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CHANGE YOUR LIFE TODAY – New Motivational Video 2017

as Joseph Campbell said we’re so engaged
in doing things to achieve purposes of
outer value that we forget the inner
value the rapture that is associated
with being alive is what it’s all about
that my friends is the name of the game
you’ve got to figure out what it is that
actually makes you feel alive and if you
understand that the game that you’re
playing is actually a game of brain
chemistry and that nothing else matters
there’s no objective truth there’s no
one path to glory there’s no one life
for you to live there’s only the
subjective truth the thing inside you
that gut instinct that voice that
whispers to you you’ve got to learn to
trust that you’ve got to learn to trust
it by building it up you’ve got to learn
to trust it by taking actions and gut
checking yourself in asking is that me
is that who I want to be or is that
somebody else cultural voice my parents
my love or whatever trying to speak
through me and as Harley Davidson said
when writing the story of your life
don’t let anyone else hold the pen
so right now ask yourself who’s writing
your story is it you are you really
listening to the voice in your head are
you looking at and living by the things
that give you the chills or are you
trying to live a life that somebody else
wants for you and remember when you
think about that question what William
James said act as if what you do matters
it does even if for nobody else every
step you take every thought that you
allow to honey ate your mind everything
you obsess about your dreams the things
that you want the hopes that you spend
your time with they matter to you
because they tell you who you are they
tell you who you’re trying to become and
ultimately those things that you let
monopolize your mind will become you so
if somebody else is holding the pen if
somebody else is forcing you to write
something that doesn’t make you feel
alive that is a life loss and that is
how you die my friends before you ever
had a chance to live
I think I’ve discovered the secret to
changing anything
and what was it so I called it the
five-second rule because I never
intended to talk about it it was a cheat
to beat the alarm clock here’s how it
goes the alarm rings in the morning most
of us don’t want to get out of bed right
but we know we should so I would go 5 4
3 2 1 the moment the alarm rang five
four three two one just like NASA what
they do they countdown to launch a
rocket ship and the counting backwards
kind of shut my mind off and then
suddenly at one I would stand up and I
would use this every single morning to
get out of bed and nine years later I
still use it every single morning to get
out of bed I think some behavior you can
learn and automate other stuff that you
don’t like doing you’re gonna always
have to push yourself you know and so
you’re waking up every day with this
concept of I have 24 hours and their
mind this 24 hours belongs to me
and whatever I do in this 24 hours will
determine where I’ll be tomorrow and the
next day I think that’s what people need
to focus on like get off of this I want
to make six figures I want to try this
car one living is out I think what
people should be focusing on is I have
24 hours like Oprah only has 24 Bill
Gates only has to be for like Warren
Buffett only has 24 hours and that’s
24-hour period I can either break my
life or make my life I just think that
goals for people is too high on the
priority list and I think what should be
on the priority list is
we won a bid from wake up the next day
and you can ride it out so you and
youthful you truly have a vision for
your future that inspires you you’re
gonna jump up out of bed in the morning
and feel great about going at life
versus being miserable and going through
a job you hate or living a life that
doesn’t empower you just you know
everyday moving through this almost like
an automaton not really know having the
your mind will give you good excuses
things like I’m too tired to fight this
addiction I’m too tired to believe for
my marriage too tired to stretch to the
next level been doing it so long if you
dwell on those thoughts you will allow
weariness in you’ll become more tired
more weary more discouraged more
negative weariness cannot automatically
come you have to open the door when
thoughts tell you it’s never going to
work out it’s been too long just say no
thanks I know my time is coming I know
God is still on the throne I am strong
and the Lord
I’ve been armed with strength for this
battle if you actually believe something
you try your best to make it happen it
doesn’t always happen but it happens
what dream or vision do you want to turn
into reality you know one day I’m gonna
stand up to that crabby boss I look good
on paper I should feel great I just know
there’s more you know it because you
feel it you lie awake at night you talk
about your dreams with your partner and
your friends but more often than not you
continue to do those same behaviors that
keep you from making the change you ask
you have to be equip mentally to endure
this process knowing what you’re about
to go into a step one knowing it’s an
uphill battle but a winnable one and one
that’s achievable at the end of this
race you’re going to be more capable the
first step guys is knowing it’s a tough
road but through that effort builds a
character the person you want to be at
the end to get the mind right if you
believe it your body physically will
find the way to make it happen I have to
tell each and every one of you that it
doesn’t matter how how old you are how
young you are your age you can achieve
anything that you set your mind to and I
always say if I can do it anyone can do
it and the reason that I always say that
because I didn’t grow up with things
being handed to me I had to work hard I
had to dedicate myself and I had to be
so I love people to tell me no I love
people to tell me don’t it won’t
impossible and I always tell the kids
that slam when I talked to him I said
remember in the word Kansas the word can
and the word don’t is the word doom and
the word won’t is the word one and in
the word impossible which my daughter
taught me is possible so when you were
platted everything that we got going on
man I’m just having a lot of fun you
know and that’s why it feels like we’re
not I don’t think we’re doing enough to
be honest which even outside this word
it could be education it could be
business it could be anything
every it requires discipline and hard
work the determination most importantly
it requires self belief because like me
some people might not believe in you but
you have to believe in you and sometimes
you you’re gonna be your own cheerleader
and you have to be your biggest in your
best cheerleader so to all you young
athletes take that to heart
and never stop believing in yourself and
think that number one thing is if they
have a very clear vision a very clear
goal of where you want to go because
only then you will get there you can
have the best airplane or the best ship
in the world but if the captain doesn’t
know where to go he would just drift
around if the pilot does not know where
to go he would just drift around with
this plane so it’s I think the key thing
is that we know where we’re going and
that you’re very passionate about that
did you see it always in front of you
the goal the other thing that’s
important is is that you got to shoot
for the top because we go and really
have big goals and think big because
then you’re gonna get big then you’re
gonna go and achieve big things that is
the most important thing you know we
I don’t think it’s enough just to love
it and then just to do it and go out and
win it it’s not that simple you need to
have structured goals you need to tell
yourself okay what are my goals for the
short-term what are my goals for the
long-term now that I’ve accomplished
almost everything and you have to be so
clear in your mind exactly what you want
to do and what you want to achieve and
for me it doesn’t work without any goal
without any targets I cannot compete
I believe that we’re all born with lots
of goodness in us but life those
curveballs life the ambition of being
alive helps us dream and if you’ve been
given a dream don’t discount that
because you’re not good enough yet
develop yourself weaponize yourself
teach yourself to be so good at
something that is necessary to serve in
the area of your dream that now you’re
never even thinking about your comfort
zone you can live the life you desire
it’s right there in front of you but in
order to achieve it you must first see
it then believe it and then you must
graciously ask and train your brain to
help you execute your vision if you have
a big mission or purpose or dream and
it’s beyond your comfort zone which is
really what they call your strengths now
right hold on
which should be important is the dream
and your dream and your purpose or your
mission should never be made to bow down
to your limited human strengths you find
a fear the quick is the easiest way you
can beat it is initially right when it
comes in if you allow the sit it will
grow roots and start breaking you down
destroy the potential a person you can
be again the champions guys it’s not the
potential it’s not their genetics it’s
their perseverance to always show up
always willing to fail is in failure as
part of success success is not you know
a marathon of life were just ups success
is formulated through failures through
facing your fears through falling down
and getting back up that’s what creates
the champion success does not define us we define the success
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