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“NO MATTER What, Always BE YOURSELF!” – Will Smith – #Entspresso

when you have yourself and your thorough

and confident in who you are you can

survive anywhere most people have no

idea who they are

you gotta look at it like this you’re

here in life to make your mark on the

way rise and shine it’s expresso time

what’s up believe nation it’s up in my

one word is believe and I believe in you

I believe you have an amazing gift

inside you that I want to see exploded

on to the world so let’s start your day

off right together grab your coffee and

sip on today’s message be yourself over

to you will smith so both our kids are

in showbiz – is that worrying for you no

you know it’s you know to me showbiz is

not separated from the rules of the

universe right so whether you’re in show

business or you know you’re selling cars

or you’re farming you know you’re not

you’re not separate from the laws of the

universe and all of the rules are the

same everywhere

so for you know for from my children the

most important thing is that they be

encouraged to fully and thoroughly be

themselves no matter what and when you

when you have yourself and you’re

thorough and confident in who you are

you can survive anywhere be yourself is

one of the most powerful pieces of

advice you could follow but it’s also

one of the most difficult it’s one of

the most difficult because most people

have no idea who they are they have an

inkling you have a little bit of

knowledge of a little bit of sense about

it but deep down you still don’t really

know because we’re constantly living our

life based of what our parents want us

to do or our friends where we see on

Instagram or YouTube we don’t know who

we truly are self awareness is the

single most important key to unlock in

your potential

and most people have no idea it’s why I

wrote your one word it’s why I wrote the

book because I think it’s really

important to figure out what your most

important core value is if you don’t

know what your most important core value

is how do you live life how do you

create a life and a business for those

of you entrepreneurs around something

meaningful important to you what do you

chase see and one of the most important

things that I say in the book is I don’t

want you talking to other people about

your one word yet while you’re still

discovering it while you’re figuring out

that process don’t go talking to other

people because whoever you’re talking to

they only see one side of you or maybe a

couple sides to you but nobody sees

everything even your wife your husband

your best friends your parents nobody

sees everything and the key here is

spending less time asking other people

what they think about you what they

think your core value is what they know

about you and spend more time with

yourself to get the self-awareness you

need to spend more time with yourself to

figure out your most important core

value you need to spend more time with

yourself and so for people who have

figured it out they know that one word

or they they know how to be themselves

then amazing the world is yours the the

path is clear the goals are clear it’s

easy you stop to go and do the work do

you have the courage do you have the

confidence do you have the resources are

you going to get up every day and do the

habits that go and chase your goals but

at least the path is clear for those of

you who don’t know for those of you

don’t know what your most important core

values are for those of you who feel

like you don’t know yourself then what

are you waiting for

whether you use my strategy your

one-word or whether you use another path

you need to figure it out at least in my

mind I don’t know how you operate I

don’t know how you can keep going

through life without knowing who you are

hoping that something magical is gonna

happen it won’t you get what you attract

you have to know what to attract to

bring the people in to help you go off

and build something amazing whether

that’s a huge company or whether that’s

just having

great family life and being a great

father what does it mean to be a great

father what does it mean to be a great

husband or great wife or great mother or

great child it all stems from you

knowing yourself and so if you have

found that for yourself amazing I love

it this is the beginning of a path to

excellence to create an extraordinary

life and if you don’t know what it is

then make it your immediate priority

make it your immediate priority the

figure out who you are you can start

with your one word or if you don’t like

that concept then find another path but

figure out who you are what you stand

for and then how you can bring that to

building extraordinary life because you

deserve it

because you should not be walking around

another day on this planet without

understanding who you are and how to

build an extraordinary life now I’ve got

some really special bonus clips for you

but before that question of the day I

want to know what is your most important

core value what is your one word leave

it down the comments below really

curious if I know thank you guys so much

for watching I believe in you I hope you

continue to believe in yourself and

whatever your one word is much love I’ll

see you again tomorrow morning for

another shot of an espresso and enjoy

you got to look at it like this your

hair and life to make your mark on the

world so at the end of the day be

yourself and be everything that you

desire to be that you that is your own

you know because at the end of the day

the second you try to be like somebody

else to follow somebody else that’s all

you can be you know I’m saying you’ll

never be able to see the potential of

yourself so be yourself I haven’t had

any regrets you know and it there and

it’s sometimes really hard I’ll tell you

a funny story I remember right before I

got a different world I auditioned for

blossom remember the TV show absolutely


you remember her friend the young girl

her six I auditioned for six okay and I

had my hair up in a little ponytail with

this little jumpsuit I looked like I was

about 12 got the role okay

got the role to play six and I was like

I was 18 19 years old then I said I

looked at my agent Nancy ran for it

I said Nancy I can’t do this I just

can’t do it this is I’m gonna be

miserable playing a twelve-year-old on

this show I can’t do this and we had to

turn it down and I and let me tell you

then folks were not happy it’s like this

girl this she is you know that whole

thing but within two weeks I got a

different world and that really taught

me a lesson which was you know to really

listen to and and follow my gut because

everything that that shines isn’t gold

you know what I mean and so it really

taught me a very valuable lesson to just

stay true to myself if there’s nothing

that I haven’t learned about this

business it’s really about staying true

to why I’m here why you know I started

acting in the first place and and what’s

important to me and keeping my artistic

integrity as well as my creative like my

personal Integra

and that was a big lesson for me and let

me tell you that was not an easy thing

to turn down you know being a young

actress you got this opportunity for you

know this this series regular is money

you know but I just felt deep it down

inside I was like something’s coming

your way just fall back and then I got

to meet you know Debbie Allen I really

think creativity is important whether

whatever you do I think it’s fun to be

creative with meals that you cook or

meals that you eat or vacations that you

go on or dates that you said you know I

just think it’s fun to be creative

everyone likes that and I think

authenticity is just super important I

might be hyper aware of it because I

grew up in an industry that’s wrought

with inauthenticity that people will

look you right in the face and and

totally tell you what you need to hear

at the moment I don’t think that’s

unique to that industry but it’s filled

with it there so I I think transparency

and authenticity is just super important

I don’t mind having conflict with

someone if we can then be done with it

it’s that years spent where you know

that something’s going on and you’re not

talking about it those awful

Thanksgivings with the family of cousins

or you’re like hey Jim hey Neela I hate

that I hate that life’s too short for

that stuff raise your standard Apple at

not one drop of my self-worth depends on

your it’s suppose to mean

I don’t ever give up I’d have to be dead

or completely incapacitated hey believe

nation if you want to see my all-time

favorite top ten rows of success I have

a very special secret video for you

these are the individual clips that I

have personally learned the most from

and applied to my life and my business

check the link in description for details

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