
you just have to always consistently try
to figure out what’s driving you and not
because other people are watching and
not because that’s what your dad wants
and not that because that’s what you
said was gonna happen and it doesn’t
look like it and your family’s gonna
judge you you just have to be as real
with yourself as possible and that is a
very difficult struggle but when you’re
not you create enormous vulnerability
and unhappiness a lot of us get to work
and we spend our best hours on our least
important activities we get to work and
we start checking our social feed we get
to work and we check our texts we get to
work and we chitchat at the water cooler
and with the latest TV show that we
watched last night and research has
shown that the morning hours are when
you have the most focus when you have
the most energy and when you have the
most willpower and so you want to use
that first 90 minutes you know that is
that is game time that’s show time it’s
more like you should understand how much
potential there is within you to set
that straight and then you should do
everything you can to manifest that in
the world and it will set it straight
and that’s better than self-esteem it’s
like you’re you’re in a crooked horrible
position okay fine there’s a lot of
suffering and pain associated with that
yeah you can’t just feel good about that
because it’s not good but you can do
something about it
you can genuinely do something about it
listen you understand just because
you’re a human being doesn’t mean you’re
entitled to be a successful entrepreneur
they do what everybody else does in
every genre you want to be an NFL player
and an NBA player you try you’re not
good enough you do something else you
want to be in famous actor you go to LA
you wait tables you try to be on a show
it doesn’t happen you do something else
I don’t know what they do like something
your environment is so important what
I’m suggesting to you is the second
piece of technology to really 100 times
your productivity is this install
environments of tight bubbles of total
focus so install these tight bubbles of
total focus and create these Menlo labs
where you’re sorry you’re completely
distraction free and then you will find
your brain will drop from the beta state
into the alpha state where you will do
your best work and get your best ideas
stop doing the things that you know are
wrong that you could stop doing right so
it’s it’s a fairly it’s a fairly limited
attempt first of all we’re not going to
say that you know what the good is or
what the truth is if any ultimate sells
but we will presume that there are
things that you’re doing that for one
reason another you know are not in your
best interests there’s something about
them that you just know you should stop
there are kind of self-evident to you I
am encouraging you to really adopt this
thinking protocol of becoming a
minimalist even your home fill it with
just a few things and especially your
days focus focus focus on just those few
priorities that when you roll up your
sleeves and go deep in them and invest
what I call the Trinity of your assets
your focus your energy and your
willpower on those few things they will
allow you to birth art into the world
which will allow the world to call you
world-class [Music]
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