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Hack Your Brain For Success , Use Your Brain Correctly | Mind Opening Interview

the brain is a muscle we have to think
of the brain as a muscle the more you
stress it the more you use it the better
it gets the stronger each nerve cell
gets which is really I think the most
revolutionary way to think about
exercise and what all we’re doing with
exercising not just building our muscles
but really taxing our brain and what
happened with our brain is we developed
parts of our brain to be the best movers
to plan to predict to sequence to
remember abstract thinking came along
and then we had words and then we became
much more verbal and we use the same
nerve cells that we evolved to help us
be the best movers to be a thinker to be
cognate I really believe that most
people are manipulated by their brain
and the reason they’re manipulated by
their brain is because they don’t
understand what’s happening and it is my
fundamental base belief that the more
you know about what your brain is doing
the more you understand the chemicals
that are flowing the more you can take
control of it and in my own life one of
the earliest wins I started getting was
just I started reading about the brain I
started reading about neuro peptides and
neurotransmitters and just really
understanding that there was a specific
chemical that was happening at a
specific moment and you talk about
faking a smile and how it actually does
have an impact as long as it touches the
corner of your eyes though and it can’t
be too false or it doesn’t trigger the
vagus nerve and I mean like all of this
stuff is it’s quantifiable right so you
can go in and you can really look at
what’s happening and once you realize
what’s happening you’ll be shocked at
how much you can manipulate it you’ll be
shocked at how much you can actually go
ah like what I need right now with my
spouse significant other whatever the
case may be is I need to reconnect right
I need to do things that are gonna pump
oxytocin I was just gonna ask you what
do you think is the most powerful
rewilding technique that
guys should implement in their lives
right now well I think you start with
diet and exercise and sleep I mean the
three things that are that are really
there and you know it’s hard to choose
one over the other then you add in
nature huge mindfulness because if
you’re exercising you’re more likely to
get more mindful and then that can lead
to you’re valuing and honoring your
relationships much more you have all
these built-in genetic pushes that you
need to pay attention to you need to
play you need to exercise you need to
move you need to eat right you need to
sleep you need to be out in nature and
you need to be connected to others
exercise optimizes brain function in
three different ways first it makes the
learner ready to learn it puts them in
the chair it decreases their new genus
improves their attention decreases their
stress levels and anxiety improves their
motivation and helps them try things
that they might not have tried before
that’s one the second thing is that it
creates what we call the micro
environment or the environment within
our brains where our hundred billion
nerve cells are swimming around and
riches that environment and with all
kinds of nutrients and neurotransmitters
that make our brain cells in an optimal
way ready to do what they’re supposed to
do when we learn which is to change when
we learn anything we have to encode it
we have to have our brains change in
response to practice in response to
learning and the third thing that
exercise does is that it promotes the
growth of brand-new brain cells in our
brain we have learned in the past 10 or
15 years that we humans to have stem
cells in all of our organs including our
brains and one pocket in particular is
near the hippocampus or the memory
station Central Station for our brain
and exercise promotes ourselves to
change and become brand-new nerve cells
better than anything else that we know
but what about the sedentary lifestyle
affecting our ability actually to learn
talk to me about that well there’s a
couple ways one one is it decreases our
physical movement which has an impact on
ER our brain readiness to learn it also
promotes us to gain weight and when we
begin to gain weight that puts Texas our
brains a little more and as we age we
get more glucose and fat in our
bloodstream and this causes sluggishness
in our brain cells and eventual a
cognitive decline and even Alzheimer’s
disease so would you say that young
people today who overdo it on the video
games and lead to sedentary lifestyle
are not as intelligent as those from a
couple of generations ago well it’s sort
of said not not as intelligent it’s not
about intelligence because that’s how
hard to measure in us so can you know
can so what’s the right adjective then
well I think that they’re not as ready
to learn as they might it might be with
the proper diet of exercise in play so
let me just pull us an area what a thin
air here 25 kids in a class grade 8
they’re 13 years old what kind of
exercise and how much exercise would you
like to see them doing do during the
course of that school day to make them
able to learn better well the idea of
course would be to break it up because
the brain changes very acutely there
quickly with a little bit of exercise 10
to 15 minutes of exercise because we
release all these neurotransmitters and
and make our attention system and our
motivation system better and but that
wears off after a while but the idea is
probably 30 to 40 minutes of pretty
intense exercise every day moderately
intense exercise getting your heart rate
up to about 75 to 80% of your maximum
heart rate so you that means more than
just pushing the desks aside and running
around in circles I guess you really got
to get outside for that don’t you well
you got to get outside or you got to get
countries that is the motto in the
European Union is Finland and the Finns
in terms of the model because they’re
performing at the highest level
academically and on all the tests and
everybody’s interested in what they’re
doing well what they’re doing is they’re
having their classes an hour-long 45
minutes they’re taking the instruction
and 15 minutes in between they’re either
playing or they’re exercising they’re
outside or running around they’re doing just what you suggested
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